Pictures, Videos and thoughts of a Pyra dev-prototype

Is it too late for a Keyboard Threadt??
The German Gouverment decided last week that there should be a new Letter in the German Langueque: the big "ß" :)
The last time I tried to learn German was... a long time ago. Isn't ß basically two "s" letters? Why have an uppercase letter for two "s" letters?

Anyways, ptitSeb, are you taking requests? Maybe it is possible to run Half-Life 2 on a Pyra (prototype) with some tweaking and Exagear?
And still, you didn't find or create a proper thread for that post. ;)
I can not leave this unanswered. I usually write private messages more than I write publically. I would have been glad about being heard in regard to how I think things can be improved. (Before you say "you should have made a public discussion", well, let's just say that that was one of the suggestions...) It's not my job to tilt at windmills. But I did initiate several public discussions about community meta topics here over the past years.

Sorry, I can understand why you wrote this, but please know that _NOT_ caring about the wellbeing of the community and the individuals that it consists of, in whatever Internet communitys or otherwise that I consider myself to be a genuine part of, is not something I do.
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i've found this forum is pretty nice in letting people go off topic without penalizing them (some might say too lax in keeping things on topic).

and just when i start to think that, Wally comes round and puts the fear of God in people again. ;)

well, on topic -- looking forward to more videos, ptitSeb! (but of course porting stuff is also very important :))
The last time I tried to learn German was... a long time ago. Isn't ß basically two "s" letters? Why have an uppercase letter for two "s" letters?

Anyways, ptitSeb, are you taking requests? Maybe it is possible to run Half-Life 2 on a Pyra (prototype) with some tweaking and Exagear?


Also, I think 3D will need to work before 3D games can be run, even under exagear. Also, fwiw, there's an open source reimplementation of the source engine called xash3d which seems to be capable of running Half Life just fine without needing an emulation layer. Just if only 3D would work.

Personally I'd love to see a 16-bit emulator of some sort, probably SNES would be the prime candidate. Although maybe picoengine is easier to get running on a 2d only system, I'm not sure there's much of a difference. No rush though, if he's got better things to be getting on with (getting an IDE running to make porting easier down the line seems like a good start to me).

Isn't ß basically two "s" letters? Why have an uppercase letter for two "s" letters?
The ß is the combination sz "sharp s".

It's funny that the only use of capital ß is "allcaps".
Because there is no word which starts with an ß ;)
(Perhaps "ßcheiße" when a bik pile of manure hits the fan)
It's funny that the only use of capital ß is "allcaps".
Well... Does allcaps have a place in legal articles or something? Or is it just German government thinking about Internet people?
As already said, I don't have enabled 3D Driver yet, so no 3D stuff for now. Don't worry, as soon as I have some 3D working, you'll know :p

Also, I don't have exagear, and don't care about it, so I will not test that (and it has already be tested on devboard in the past).
Anyway, HL2 need OpenGL 2.x to run properly, with some required extensions, and run like crap on low end Intel HD (2k or 3k, I don't remember) for example, so not sure what you are expecting here @Alpibrine28 .
Do we have videos yet of the standard 2D emulators working? SNES, MegaDrive, GBA, NES etc.?

It is difficult to think of "impressive" things that use no 3D rendering. How about Eclipse? I do not like it, as I think it feels "slow" and is too resource intensive, but that may be a decent display of the Pyra's muscle.
Anyway, HL2 need OpenGL 2.x to run properly, with some required extensions, and run like crap on low end Intel HD (2k or 3k, I don't remember) for example, so not sure what you are expecting here @Alpibrine28 .
Well, with some serious tweaks it looks just like Half-Life 1 with a physics engine, but it probably won't matter... Thanks anyways!
I have planned to launch Eclipse yes. I'll probably try to do something around IDE soon.
How about Eclipse? I do not like it, as I think it feels "slow" and is too resource intensive, but that may be a decent display of the Pyra's muscle.
Also try NetBeans.
It's also Java based but more light weight.
For my Java programming at University I switched from Eclipse to NetBeans. All it requires is the Java VM.
It supports Java and C/C++.
I have planned to launch Eclipse yes. I'll probably try to do something around IDE soon.
How about Eclipse? I do not like it, as I think it feels "slow" and is too resource intensive, but that may be a decent display of the Pyra's muscle.
Also try NetBeans.
It's also Java based but more light weight.
For my Java programming at University I switched from Eclipse to NetBeans. All it requires is the Java VM.
It supports Java and C/C++.
I made a video on the OMAP5 devboard long ago.

Thanks a lot :)
So it does run well for medium sized Projects? Nice. I like it as an IDE.

BTW: What was the CPU clock of your Devboard? 1GHz or 1.5 GHz?
Faster compilation is always nice ;)
BTW: What was the CPU clock of your Devboard? 1GHz or 1.5 GHz?

Idle it's 1Ghz, but boosts up to 1.5GHz on demand. Older Kernel releases had a DTB with a 500Mhz mode and it worked well. Not sure why it was disabled. Well It's all configurable and more modes could be added in theory.
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Well... Does allcaps have a place in legal articles or something? Or is it just German government thinking about Internet people?

Yes, it has: e.g. Surnames in Passports are printed in allcaps. So, all people who have a "ß" in their name could need a new passport.