Slackware for Pandora 14.0

For 14.1, I partly integrated OP updates into packages that I put on my repo.

So Slackware core is updated with slackpkg, and OP updates through slapt-get/gslapt, the tool used to install my custom packages.

I have one last bug to fix for 14.1, and some reported problems to fix.

Also, i wait for the to update the custom packages for 14.1 for my big batch of compilations (about one week of non-stop compilation on my OP).

I don't know about my stable release, maybe two weeks, maybe one month. Can't really tell.

The actual SL4P -current is already using Slackware ARM 14.1 stable.
Hello all,

I just wanted to say that I am a very happy camper!  I have managed to install Slackware 14.0 on my 1 day old Pandora (rebirth) using a 32GB SD card.  Not only that, but I have also built and installed unison (which required two other packages).  Unison is indispensable for my use of the Pandora as a pocket computer.

There's a certain element of deja vu for me: I first started using Linux with Slackware 1.0.3, kernel 0.99pl12, 20 or so years ago!  I've been more of a Debian user the past few years, having spent time with Red Hat and SuSe along the way, but I do have a fondness for Slackware.  Mind you, I don't miss having to create tens of floppies to install a new version.  :rolleyes:

At the moment, I am doing quite a bit the tinkering using a 21 inch screen on a much larger computer connected to the Pandora using ssh -X.  The Pandora is doing a very credible job of behaving like a much bigger computer.

Anyway, thank you all for a wonderful little computer!
Happy New Year! Running current-12, and it works beautifully. The problem with large file transfers dropping seems to be gone, too.
Installing now, coming up to two hours!   :)

Nice :)  been using it since yesterday... pretty quick really :)

Anything I need to know? without reading 37 pages!  
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Linux-SWAT I just wanted to say THANKS for this!   I have been using it for the past few days and am loving Slackware!  
There's a certain element of deja vu for me: I first started using Linux with Slackware 1.0.3, kernel 0.99pl12, 20 or so years ago!  I've been more of a Debian user the past few years, having spent time with Red Hat and SuSe along the way, but I do have a fondness for Slackware.  Mind you, I don't miss having to create tens of floppies to install a new version.  :rolleyes:
I don't remember, which version it was, but I also started with Slackware (it was downloaded and copied to about 50 floppies by my brother back then). This must have been also about 20 years ago.

What I remember is that installing that was much more fun than nowadays. :-)
What I remember is that installing that was much more fun than nowadays. :-)
Your definition of fun and mine definitely differ ;)

I must admit that there was a certain element of excitement with that original version of Slackware: Unix on a PC! And it was possible by simply loading stuff onto 40-50 floppies. Wow. It was a game changer for me. I haven't looked back since: I have Linux, one form or another, on every compute device I use, including my PVR!
I tried a bit with other wm like kde, enlightenment and here the result :

enlightenment looks very nice but in the menu I get only about the first 25 items an no scrolling so no USB,wifi settings.

KDE is a bit slow but has lots of apps, even arduino is running.

Kaffeine is running even TV but even with 1.2 Ghz too slow - sound is stuttering. In XFCE the TV gets no sound in Kaffeine. Is there any app for slack that gives me TV (DVB_T) maybe with recording ?
You should use 14.1 as it's the latest release, but maybe you posted under the wrong thread.

Yeah i don't maintain enlightenment usability as Xfce does the job pretty well.

Mplayer can play dvb. Google around to get the right commands. For recording, maybe another command piped to ffmpeg ?
As you know I am still wth 14.0 because I have the sound issue with 14.1 and so posted here. MeTv is not working but in pandebian, there is no clock setting so I get only 600 MHz which is too slow for recording. I will try mplayer.

Thanks for the help.
At last :

in internet they say  mplayer dvb:// but thats not all 

you need a channels.conf which I have and then in

SMPlayer use URL dvb:// which gives the first program or dvb://<pogram> to choose program. TV with SL4P, becoming crazy !!

Thank you very much !!
Hello, new board poster, longtime pandora user. I recently (like 20 minites ago) install and successfully ran SL4P 14.0 Stable (after 2 or 3 days of wresling with different methods) and I am very very pleased with the results, great improvement over stock OS. I am however having a problem. When I try to configure the nubs, or toggle wifi, or do anything in the little tools icon on the hot bar, it throws an error and tells me that it can't mount the PND. I was reading a whiiiiile back in this thread, and saw a guy with the same problem, but I didn't find any definitive confirmation that his problem was solved, he just seemed to drop out of the thread. Well im having that same problem, and heres to hoping it doesn't involve reflashing, cause that sucked lol mostly because I'm kind of still a newb, after a good bit of linux experience. But Ill do what it takes, cause after seeing this OS im not going back. So If anyone has any solutions, help would be greatly appretiated. Unless this is the wrong thread, then I'll gladly drag my post elsewhere lol
Well, Im on 14.1 now, and Im happier about the icons being fixed. But Im still having the same problem. It says "Mounting the PND failed. The application wont star. Please have a look at /tmp/pndrun_op_wifi.out" and when I look at the error file, it says "Mount the PND------sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified ERROR: The Union File-system is not mounted!

Loopbac devices:

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

Are mounted on :

For these Union:

[FAILED]----Mount the PND

(zenity:2262): Gtk-Warning**: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:102:18 not using units is deprecated. assuming 'px'"

It also says "Return code is 7"
I put the initial group, during first boot setup, as root. I would assume that when I log in it's into root. Is there any way to make sure Im logged in as root?

Edit: I actually not able to run any pnd's, like i put a few on there by sd card and it says the same thing.

Edit: Actually ive been able to get pnd manager to run, but only from the little tools icon on the bootom bar.
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