Pyra News: Springs are brilliant!

I have concerns that a large number of those that ordered the 4GB did so because they assumed that it was the same price as the 2GB (and why get 2 when you can get 4 for the same price) and will be incredibly surprised when EvilDragon sends them a letter telling them it's time to pay the remainder.

I have a similar but somewhat broader concern that many of the pre-orders may think that they have paid in full when the end price has always been "to be determined". As far as I know, only the prototype pre-pre-orders are 'paid in full' (and if I recall correctly, the only order type that is non-refundable). The rest are effectively DragonBox store credit vouchers and a hold on a place in line. I could be wrong in any or all of this though. But, I'm hoping that ED's estimates were good enough that the end price is pretty close to the reservation price.
I don't remember that, but i think i remember the difference being quite small, but my memory isn't exactly great, so i could be wrong.
That's just it, they are all different prices, ED made estimates at what the prices would be and if people actually read the FAQ page before hitting the order button they'd know this, but if they didn't and just went straight to the store you'd see the 4GB for 400eur and right beside it the 2GB for 400eur. The concern me and Grench share is that the number of people that skipped over the FAQ and went straight to the store pages is going to be higher than anticipated: me specifically because the "2GB and 4GB are the same price so I'll get the 4GB" will absolutely skew the numbers, and may be enough to make it look like there's no market for the 2GB when in fact there could be a very large market, but Grench makes an excellent point about the general case as well.
read the FAQ page before hitting the order button they'd know this, but if they didn't and just went straight to the store you'd see the 4GB for 400eur and right beside it the 2GB for 400eur.

I thought it was clear that these prices were a _deposit_? It's such a long time ago that I can't remember the details I read, but I do recall that it was clear to me at least.
I must admit, going back to look at the Pyra page on, it's pretty large text describing the costs. It's not like it's hidden away on a seperate link.
As usual don't fret about keeping us posted, but don't forget that any tidbit is food for the news-hungry horde ;) Any time you spend to post here is much, much appreciated.
This completely matches my view too!
I am curious how follow through with preorders will pan out once final release details emerge. Just hoping there will be a positive surge.
I have a friend who waited to see it produced before ordering it, so I guess he is not alone and lot of new order will come once once Pyra starts shipping.
I thought it was clear that these prices were a _deposit_?
It is indeed written several times on multiple pages that the payment is a deposit and that the final prices are estimates. Having worked retail I can assure you that anything that is written down can very easily be not-read, and also forgotten later. This is especially true of any paragraph more than two sentences long.
Hi, I'm new to this forum because I rediscovered the Pyra recently. First heard of it about three years ago when my financial situation was not that good yet and completely forgot about it.
Anyway, personally I preordered the Pyra about two weeks ago and I chose the 4GB model just because it wasn't that much more expensive. I think the estimated price difference was about 30€ to 35€. Honestly I don't know if the additional 2GB of RAM make sense for what I plan to do with the device, I just wanted to have the "more powerful" version because no one can really say when or if upgrade boards will be available.
To me it was pretty clear that the price was just some kind of deposit. Hope that's the case for everyone. But I think most people who are into such a niche device like the Pyra probably take the time to read every bit of information they can get very carefully :-P
Well we've seen a lot of "shut up and take my money" meme's that would indicate not only impulse buys but actually intended missing of bits of information... hence the shut up part.
Well we've seen a lot of "shut up and take my money" meme's that would indicate not only impulse buys but actually intended missing of bits of information... hence the shut up part.

Most people have has time to cool down and reflect on that by now, surely?

Although I do agree with @WizardStan that people rarely read, well anything.
Pyra GIT repository
but probably just:

Pandora GIT repository (new u-boot!)

IRC channel howto

and instead of #openpandora use #dragonbox-pyra

but probably just:

Telegram group

Don't have a Pandora with Telegram? There is a desktop version:

and last, but not least:

Kernel Mailing list

but probably just:

(Thanks @TrashyMG for the link)
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The Pandora GIT repository is updated on a ~daily basis, I guess OP uboot isn't.
slightly off topic - but there is something I am unclear on re the Pyra. I get that the mobile edition has features that the non-mobile edition doesn't e.g. compass, GPS etc. Now none of those extras are of interest to me but what about haptics/rumble? (Important when emulating PlayStation, N64, DreamCast) Can anybody confirm if all versions of the Pyra will have this or is will that be limited to the mobile version?