The following is based on a true story.

Yay! Pyra Build it yourself jigsaw edition (flacon of glue included)!
first i thought it's 1. of april all over again, but i checked, it's 1.5. argh! ;)

somehow i feel i develop a small s/m-fetish to like these posts, even when they contain not so productive (read superdestructive) bits.
i really feel with you ed, because you are the one dealing with all these realworld 'suprises'.
i'm so happy i can stay 'clean' and only have to drop some money to get this cool micro-computer someday soon! ;)
so thanks for the ongoing transparency and stay cool as always. soon we will see the light/pyra and then things will be calmer production wise for you!

so, all the best, as always!!!
Bad news, but if true the company can't help it either...

Somewhere a courier is playing with his new plastic (empty) Pyra cases. Who knew the an open-source handheld would have it cases pirated.
(assuming only the box was crushed and the parts weren't really broken)
At least they aren't on Ebay ;)
What? No car in flames? No volcano with unprononcable name? No company going belly up? You are really bad at making stories, let me tell you... Hum ? It's not a story? :D
Good luck with everything, can't wait to see the last prototypes
I want to offer transparent ones as well.

YES!!! This is the real news right here! :D

Awesome decision ED. Well done that man!

We had to revert back to a rolled one though (still with redundancy), as simulations showed the S-Curve the other cable made put too much stress on them.

Aha! As I suspected. :)
So, how have the hinges been in the case prototypes already received? Are they stiff enough that they don't collapse with a little shaking like my Pandora does?

Edit: stiff, not stuff!
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Wouldn't you still get a package that was crushed?
The only time i can remember not getting a tracked package, with a lost in transit at post office status,
was when i tried ordering something from Marocco.

How difficult would it be to make a new case from scratch? Is it a case of buy a block of copper and load the file into a CNC-machine?

Producing the mold isn't really the same thing as making the cases. If one is a success, then here we are at a good place.

Even if FormAction does a really good job at both, some company could come along and make a really great carbon infused plastic case down the road, potentially.
It's a shame that 50 cases were crushed, must have been a lot of weight on-top not to mention the force of all the cases at the same time. At least the company is aware you didn't receive the goods and you have alternatives!

Regarding the Packaging: If the box doesn't get done before you get the actual Pyra is assembled i'd be happy to opt for a plain box as I don't think i'd care to keep a box floating around and it cuts costs as well :). I was interested in reading the german newspaper when you sent the Pandora ;)
Well, I'm glad the cases will be more robust than the Pandora cases. I was from the first batch and I'm a little embarrassed to have people try it because the case creaks ever so slightly. Not the hinge, but when you pick it up. I remember it was only the early units and later the quality was better, I've never seen them, but hearing the Pyra cases are more robust makes me happy.
Fixed it for you.

Agreed with the fix :)
I called deadline cause I think if it starts taking forever+excuses, options will be searched and used instead. There are already a few, right?
I also suspect we are in a limbo about colors because there is no reason to look into it without a 100% approval of the molds and shape quality.
ED, by "black case" do you really mean "dark grey case"? Although this doesn't sound like what you are planning, I think I might have a tough choice deciding between black and clear for my Pyra.

The case being more robust than it needs to be is a win.

This is heavy!

Get it? Because smashed cases. And time travelers making ED vanish with their interference in the past, threatening the existence of the Pyra. ;)
Well, as for the crashed cases: if that is true, at least the transport insurance company should be in the possession of either evidence Photos or the actual damaged goods....
And if those cases exist and are clear once, they would be perfect for painting tests...

To the rest: Thanks for all the constant updates, which is the best about this project, because knowing of reasons for delays is much better, than not knowing, even is some information might be not exactly true...
I want to offer transparent ones as well (as people requested them), but I don't want to make too many colors from the beginning, as that would increase the costs A LOT.
Although I want a black case myself, I like it that transparent cases will be produced. It will be interesting to see how people will paint them.

We had to revert back to a rolled one though (still with redundancy), as simulations showed the S-Curve the other cable made put too much stress on them.
The S-Curve solution seemed a little bit too simple. But it was worth a try (sometimes the simple solutions are the best ones, sometimes they aren't).