3000 in the wild? Really? Pity, not enough recipients are programmers - I thought there were far fewer, based on the amount of software... Maybe they're just busy with real life stuff, or in mid-project.
Well, I don't know about any of the other programmers that have a Pandora, but...
I do intend to eventually release a game(s) for the Pandora. Unfortunately, my current solo project is in Game Maker 8, and it doesn't work with the current version of ENIGMA, so only for Windows, and I can't really manage two solo projects at once. Once that project (which is called Bowser's Last Stand, BTW, do check it out! [/blatant cheap promotion]) is finished (December 2 of this year is the planned final release date), I intend for my next solo project to be an original platformer written in Python (I've actually kind of started it already, "UnnamedPlatformer" being the name of the directory it's in, and "platformer.py" being the name of the source file; creative, I know), which I'll probably release on the Pandora.
I'd also like to eventually try to port Project: Starfighter to the Pandora (if nobody else beats me), since I personally like that game. Once I get it to successfully compile on my laptop, that is.
So, yeah... I'll get to it, just give me some time.