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RegExps are very useful, but I really dislike the way JS uses Regexps
Useful sure and I use them all the time. I'm just not a fan of them, especially the more complex my pattern gets, in some cases I spend more time getting my regex correct and bug free vs actual constructive programming.
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Furry hating and responses to such.  Welcome to the Internet, circa 2014 (and YouTube comments).  I didn't read many of the comments, but it seems that it comes down to "Oh, look a furry with a pet fox...we ALL know what's going on there!".  

The fox seems pretty happy to me, so I doubt any of what is being suggested is close to the truth.  I have some experience with animals that were abused by humans, so I would expect some of those reactions and signs to show (although it isn't a very long video, and who knows what happened later, or 2 days prior, etc).  My dogs act a lot like this fox when I get home, or when they want my attention, and one will sometimes run up and flip over on my feet so I can't get away, and have to rub her belly (she was one that was either abused or otherwise traumatized before we rescued her, and is scared of odd things like brooms).  Then again, I am probably one of this "sick", "bad" people too, because our pets have seen me with no clothes.  In fact, 2 of our cats watch whoever is in the shower, which is obviously exhibitionism or something.  Also, we make our animals run around naked!!!  That is because we are all obviously perverts here.
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our pets have seen me with no clothes.

In fact, 2 of our cats watch whoever is in the shower

Also, we make our animals run around naked!!!

Ok, I always thought "furrys" are some people in a subculture who likes to cosplay as fluffy creatures but unpaid unlike people working in Disneyland, but they are probably furrys too.

I didn't know there was a sexual side to this, probably favouring only the most hairy unshaven hippie girls (no problem with that).

Maybe it's just rule 34 gone wild?
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Many people assume that furries are only into it as a form of fetishism.  That is also how they have been portrayed in some popular television shows.  I don't remember many of the comments, but I think there was one near the top for me that suggested that the commenter thought it was cool until they saw the avatar of the uploader.  Some random non-furry with a fox was ok, but somehow it was not ok as soon as the person is a furry.  I may have been wrong, or missed where some people were coming from, but I didn't really care to read much of it.

The thing that confuses me about this sort of thing is why people are so concerned with what other people do when no harm is being done to others.  Furries often appear to be treated as some of the worst examples of humans.  Since a very young age it has seemed to me that those who have to belittle and insult others to feel justified have a bigger problem than those they harass.
Oh great, a good friend of mine (and there aren't many) has totally succumbed to racism now, partly thanks to her new potential lover and his friends.

With 37 years of age you'd think people won't be influenced so much anymore.

She said it's about time for a new "cleaning" from all this gipsy, jew and whatnot "filth" and named a half-black female contact of mine "Bimbolina".

I honestly don't know what to say, I ranted a bit at her, but my disappointment goes way deeper.
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^^ racism grow a lot when the times are hard. and they are indeed. look what happenend during the 193x years. We're reproducing the same pattern.

I just hope the end will be different
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^^ racism grow a lot when the times are hard. and they are indeed. look what happenend during the 193x years. We're reproducing the same pattern.

I just hope the end will be different
People are lashing out right and left while the true enemy sits right on top of us all.

(If you know what I mean)
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