Who the heck is Stephan Kramer?
Stop taking your temperature. You're making yourself crazy.
Sleep. Get up. Move in the sun. Reward yourself afterwards.
Sleep. Get up. Move in the sun. Reward yourself afterwards.
As for your other question, what is this “outside” you speak of?
wtf, maybe I should pick up consuming the news again. What happened there and when?
What happened there and when?
Dude, that's cold! = 35.83 Celcius is still inside the "normal" Adult temperatures, albeit a bit cold. You either are too passive (define a day you can not use chairs nor lay on the ground/bed. Watch TV only while moving). And see what happens. And move more. You might not be moving enough. Do you exercise? Do you have diastolic/systolic and BPM info? (your heartrate when you measure your temp) And what were you doing minutes before measuring?I woke up with 96.5 just now, but I know that's probably not terribly impressive to you guys. I think I'll stop posting my temps until I hit the 94 range.
Well, I'm relatively more afraid of COVID-19 than the average person, but I've kept buying my groceries presentially in physical stores and have survived. Wear a good mask, wash your hands at home and at the store, don't spend too long inside the shop, wear gloves if you want (I hated them when I tried and I don't really think they're needed). You may not want to go shopping everyday, but it's safe enough weekly or forthnigthly. Don't worry.I’ve been afraid since they said I would have to go shopping for myself inside the store for the first time since the pandemic hit.
My psych didn't take any blood today