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Or a ruler.
[doublepost=1467396741,1467396518][/doublepost]Actually, is the brick Game Boy ubiquitous enough? There is already a picture of them together.
Or a ruler.
[doublepost=1467396741,1467396518][/doublepost]Actually, is the brick Game Boy ubiquitous enough? There is already a picture of them together.
The fact that you have to specify which Game Boy you're comparing to doesn't work well. There were, from what I can tell, at least 7 physically different boxes - some with many colors - that were sold under the label 'Game Boy'. Despite roughly 200 million of them selling worldwide I've only seen 2-3 in passing and never owned one.

Frankly a ruler works from an intelectual and engineering perspective but not so much for a general perception basis. Most people don't use one on a daily basis anymore. Give somone a blank sheet of paper and ask them to freehand draw two dots 139 mm or 5.47 inches apart. Then ask them to draw a Quarter (for US) or a Euro sized circle. I'm betting that the coin will be a more accurate representation as they can readilly recall a mental picture and feel of that item.

Whether using Quarters or Euros, the Pyra is under 6 coins wide, less than 4 coins deep and about 1 1/3 coins tall with the lid closed. It's a short cut to mental proportion without having to think.
The fact that you have to specify which Game Boy you're comparing to doesn't work well. There were, from what I can tell, at least 7 physically different boxes - some with many colors - that were sold under the label 'Game Boy'. Despite roughly 200 million of them selling worldwide I've only seen 2-3 in passing and never owned one.
If you can't tell which one it is by seeing it then you would not be likely to get it confused for a coherent model. Fair enough, though, not popular enough.

Frankly a ruler works from an intelectual and engineering perspective but not so much for a general perception basis.
If a standard measuring device isn't a sufficient tool to give someone a general idea of the size those people probably shouldn't be bothering with a Pyra. They don't need to know the exact size with the ruler. Just as with a coin, it is to give a general idea. If they need to know the size down to the mm they should be reading the product page, and they will probably have a measuring device handy or the precision is irrelevant. Even if they don't use a ruler daily they can run into the other room and grab one, or check the dimensions of something they do use daily and get a rough idea of how close it is in size. A quarter ifs about an inch across, so I don't see how using a coin is better than a ruler (and do normal people even use coins anymore? I collect them, so I mess with a variety regularly, and they are often ones that are not commonly circulated today.)

Simply put, a coin is not generally used for measuring the size of something, a ruler is. A hand is pretty common, but you run into the same size variation issue as with coins that are not common in certain places. Still, hands will give you a rough size as long as they are somewhat average.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, if someone is willing to go through the trouble of making a picture they can use whatever they want to show size. When you get yours you can put all the US money around it that you want, and take pictures to help those that aren't familiar with rulers. When I get mine I will use it.
And then there are AA batteries, audio cassettes, CDs, Barbies, floppy disk drives, ec or credit cards, viagra, VW Golf, table-tennis bat and ball, baseball caps etc.
At least SD cards are a standard size.
But what if they think it is a micro SD?

And then there are AA batteries, audio cassettes, CDs, Barbies, floppy disk drives, ec or credit cards, viagra, VW Golf, table-tennis bat and ball, baseball caps etc.
If they aren't familiar with a ruler it is possible that aren't familiar with those. Maybe include all of them in the picture to increase the chances of there being something they know the size of.
Day 727

It had been what seemed an eternity since their captain ED had mentioned colors, the hunger to see these delicious colors Captain ED mentioned, had reached a peak. Pyrans were starving, starving for news . To distract themselves from their hunger , they turned to talking about what the best measure for scale was. A whole page of posts on suggestions for scale. The lunacy had set in.
Soon, the madness would devolve into talk of what a specific word actually meant, posts and posts would roll by debating dictionary definitions. It was the same thing over and over.

Where was captain ED, where are those bloody colors he had chosen.
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And then there are AA batteries, audio cassettes, CDs, Barbies, floppy disk drives, ec or credit cards, viagra, VW Golf, table-tennis bat and ball, baseball caps etc.
Except there are like ten different sizes of Barbie now. Banana is best scale unit.
I'm pretty sure bananas are the defacto standard of measurement on the internet.
Why didn't ED make that pic? We really need one asap. Any suggestion on the variety of banana to use?

I don't see that happening, SD cards and microSD cards look nothing alike.

And the original Game Boy looks nothing like the others, so what's your point? If they don't know rulers do you really think they will know different memory cards?
And the original Game Boy looks nothing like the others, so what's your point? If they don't know rulers do you really think they will know different memory cards?
My point is that If you know what a microSD card looks like, you'll know by looking at it that the SD card is something different. If you don't know what one looks like, you won't be using it as a size reference to begin with. Either way you're not going to be looking at an SD card and thinking of it as a MicroSD card.

I disagree. Someone that has briefly seen a micro SD in someone's smartphone, but has never spent any real time with them could be confused. Either way, it is far inferior to other proposed Pyra picture companions...that gives me an idea on which banana to use. xD
I didn't see the original video (was it just the song?), but that is exactly the banana I had in mind. I was going to try to make a picture of the Pyra with him in it.

Since ED made a pic of the prototype with an SD card I suppose that can be used (just like the one with the Game Boy). There are plenty of great pictures, just no one is using them. The one with the grass can be used for those unfamiliar with rulers (if one is ever made), coins, gameboys, and SD cards. I wanna go look through those pictures again.
I didn't see the original video (was it just the song?), but that is exactly the banana I had in mind. I was going to try to make a picture of the Pyra with him in it.

Yeah it just had a static image of Raffi, so I decided to switch to a video with slightly more animation. :-)
