Release Opsu!

Installed on my rebirth - need SGX to be able to play it. Even at nearly 1 Ghz not really playable. Touch screen is lagging and for a game like this you need very accurate timing.

The songs I downloaded were horrible Japanese songs :) but the game itself is pretty nice.

In its current state not recommended on a rebirth or maybe there is a tweak that can improve the performance?
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need SGX to be able to play it
That's it! I've tried like one different driver and gave up quickly to be honest, but it does indeed work with that one. Well, backgrounds are mostly glitched, there's quite an input delay and framerate fluctuation, but I guess that's to be expected with a CC and swap (although clocked almost 1 GHz). I'll try what I can do to tweak it a bit though. Turning off background and effects does help, but not enough.
For me at least, it's something for the Pyra then. Why does it always have to be Java...

Still, awesome work!
Change fps limit to 30.
In game I didn’t got more than 15-16 fps so that didn’t help. CC/Rebirth is just not powerful enough (as elvissteinjr noticed too). Too bad - well..  back to beat2x with the great classic beat2x pack from ED :)
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Change fps limit to 30.
In game I didn’t got more than 15-16 fps so that didn’t help. CC/Rebirth is just not powerful enough (as elvissteinjr noticed too). Too bad - well.. back to beat2x with the great classic beat2x pack from ED :)
You're welcome! ;)
Maybe I can try to reduce Texture size on CC & Rebirth, it can help the framerate...
Already one step ahead of you there, but I'd suggest turning texture filtering off in the code additionally.

I've created 2 skins for Opsu: 1 is the default one aliased, so without any alpha channel, removing the need of pretty slow alpha blending and backgrounds scaled to 800x480, the other one is the same but 50% size on textures that get scaled appropriately in-game.

I recommend the first 1 for gigahertz users who want a few frames more, the second one for rebirth and CC users in general, as it makes the game actual playable with stable 20 fps.

Of course as rebirth/CC user, you should also turn off all effects, turn off background dimming and maybe also only use the default background.

I've tried to make them look a bit better than just your simple batched aliasing and downscale, so it actual looks acceptable on the Pandora.

Oh, those go into "appdata/opsu/Skins" btw.


    7.2 MB · Views: 279
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@elvissteinjr: nice!!! Maybe I can embed those in a new release of the PND? (along with automatic downscale of texture, as it should help for default), if you allow me to redistribute your work.
I'm not really in the position to claim any rights on slightly edited GPL'ed graphics... and it's meant for the community so of course, so go ahead.
But yeah, automatic downscaling can have its advantages as well. Especially for the menu graphics as you end up with smaller buttons if you reduce the size of the images there. Although I have to say that the menus runs fine for me (with the aliased skin) and all in-game graphics are covered by the skins. Options never hurt.
Ok, new build. I tried to apply automatic downscaling, but most of the things on screens seems to be FBO, and I don't downscale FBO (it's more tricky than texture).

Also, the 2 specialy edited Skins from elvissteinjr are now extracted automatically at the proper place at first run.

build 03


  • Some texture downscaling on CC/Rebirth model
  • Extract Skins done by elvissteinjr for faster framerate

PS: for those who want to play with downscaling, create a file called ".shrink" in appdata/opsu and put a number inside, from 0 to 7, 7 is what is used on CC/Rebirth, and look at the pndrun_opsu.out also. You can also try with ".mimap", with number from 0 to 3, but I didn't tried any (default is 0)...
Hadn't gotten around testing that release, but now here's some feedback:
Shrink makes the main menu button disappear after the loading phase for me. According to the pndrun_opsu.out it defaults to 2 here. A shrink of 0 makes everything work again, 1 screws everything up (blocks of random colors pretty much), 4 also makes the button disappear and 7 looks exactly like 0.
The mipmapping doesn't seem to do anything here. No visual or performance changes.

Tested with the default skin of course.
Aw, it doesn't work with OpenJDK 6, it seems.

I'll try running it with OpenJDK 7 on Slackware-- that would be great to see working.
Aw, it doesn't work with OpenJDK 6, it seems.

I'll try running it with OpenJDK 7 on Slackware-- that would be great to see working.
I guess you are avoiding the Oracle version of Java for a reason?
Avoiding everything with Oracle in its name is not necessarily a bad decision :)

That said, according to the documentation there should be no noticable difference (in this context) between the Oracle and OpenJDK versions of the Java 7 runtime (but I haven't tested that; in part because the Java PND does not include OpenJDK 7).
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I just discovered this game, i had it installed but actually hadn't looked at it yet.
Really very nice. I already spent a couple of hours trying to master (and failing to do so)some of the songs. A real challenge.

Easy and normal mode are do-able with some practice but multi clicking which is needed in the harder beat maps is too difficult and might need a pen/tablet and dual button press instead of touchscreen clicks.

It has some quirks while trying to download or update from some of the servers though. Windowed dialogs containing error messages flicker through the screen and some times hang the game. Still, great game and an awesome addition to my Pandora software library!

I noticed it says there's an update available at the bottom arrow in the game. Could it be updated?
I think the servers for downloading the songs have moved, which is why you can't download them with the current version anymore.