True, but if I remember correctly, dev-boards are out in the wild since a while.
That doesn't help if the devs have no time.
Well, then going Intel sounds like the logical and les stressful way I guess.
So, throw away around 300k EUR development costs to start from scratch?
The PCB would need a complete redesign, the system would need active cooling (which means a complete case redesign, etc.)
When we started, no Intel CPU was useful. No other CPU was useful.
If we'd start now, we'd probably use the i.MX8, as it has bigger support.
But that one wasn't available back then.
It was a lot of bad luck (or bad timing), but we cannot simply throw 300k development costs away and start anew.
We're no multibillion-Dollar-Company.
Are the quantities of GPD's devices known? It's bigger than Pyra but still really niche devices. Maybe Intel provides programs for small companies who only need a couple of hundred chips. Just to piss of AMD or whatever. ^^"
I'm guessing around 20k GPD Win 2 are out in the wild.
That's actualy....weird...
No. Usually, you only get support from the manufacturer is if you buy at least 100k of their chips.
That's why there are so many generic Chinese tablets out there that all use the same generic design: The manufacturer released a reference design and they simply use that and produce it.
Then they don't need ANY support from the manufacturer.
Only if you add your own stuff is when things are getting complicated.
TIs reference design used 2GB RAM. The 2GB RAM Pyras worked out of the box.
Now just take a look what switching to 4GB RAM has brought us to: about a year delay and around 50k EUR additional costs. Just to get it to work properly.
It's just a small change from the reference design - and this is the result.
I already said multiple times: What we're doing here is something COMPLETELY different to most of the handhelds out there: We're doing TONS of custom stuff, not just using reference designs and putting them into a shell.
You get me wrong. I never sayed it's easy, I just assumed the many years during the Pyra development would have lead to the attention of the "right" people. Because it sounds like most of the "core" Software stuff is not even existant. Of course you need the hardware first, we had hope that going the Debian route would make stuff much more easy and compatible, compared to the quirky Pandora software development.
Not sure if the choosen OMAP is easier or harder to develop for. I guess, today you would look first if the choosen Chip also has propper software documentation and support. This should be a standard in the Chip industry, actualy. At least I hope so. Otherwise it is indeed hard to find people who can code "low level" stuff for an (abandoned) SoC without official support and documentations.
Don't mix up the OS with Kernels or drivers.
Debian is fully running on the Pyra. That's nothing "core" that's just the OS on top of the kernel.
The OS isn't the problem. Kernel things are what's still missing.
The Pandora had a LOT of kernel stuff added by us - luckily, we had notaz back then, but he doesn't have time anymore.
The OMAP5 is VERY well documented. Better than most SoCs out there.
But that's over 5000 pages documentation. Someone needs to implement all the timings, hardware registers, etc. into the driver modules so that everything works fine.
Audio works, but the driver doesn't have DC Offset included. We need to use DC Offset, and the chip supports it - so someone has to read the hardware documentation and include that into the driver.
TI never finished the graphics system properly. That's why rotation with TILER was terribly slow, until zmatt made a quick hack to show it can be done in fullspeed.
But TI didn't have a huge customer who was in need of that - so they never took care about it. And why should they? Android uses OpenGL for the rotation, and that was probably the main use case for the chip.
The OMAP-Series was specifically designed for Nokia-Phones. All Nokia-Smartphones used OMAPs. The OMAP5 should've been the next iteration. Microsoft bought Nokia, and the OMAP5 didn't have any huge customer anymore. The mobile version (which we wanted to use) wasn't even released, only the automotive version.
So yep, a lot of bad luck.
Now, for developers:
Nikolaus knows developers from the GTA04 times. I do know some from the Pandora-times.
They all don't have time anymore. Normal work is holding them up, so they can't really help us. If they help, it's just little things.
We even did ask some companies who are specialized on Linux kernel stuff. They're all overbooked right now.
Times have changed. Back in Pandora-days, there were motivated developers who had fun working on such devices. These days, it's very, VERY hard to find them. Even if you pay them.