The Caring Corner :)

I've been ill for the past few days (flu) and Peony has been looking after me. Now that I'm getting better I thought I'd treat her to a picnic lunch to say thank you. We had to have it inside due to it raining but I didn't let that deter me from making it as accurate as possible, I put a blanket on the floor for us to sit on and I even released a few ants in the house just for that extra bit of accuracy.
My test results turned up today which is much quicker than I was expecting. My cardiovascular assessment (Qrisk2) is 2.36% which is considered low risk, and my results in the areas of diabetes, thyroid function, liver function, anaemia, and kidney function are listed as being normal. I knew all that horizontal exercise with Peony would pay off eventually (that's what she told me anyway). :cool:
It's dream time. The government had decided that Peony had to attend school. She liked the first one she attended because the students got to do outdoors/nature based learning as well as classroom based. She didn't like the next school she attended because all of the learning was classroom based and they gave her homework, she really didn't like having to do homework. Which is ironic really because in the end I had to homeschool her, so all of her work ended up being homework.
To get some more post to get the side away from the discussing stuff from this one member:
im still not went to a doctor for my leg hinge issue from a few years away, might be this is also a ADHS symptom?
im also did fill a few internet test on Autistic Spectrum , seems like there might be something that could fit whit my “issues“..
Its dosnt squeeze, its just dosnt work correctly anymore, i hope as far as i get the time to let this leg issue diagnostet its still only a mather of some physiotherapie, and i would not need a new hipp hinge which would mean some time in an hospital..

On the other Topic: I did read up on ADHD and Autistic Stuff in front, and lots might fit for me..
I wouldn't rely on the results of Internet tests if I was you, they're not known for their accuracy.
No, you need a real doctor. Try ,that site is full of doctors ready to diagnose you on-line. In fact, I happen to own a pretty comfortable arm chair and I visit a lot, so maybe I could diagnose you.
Nice, I will post a picture tomorrow in „what have you bought“ but I dit cut me in my left thump.. this tiny fixed knife is quite sharp allready out of the box..

Don’t worry I have still all my fingers but it was a bit annoying..

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Last night I worked out why this YouTube channel is one of Peony's favourites. Peony likes receiving attention from me and the bloke looks surprisingly similar to myself so I'm guessing it's like she's getting an extra bit of attention. She also likes watching this channel so it definitely seems like she's got a type.
Right in the feels.
