Prototype mainboards coming soon

and will arrive tomorrow until the evening.

Sorry to draw attention to something this minor, but it was really bugging me...

"until" is only used with continuous/ongoing actions and "arrive" is an instantaneous action. (eg. Meteors can "continue to arrive until the evening" if you blow up the moon, but a package can only arrive "in (during) the evening" or "by (before) the evening".)
Sorry to draw attention to something this minor, but it was really bugging me...

"until" is only used with continuous/ongoing actions and "arrive" is an instantaneous action. (eg. Meteors can "continue to arrive until the evening" if you blow up the moon, but a package can only arrive "in (during) the evening" or "by (before) the evening".)
This has come up before. Apparently in German they use the same word for both situations in which an English speaker would say "until" (or "till") and situations in which an English speaker would say "by." This makes it difficult for a German speaking person to distinguish the difference in the two situations (since they treat them the same in their own language) and thus this is a very common error for German speakers to make in English even when they are aware of the issue.
This has come up before. Apparently in German they use the same word for both situations in which an English speaker would say "until" (or "till") and situations in which an English speaker would say "by." This makes it difficult for a German speaking person to distinguish the difference in the two situations (since they treat them the same in their own language) and thus this is a very common error for German speakers to make in English even when they are aware of the issue.

Ahh, so sort of like the mistake French speakers often make when translating "depuis" into English.

(Also, I think you meant 'til (abbreviating "until" using an apostrophe). "till" is either the cash drawer in a cash register, a type of soil, or the verb meaning "to prepare soil for farming".)

I stand corrected. "till" is an archaic but valid alternative spelling for "until", dating back to before the 12th century, that started to transition toward 'til via 'till in the 1700s.
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How could the Ram be the problem? I tought you were already able to run the CPU at 1.5GHz with a single core.
In a hobby project to power a beaglebone black and raspberry by a LiPo with a stepup converter i made the mistake to use too small wires. At startup the current was so high that i had a voltage drop because of the resistance of the wires.
So maybe the power lines on the cpu board are just too small and you are loosing voltage between source and cpu-chip?
How could the Ram be the problem? I tought you were already able to run the CPU at 1.5GHz with a single core.
He never claimed it was the RAM...
With these tests we could slowly rule out various issues. The RAM is fine, the power source is fine, so what we're most likely missing are some more decoupling capacitors.
Of course, they've done countless of keymats before, however, this is all customer specific. Some want to have them more stiff, some less. The key size makes a huge different in production, etc.
It's not that easy :)

Yes :)

Yes, of course. They will be used to test that the production run will work fine (which was already confirmed for the CPU boards, as 29 out of 30 worked) and as well to find any remaining issues with all the devs and users who get them.

will the auctioned off ones get the new boards once the 1.2 issue is fixed?
This sounds it could have been the ram in the first post:

in english, "could have been" is usually followed by "but really wasn't." otherwise, you'd say "might be the RAM" if it still might be the RAM causing issues. but it isn't, so it "could have been, but wasn't," since Nikolaus ruled it out.
I'm hoping that the changes made to the decoupling capacitors fix the clock-rate stability issues.

As far as prototypes go I can think of a number of things I'd love to test, even without 3d acceleration, or some other niceties. Do any of the prototypes come with the 4g modem? I'm changing my phone over to Google's Project-Fi, and one of the neat benefits is that they will just mail you a sim card when you ask. The sim is supposed to default to T-Mobile's network, which I seem to remember is what the modem in the Pyra is supposed to support.

in english, "could have been" is usually followed by "but really wasn't." otherwise, you'd say "might be the RAM" if it still might be the RAM causing issues. but it isn't, so it "could have been, but wasn't," since Nikolaus ruled it out.

Another way to sum that up:

In English things like "could have" or "would have" are describing plausible scenarios that didn't happen. It's not needed to follow such phrases with "but really wasn't", since it's implied.

"I could have been a contender."
It's not 1.2GHz, even 1.1GHz is known to hang, and we don't even know if 1.0GHz really works on every board for extended time. This needs to be called something different as it misleads all the early adopters...
Oh boy! This seems to be a bigger problem. I wish Pyra team the best in finding out a solution soon.
As long as the Pyra is >= the Pandora in horsepower, i will be happy. The potential for a cpu board upgrade makes me not worry about cpu speed too much. In addition to all the new features like backlit keyboard and gsm chip, having 4x the memory is a huge bonus for me. I generally have a swap file on at all times on my Pandora, either because I have a web browser running alongside testing my random coding efforts and playing PokerTH, or because I'm playing Minecraft. Of course i hope that reaching a stable 1.5 GHz Pyra is possible, but even a 1.0 GHz Pyra would bring enough to the table for me to be happy.
Also a reason why i should wait whit my Unit until my Number 28 is ready to ship, there is a lot of development work to make the Pyra that noobfriendly enought for me..
It depends on how much money you have to spend on a Pyra and what the auction prices get up to. I think it would be a good thing for you to get one of the prototypes so that we have two people that are public about it. You could also help shape the wizards and other stuff to make it more newbie friendly, plus those of us that are following everything you are doing with a prototype while we wait for a Pyra can try to help you out with things you are having trouble with. Two things that are beneficial to the rest of us are that you might carry it with you regularly so we could see how the nearly finished cases hold up to real use, and also you can get things much faster than @Grench due to the country you live in, and that means less waiting for things to get to you, and for repairs or replacement parts to get to you.

Like I said, though, it is about the money (for most of us), so hold off if it will cost you too much.
It's not 1.2GHz, even 1.1GHz is known to hang, and we don't even know if 1.0GHz really works on every board for extended time. This needs to be called something different as it misleads all the early adopters...
The clockwork.
Hey, I resemble that comment.
Maybe "A The Clockwork Orange"? (I don't care if that is stupid or pathetic.) To be more clear, call it the clock or speed issue, instability, or something else that may be more technically accurate.
Maybe "A The Clockwork Orange"? (I don't care if that is stupid or pathetic.) To be more clear, call it the clock or speed issue, instability, or something else that may be more technically accurate.

/Off-topic - if totally go for a steampunk themed Pyra (with clockwork fob watch mechanism decor).
It depends on how much money you have to spend on a Pyra and what the auction prices get up to. I think it would be a good thing for you to get one of the prototypes so that we have two people that are public about it. You could also help shape the wizards and other stuff to make it more newbie friendly, plus those of us that are following everything you are doing with a prototype while we wait for a Pyra can try to help you out with things you are having trouble with. Two things that are beneficial to the rest of us are that you might carry it with you regularly so we could see how the nearly finished cases hold up to real use, and also you can get things much faster than @Grench due to the country you live in, and that means less waiting for things to get to you, and for repairs or replacement parts to get to you.

Like I said, though, it is about the money (for most of us), so hold off if it will cost you too much.

Maybe "A The Clockwork Orange"? (I don't care if that is stupid or pathetic.) To be more clear, call it the clock or speed issue, instability, or something else that may be more technically accurate.

Well I carry my Pandora to play Games on the go, and whit the Pyra Prototype there isn't much yet to play..
ditnt expect the big library of the Pandora in the first two months but something that would play Tetris would give the Prototype lot more apeal to carry around..
it depends on the price of the Prototype, i think I could pay up to 300 € more in the end for my Pyra but if I look on the 1500 € what the regular Prototype Preeorders dit cost, I could also just wait for my Regular Massproduktion Unit which was 735 € if I remember correctly..
Then everything is clear, 1500 € is a bit too much at the moment for mee, so I carry my Pandora until Regular Massproduktion..
but as I'm 28 in the preorder que , I can help lot in development by testing and feedback before everything got there Unit..