It depends on how much money you have to spend on a Pyra and what the auction prices get up to. I think it would be a good thing for you to get one of the prototypes so that we have two people that are public about it. You could also help shape the wizards and other stuff to make it more newbie friendly, plus those of us that are following everything you are doing with a prototype while we wait for a Pyra can try to help you out with things you are having trouble with. Two things that are beneficial to the rest of us are that you might carry it with you regularly so we could see how the nearly finished cases hold up to real use, and also you can get things much faster than
@Grench due to the country you live in, and that means less waiting for things to get to you, and for repairs or replacement parts to get to you.
Like I said, though, it is about the money (for most of us), so hold off if it will cost you too much.
Maybe "
A The Clockwork Orange"? (I don't care if that is stupid or pathetic.) To be more clear, call it the clock or speed issue, instability, or something else that may be more technically accurate.