97.6% 4GB, only less than 3% selected 2GB version.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
97.6% 4GB, only less than 3% selected 2GB version.
As far as I can tell, there have been at least three points in time when the US could have standardized on one standard without any greater cost.
1. The transition between Radio phones to cellular networks,
2. The transition from analogue cellular networks to digital cellular networks.
3. The transition away from CDMA
But as of right now? You are probably right about the cost, perhaps if 5G is different enough and attractive enough it might be part of a single standard solution.
All in all, thanks for engaging me on this quest for knowledge I leave this post rather than just not post since someone else might find it interesting,
It's going way better than I expected considering that most people in this graph are from this board and proper PR hasn't even been done yet.This graph is starting to plateau a lot earlier than I expected.
It's going way better than I expected considering that most people in this graph are from this board and proper PR hasn't even been done yet.
Thank you for taking the time to dig into it - I'm glad you were able to lay those pieces of the puzzle out so well.
There are additional costs that you're likely not including in the three potential conversion points though. There are two basic origins for these; technology asset finances and spectrum allocation.
The individual technologies are patented and licensed. There is no 'free' wireless technology to switch to. For a company to switch from their in-house wireless technology to another standard means realizing a loss on their in-house technology - which was likely included in their company finances as an asset. It gets worse from their perspective, because as their writing down what had been claimed as a multi-million dollar asset they will in turn need to pay millions in licensing fees for the 'standard' that they are switching to - with those fees potentially going to a direct competitor.
The US radio spectrum is very crowded.
Oddly enough I was not able to find a public commons graphic equivalent for the EU.
Within the US frequency allocations, though, several of the bands that Europe uses for mobile phones have been sold for other purposes - often on a region by region basis. Those purposes could vary, but might be as simple as a local wireless broadband provider or police, fire or a hospital's wireless intercom. To displace all of that to then re-allocate the spectrum such that it reflects another standard would mean making billions of dollars in existing equipment obsolete - and in effect illegal to operate. In theory, they could move to a common licensed protocol without incurring this expense, but phones for one region won't work in another without it.
Dark Red and Black imo. If further colours can be added then great. Black should cater for those that like the generic black I think.That's true, nevertheless it seems to be slowing down quite a bit. A good video could answer a lot of important questions and bump up pre-orders even further. For instance, I know the colour is not final, but I would hate it if it would end up with this red colour.
Sure that'll work?... Black should cater for those that like the generic black I think.
I think a certain amount of people don't like bright colours so black will cater for them. Who knows, ED might have a range of colours available, time will tell.Sure that'll work?
It's going way better than I expected considering that most people in this graph are from this board and proper PR hasn't even been done yet.
IMO they should have waited until proper PR was done before opening for pre-orders. It would have made for better news coverage if a lot more people were pre-ordering.
I wanted to give all long-time followers the chance to preorder first.
I'll concentrate making nice videos which explain all the features within the next week, to increase the interest, and then I'll contact newssites.