Release SDLPoP


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here isSDLPoP, an Open source version of Prince of Persia based on a disassembly of the DOS version.

The PND now include the data

This game use SDL2 and gl4es.

I have mapped (X) to Up (i.e. Jump) and (B) to Shift (walk), to make things easier. Also, use Ctrl-Q to Quit (ESC just toggle Pause)

History log

Build 04

  • Update sources
  • Update libs
Build 03

  • Update sources
  • Update libs
  • Include datas
Build 02

  • Fixed "Readme" link
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora changes
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Hi all :)

@ ptitSeb: thanks again for that great port !

P.S: how do you exit that game ? I have yet to find the right key for that (Fn+Q, Q, etc... don't work).

Cheers, Magic Sam
very nice...its not a biggy..but the doc link in the (xfce) menu is not working...
I don't seem to be able to download the github content automatically.  In my pndrun.out I get:

wget: Unrecognised option '--no-check-certificate'

And after that it can't find and the whole thing unravels.

I'm on SZ1.71.  I can try updating if you think that will solve it, but if you can think of something else I can try first that'd be better.
I don't seem to be able to download the github content automatically.  In my pndrun.out I get:

wget: Unrecognised option '--no-check-certificate'

And after that it can't find and the whole thing unravels.

I'm on SZ1.71.  I can try updating if you think that will solve it, but if you can think of something else I can try first that'd be better.

I tried on a CC with SuperZaxxon 1.72 and it was working. I suggest upgrading yes.
Wasn't one of Notaz's recent upgrades responsible for getting https availability on the Pandora? ISTR that I had this problem too a few months ago, and I've not had it since.

Thanks petitSeb. This might be one of the first games I ever played, it was on my father's 286, first computer we got at home. I should have been 6 year old and rememeber not being able to get pass the fight with the fat guy.

I rememeber reading about the story of the original author finding the source code, but never tried to play it again until now. And after 25 years I have been able to finish the game.

I have got a question, savestates have been introduced in the new releases or they existed in the original?
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Thanks petitSeb. This might be one of the first games I ever played, it was on my father's 286, first computer we got at home. I should have been 6 year old and rememeber not being able to get pass the fight with the fat guy.

I rememeber reading about the story of the original author finding the source code, but never tried to play it again until now. And after 25 years I have been able to finish the game.

I have got a question, savestates have been introduced in the new releases or they existed in the original?


The savestates are a new feature introduce with the new version, along with a few bug fixes here and there.

So you have finished the game on the Pandora?
Yes, I did. The game works perfectly I was unable to find any flaw.

Thanks again for all your work, not only this one.
To conclude my previous problem, I updated to SZ1.92 and now the data downloads fine, and the game runs very well now *, thanks!

* I got at least as far as the sword, which I managed to get then climb to the top of the tower on the left and then fall off of that!
New build on the repo,with updated sources and updated libs.
Also, the PND now include the datas (if there is an issue with that, I'll repackage without the data, but there are just in the github repo...)

Build 03

  • Update sources
  • Update libs
  • Include datas