If a refund saves OPT $75, why is my refund not getting processed rapidly? I have contacted Craig via every possible means, including IM on here as a final act of desperation for a refund. So if it saves that much money, why am I not getting a refund?
A refund would save OPT money in the end, yes, that's right, as the current retail price is higher.
However, let's make a simple example:
Consider 100 Pandoras have been sold for 100 USD (production costs). That's 10.000 USD.
These 10.000 USD will be used to pay the parts and production. That means there is nothing left of that money.
One year later:
50 Pandoras have been delivered, 50 are still missing, because one of the companies involved in the process didn't do their job properly. The new sales price has been set higher, to cover the costs that company causes.
So let's say there are 50 Pandoras still missing and the new sales price would be 200 USD.
Any refund would save OpenPandora 100 USD, as they would have to refund 100 USD and could sell it for 200 USD.
There's just one issue: As long as the PCBs are not produced, the Pandoras cannot be sold for 200 USD.
So there would be no money left right now for refunds. However, the money would be available once the PCB has been produced and sold to a new customer.
So basically, the refund would have to be delayed.
This is similar to what could happen here.
Craig put A LOT of his own money into the Pandora (I think more than 300K!), however, there are no unlimited money ressources.
If too many people ask for refunds, there's nothing left to pay the refund with.
However, as I'm taking care about the production AND additional money for refunds right now, this issue wouldn't be an issue anymore in a while.
Right now, the issue is the huge email backlog, according to Craig.
But who knows how many requests for refunds will happen within the next few weeks?
That's why I am asking everyone to hold on until I've set everything up.
It would certainly the best and most painfree way for ALL involved parties.