The Caring Corner :)

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I got bored when I started reading, so didn't read much of it.  What if the judgement is "guilty" and the sentence is "death"?  May not define who you are, but will define what you are.

I judge you all to be guilty, and sentence you to death.  I challenge anyone to try to prevent this from being carried out.

Edit:  Oh...caring corner.  Um, my cat may have to get teefs removed.
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Well I didn't get the job...My fiance's family may be in trouble. I've ended up applying at walmart since my DQ job is at risk and theres no chance of me getting a raise due to the simple fact of minimal wage keeps on going up. Walmart will at least pay more.. though I know for a fact they'll skimp out on the benefits by making sure i'm not scheduled enough for full time. 

Also I failed my drivers test again.. this time I bumped a cone on the back in moving it which caused an auto fail... other then that I would have passed so now I have to take 4 hours of behind the wheel to prove i have 6 before I can even take another fucking test. My patience in the world is at a very fine thread. I'm tired of the shit.. I'm just fucking tired at this point. 

At least something positive my fiance seems to be doing well with gaining momentum with her artwork... So I hope she's able to pick up enough people to start doing commissions. I'd like to see her happy with what she's doing in life since well.. my track record isn't as filled wit sunshine and god damn lolipops. 
How has your writing been doing lately DrHAX? Did you manage to get any progress done?
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Said a final farewell to my beloved three legged canine companion this week & I'm not doing great atm, lost count of the number of times I screwed things up at my voluntary job today.. praying I'm more compos by the time I'm back at work.
I know I should be telling myself she ain't in pain anymore, is in a better place etc but none of that is helping with me feeling like I'm being punched in the guts over and over again.. took several hours to bury her as I had to stop for a sob every few minutes. 17+ years we've been sharing the same space and apart from the handful of nights she shared with an ex-partner most of that time was spent together (work incl)
Coming home is particularly difficult when she isn't the first thing I'm seeing anymore, getting up during the night & still stepping over where she used to lie.
I'll have to leave it there guys, getting a bit emotional again.. thanks for listening, it does help.

I think there is a picture of her on here somewhere (with new cat) if anyone is interested, not sure I could face seeing it atm though.
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When my dog died I was at a friend's house, and Mum called to let me know it had happened. My friend brought me home, and we dug a grave, then we had to go get her.  Up until that moment I hadn't actually laid eyes on her.  I completely broke down and was useless once I did, it hadn't been real to me until that moment.


How has your writing been doing lately DrHAX? Did you manage to get any progress done?

Focusing on writing on my Sci-fi story.. Made some massive progress. My Fiance is pushing for me to finish that one.... The Sequel to my first unpublished story I need to rewrite... I went down some crazy challenging angles that I feel will alienate the reader from the main character completely.. At least the sci-fi story takes the user down the Z axis of the uncanny valley.. my "sequel" took some dark turns i'm not sure I want to even attempt to go down.

I'm having issues writing honestly.. I'm just tired of life to some extent.. I did however get some major work done my vintage VW.... so thats a plus I suppose.. However the body is badly warped and its going to require alot of welding and shaping to get it right.. I'm talking we're over a cm of differences on the passenger side. The tolerances are so out of whack I'm just going to hope I can cover most of the issues up with the fenders.. As long as the fenders fit that's all I care about...

To go from the top of pictures.

to the bottom row

I hate how the only pictures of it have a picture of me in it.. I hate having photos taken of me. My fiance however loves snaping my photos and throwing them up on fb.. I detest that... 

To explain the pictures better you're looking at a 1968 bug that has the front of a 1966 parts bug from MN grafted on (sea foam or "bahama blue" bits).. Suspension wheels and soon to be interior..I  rebuilt brake lines with stainless lines.. installed new gaskets on the chasis. The orange colour are rust free 1972 superbeetle heater channels I got from from colorado shipped in..  It also has some more parts I cut from the 1966 that came from the mexican bugs installed onto it. The bug has been in a tree since july.. The body's badly warped and its gonna require some fitting to get everything together. The reason why I'm going through so much pain for this car is because it was a my first car. This is also the car I've spliced open my knuckle on a few months ago... I also got the metal shard in my eye from working on this car.

I have history with this car that's hard to explain. Its nearly caught on fire twice. The engine stopped working in the first year we got it, and the electrical system went up in smoke... But the car was always there for me to wrench on. I'v even had to sleep in it once  on a  mn "spring" night... 53 degrees and I'm on the back seat doors locked with my coat over me. When ever my parents would start screaming at each other or me it was there for me. I've written probably quite a bit in it. The car is named "kaiser" and its value to me means more then money.

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Im sharing some care for the animels.

There is small seal, who pops up inconspicously to see whats going on, he can be scary when im out rowing since hes just _there_ all of a sudden.
and then grey seal (Halichoerus grypus, meaning "hooked-nosed sea pig") wikipedia made him even better, he is sometimes lazy  in the sun, and rests all the steaks (as my grandfather put it) on the shore-rocks, (when he said: "took the steaks with him and left")

The acorn squibble eats faster than the birds, at a ratio of about 10:1 but then again some of them travel with what they eat, even though its not in short supply.

Eagle is like a gliding plane, he likes wind I think, last seen cruising without any effort at quite low altitude. Very cool.

Lastly I care about hare, affectionally hare-pluus but i havent seen him since the storm. He liked organic apples, and eating grass. Hoping he comes back, his ears are missed.

I got flued with ills, and have recovered past breaking-point. :)
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Awww that's so lovely, comradekingu. They all sound like cute, wonderful animals. Thank you for sharing, and give a *huggles* and a "hei" to them all from me :)
I saw a bunch of earthworms when I was filling a hole in front of my house yesterday.  I don't think they liked all the rain we have been getting.  I saw a frog that probably did like the rain, unless it was having trouble finding food.
I'm having issues writing honestly.. I'm just tired of life to some extent..
I have history with this car that's hard to explain. Its nearly caught on fire twice. The engine stopped working in the first year we got it, and the electrical system went up in smoke... But the car was always there for me to wrench on..

I am really not into cars so i can't give you much advice with it, but it's good to hear you have some side project to hold unto. To be honest, I too started having a habbit of fixing old stuff for their sentimental value lately (altough nothing close to the scale of a car) and i think it did actually help dealing with various pesky things that appeared from time to time.

So in a way, perhaps your 'kaiser' is still doing its job at having something for you to lean unto when you feel tired.

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Working on the car isnt an issue.Theres three other bugs at my house so i do have access to reference materials. I got boxes of parts to use with the car.  Im going to finish the car and drive it until I die. Since if I sell it I would regret it for as long as I live.

I began to tackle my story im not pleased about.. Im rereading it and Im going to see what I can redirect.
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I discovered multiple grey hairs in my beard!
My time seems to be running out. :(
Grey hairs seem to come and go on my hair and beard.  First started appearing over ten years ago now, but I've still less than a dozen grey ones all together.

Shame, as I think grey hair looks kind of cool.
I discovered multiple grey hairs in my beard!My time seems to be running out.
Dude, the hairdresser discovered I had some grey hairs when I but a preteen.

Either I came into this world with the end already in sight, or the stress of being human was already starting to show, or it was a subtle nod to my 'advanced years', in spite of the seeming reality of a nieve little guman grubling.

... or all of the above...

or it was simply a halo nevis (I couldn't be bothered to look up the exact spelling), of which my body is prone to...

But it seems pretty auspitious that this current physical form was equiped with an automatic anti-cancer system... not that i care about long life, but looking at the circumstances this body has had to go through in order to undergo the mission I volunteered for, I'm actually amazed this body is still functioning at all.

All I can say is, while it seems I was cast upon this world much like any other human... that which I serve certainly didn't skimp on the prep work.

P.s. You have all the time you need, and besides... grey is fetching ;)
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