The Caring Corner :)

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Oh yeah, I know how you fell. In Germany you have to remove ice on the walk in front of your house at 6 am. Every morning, what a fun.
I think here in the UK theres some rule that says you don't have to clear ice/snow/etc from the pavement outside your house, but if you do, and someone still manages to slip over, its your fault.

Seems a bit silly to me.
I'm not sure, but if you're like here you use raw rock salt, which is salt with a fair bit of rock fragments left in it. Although if Germany doesn't use any salt, that might explain why it's so slippy there :(
Large ammounts of salt probably help keep the drains clean - as long as they aren't made of steel or suchlike.

They also help keep the car and bicycle manufacturers in business, given the damage salt does to bike chains and car chassis.
Isn't easier to put some salt on them ?
 If you want to poison the ground, sure!

We use tiny stones here.
Poison the ground ? o_O
 Well, I don't know if you got any real soil and plants in your cities of course.
Not at the entrance of the houses, or in the worst situation you can just kill the grass near the sidewalks, but people are always removing it anyway because it grows where you should walk...
Grass verges embedded in pavements are both a blessing and a curse. Because, they mean dog owners let their dogs do their business there, nestled in amongst the blades, and feel less need to clean up after it, but on the other hand, there's plenty of grass around to wipe your shoes on if you do manage to step in some.

Those verges, despite being along some bus routes that the council must have to grit with salt many years seem perfectly happy to me, although perhaps they have different gritters to here. Those here spread the salt over the lane it's in then half a lane on either side - you get slightly pebble-dashed if you're on that pavement when it passes.
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Bruising concurring silently, I can attest one should take great care not to combine flying with biking.

Funny thing was I thought I was safe, because I had made it all the way down the hill. Not seeing much due to snow, and the tires drifting , slipping and skating all over the place.

Then, in an underpass, someone thought it would be brilliant to alternate between heated areas and just plain nothing.

The light powdery snow caught the spokes, which means its largely slicks and no grip, with varying degrees of ice the result was already a darwin-award in the making.

I was able to make the correction for the turn, but I couldn't roll in air. Came down with jazz-hands into a push-up.

One always finds the time to address the situation in retrospect, its like everything slows down to tell you how you could have fared.
Due to much bad stuff from past and present in my completely mad life, I'm not well right now and may take a leave for a while.

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Due to much bad stuff from past and present in my completely mad life, I'm not well right now and may take a leave for a while.


"Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take you to

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama

Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go

Ooh I want to take you down to

Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow

That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo."

Relax and take your time. :)
Ok well not sure if any of you guys knew but I was doing power lifting for awhile pretty sure I mentioned it here.

Well I injured my shoulder got taken out for awhile, lost a fair amount of strength and got a bit fat. My shoulder eventually recovered and yeah when I got back to it I kept bulking to regain my strength and yeah basically put on a stack of weight.

Started dieting since mid January and so far I have lost 11 kilos (25 pounds)  and back to being in great shape, still going to lose a bit more to get me into the athletes level of body fat percentage but I a happy where I am now.  I have also decided to stop training with other power lifters as I am getting a bit old now (31) and well I don't want to get fat again.  Basically as one of the only natural power lifters in my area(We are a rare breed) you just can't afford to diet as you lose too much strength and I found myself trying to compete with the steroid users and well there is zero chance of that happening. Probably didn't help the shit you would get from steroid users about being weak and so on and making out like they were superior athletes because of it plus being on the diet was just making me weaker.

 Essentially I found myself being tempted to using them so I decided to quit training with others and leave the scene and now continue doing it to get myself as strong as NATURALLY possible and just for myself. I am really glad I built that gym in my garage as it has let me exit that scene all together. It's a shame the friends I have that are into this as well and don't use roids live at the other side of the city so I can't train with them.

Don't get me wrong I have no objection to people using steroids that's their choice, but my god there are so many roided wankers who give shitty diet advice, shitty training advice and mock people who decide not to inject themselves with drugs to get ahead, then they make out they have to work out just as hard as us to get results. 
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