Ouya - Android based open gaming console

I don't think Ouya was out to sell millions of units. I think by the CEO statements and the modest Kickstarter goal that it's pretty clear that these are people who have a passion to deliver a product to fill a niche they thought was lacking. Frankly I see the Ouya thing as a bit like Open Pandora, a small group with a passion to deliver something they believed in. Will it make profits, who knows, I personally believe they can make the units for the Kickstarter project at $120 a pop and still make some profit but time will tell.

The other thing to note is that the Kickstarter price will not neccessarily be the retail price of the Ouya. Actually it very rarely is, the kickstarter price is usually a reduced price to get interest and the project away. It's a , hey grab it now as when it releases it will be more. This has been the case for every Kickstarter I have seen - it's almost a given and understood.

As for the renders, they look hot - Looks like they are progressing with the design. I'm still considering pledging for one to mod given the PCB is likely to be very small indeed . Make for a cheap project board. Very tempting
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lets make a riot! go in street and scream THE REAL OPEN CONSOLES ARE HERE YET! WIZ CAANOO PANDORA THOSE ARE OPEN not a stupid mokup of ouya

They will succeed somehow, it seems to me they already had the money for it without actually needing any kickstarter.

It is just some propaganda and gathering money for pre-investment doing a 8 months pre-sale.

Only problem with me is that it is nothing new at all today neither yesterday, so within 8 months there is a lot of space to new things on market.

I mean, it seems a step back to produce a console while people can already use android handhelds the same way, but you get a screen and the portability on the go should you want to.

As for software, it is going to be what android already have, no dev is going to produce for ouya only, and should resources be short, you will want to support the bigger tablet/phone market in the first place.

It will be an interesting ride to see how this one goes along.
My greatest hope is that it is somewhat of a success so that all developers build in Controller support into there games. Thats whats lacking on the Android front and needs to be addressed.
this is why I am aiming to do so much negative propaganda

People here believe that it is the FIRST console opensource, the FIRST with Android, PROGRAM WILL BE EASY, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

why not Pandora, caanoo? chineses new?

why this fucking console that not exist is ultra-publicized and had success before came out, and those are not already considered?

read this article in a fairly authoritative Italian hack site


via google: http://translate.google.it/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=it&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moddingstudio.com%2Fcontent.php%3F1070-OUYA-La-prima-console-open-source-da-80-euro-basata-su-OS-android&act=url
Shoulden´t we be aware of grand-scale companies getting into donation - agencies?

1- You are not pre ordering jack sh*t, you are leaving behind years of work into consumers/sellers rights. They get the money, you get a promise, and they are under the law if they don´t deliver.

2- You are not a sponsor/backer, sponsors invest money to get money back, you are getting a product back in promise, not interests, not even your original money, nothing. Should they succeed and in a couple years decide to sell the brand to google for 1 bi dollars you still get nothing for that.


1- you can enter kickstarter while HAVING the money to support your operations and idea.

2- you can enter kickstarter while ALREADY having the product completed.

Next we are going to see mc donalds entering kickstarter in an attempt so save hot dogs, the mc dog!

Pledge 10 bucks and in 12 months we are going to have mc dogs in our restaurants, your ticket is worth one mc dog.

Parental advisory must be ON for kickstarter if you don´t wanna teach your kid the value of money. :o

EDIT: I´m not being negative here, maybe a bit paranoid/conspiracy sam pechinpah way, but I like the idea, what do you guys think?
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So its like an Alternate On live console with android?, with an equally dorky controller ? :)

People who like it should get it, its not my thing, i want to take gaming on the road.

For my home gaming needs i cant see myself getting this.
The onlive thing was a major win I think , it gives them the fall back of at least being able to play onlive games should the primary goal of having ouya games being developed not pan out
Foxgod@ It seems it is going to do more then the on live stuff.

The dorky controller is as good as any render, we must feel and play before we judge, and no 2 is going to judge it the same (specially if it a PVP game and the other party looses :D ).

But yep, I want an on the go console too. hey I have one! I don´t even must use on the road, can also use on bed before sleeping once in a while :)
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Foxgod@ It seems it is going to do more then the on live stuff.

The dorky controller is as good as any render, we must feel and play before we judge, and no 2 is going to judge it the same (specially if it a PVP game and the other party looses :D ).

But yep, I want an on the go console too. hey I have one! I don´t even must use on the road, can also use on bed before sleeping once in a while :)

Its just not my kind of thing, so i wont even try it :P but if someone wants it, i see no reason why they should not get it.
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Well. I’m personally not that interested, if I want a Tegra 3 device I'll pick up the Asus Transformer Prime.. It's a 10" tablet device, if I slap on the keyboard it's a netbook.. want it to be a console hitch it up with the HDMI cable and use my either the ICP, 6-axis or Wii controller for games... Sure it cost more but I would get more function out of this compared to the Ouya.
Most important is that you know exactly what is going on first hand and truly.

Try asking the owner of the red ring of death.
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I think if Ouya were to get Sixaxis on board and have Ouya launch with it, that would be awesome Would be great to have a library of great Android games (like Modern Combat) you could play with the controller from day 1 right out of the box. I actually tweeted them this suggestion.
Well. I’m personally not that interested, if I want a Tegra 3 device I'll pick up the Asus Transformer Prime.. It's a 10" tablet device, if I slap on the keyboard it's a netbook.. want it to be a console hitch it up with the HDMI cable and use my either the ICP, 6-axis or Wii controller for games... Sure it cost more but I would get more function out of this compared to the Ouya.
Don't complain then just ignore the Ouya and do what you want to and go where you want to go .
That was not a complain, but his opinion plus another state of option, thanks TrashyMG.

I have stated 4 points a couple posts ago, does anyone have any ideas to discuss those? What do you guys think about it?

Re: your points above. I guess Kickstarter is no different than if you ordered something from any company and they went bankrupt. The local US laws would apply - I don't think it has anything to do with Kickstarter. That said, just like in any bankrupcy, your chance of getting anything would be very low.

In the case the company just didn't want to deliver anything, then you could always sue them/take them to court under US Law (again nothing to do with Kickstarter).

As far as Kickstarter goes , here's there policy from there site.

"If I am unable to complete my project as promised, what should I do?

If you realize that you will be unable to follow through on your project before funding has ended, you are expected to cancel it. If you realize that you will be unable to follow through on your project after it has been successfully funded, you are expected to offer refunds to all your backers."
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