Nothing to show, but a lot happened.

Heh, just received the case and apparently the designers managed to get the shoulder buttons arranged horizontally.

Need to test them though, will do a 3D print and see how much they work.

I'll try to post images later, but I think the design could need some change to make them work comfortably (i.e. upper button sticking a bit more out than the lower one, etc).

Needs testing and tweaking around I guess :)
Nice to hear,

Im looking forward to the new Prototype,

hope it will also be blue

I also wants my Pyra Blue, as this will made the new unit diverent from the Pandora

There are some changes, but over all, it just looks lot like a Pandora:

A Clamshell Handheld whit Dual Nubs and Keyboard, there arent much ways to not loock like a Pandora..
Heh, just received the case and apparently the designers managed to get the shoulder buttons arranged horizontally.

Need to test them though, will do a 3D print and see how much they work.

I'll try to post images later, but I think the design could need some change to make them work comfortably (i.e. upper button sticking a bit more out than the lower one, etc).

Needs testing and tweaking around I guess :)
Do you mean they're stacked vertically or horizontally? "Upper" and "lower" makes me think "vertically", but "horizontally" makes me think "horizontally" :unsure:

Nice to hear,

Im looking forward to the new Prototype,

hope it will also be blue

I also wants my Pyra Blue, as this will made the new unit diverent from the Pandora

There are some changes, but over all, it just looks lot like a Pandora:

A Clamshell Handheld whit Dual Nubs and Keyboard, there arent much ways to not loock like a Pandora..
A blue Pyra sounds like a contradiction, since Pyrrha means "red", "flame-colored".
Nice to hear,

Im looking forward to the new Prototype,

hope it will also be blue

I also wants my Pyra Blue, as this will made the new unit diverent from the Pandora

There are some changes, but over all, it just looks lot like a Pandora:

A Clamshell Handheld whit Dual Nubs and Keyboard, there arent much ways to not loock like a Pandora..
A blue Pyra sounds like a contradiction, since Pyrrha means "red", "flame-colored".
Yeah, but there are also blue flames, which are hotter than red ones. ;)

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And green ones! and purple ones!

Normal fire seems a bit boring when you've seen chemistry demos.
Heh, just received the case and apparently the designers managed to get the shoulder buttons arranged horizontally.

Need to test them though, will do a 3D print and see how much they work.

I'll try to post images later, but I think the design could need some change to make them work comfortably (i.e. upper button sticking a bit more out than the lower one, etc).

Needs testing and tweaking around I guess :)
Sounds like the Designer is not a gamer. :D  But nice to see that thigns develop. I personaly use the Pandora shoulder buttons with the middle part of my fingers so I have no problem to reach a second pair of (inner) shoulder buttons with the tips of the fingers, I already tested this on my Pandora with additional "virtual" shoulder buttons. ^^  This way you always can press one or both buttons at the same time or single. I know that other users use other technics but at least it works.  :)
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My only concern, having tried a similar test myself, is that I have to shift my grip to arch my fingers to assert positive pressure on the bit of the case where I expect the extra buttons to be without also pressing on the outer button with the middle of my finger. Perhaps the button will require less pressure, thus I have to shift my grip less, or perhaps shifting my grip isn't the obstacle I worry it might be - after all shifting my grip to the keyboard is a much more dramatic shift, and I do that all the time in Nethack or Oolite.
Touch-typing is impossible anyway on a keyboard that size, unless you have small fingers.
I mean touch-typing with thumbs.  I don't think anyone would put the pandora down on a table to use their fingers.

Basically every single thing you mentioned I feel the exact opposite to.  Except:  I too would like a separate tab key.  A compose key also sounds nice.  Even though I don't type in other languages, I intend to in the future.


Others mentioned keyboard tests.  I think some of the ideas being floated around would require pretty drastic changes and couldn't really be tested without significant costs.  Some changes are not just to the physical keys (gloss, shape, texture, letter-durability, etc) but other things like travel time and wobble may require changes to the underlying keymat.
I made a similar assumption that everyone types handheld on the Pandora, using their thumbs, but as I recall a few people popped up and assured me they typed with the pandora on a desk. Why they'd do this is still beyond me, but I understand it to be done.
I personaly use the Pandora shoulder buttons with the middle part of my fingers so I have no problem to reach a second pair of (inner) shoulder buttons with the tips of the fingers, I already tested this on my Pandora with additional "virtual" shoulder buttons.
 This is how I do it, and I figured we would have R2/L2 close to where our fingertips are on the Pandora.

I don't think anyone would put the pandora down on a table to use their fingers.
 I do this occasionally.  More often when I am at a desk using another computer/keyboard.

I made a similar assumption that everyone types handheld on the Pandora, using their thumbs, but as I recall a few people popped up and assured me they typed with the pandora on a desk. Why they'd do this is still beyond me, but I understand it to be done.
I type quicker this way, at least with some devices.  It also makes transitioning from Pandora to other keyboard MUCH quicker.  Part of the reason I point out the Pandora keyboard flaws is because it is harder to type with like that instead of thumb typing.

I really need to finish reading the thread before replying...
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My only concern, having tried a similar test myself, is that I have to shift my grip to arch my fingers to assert positive pressure on the bit of the case where I expect the extra buttons to be without also pressing on the outer button with the middle of my finger. Perhaps the button will require less pressure, thus I have to shift my grip less, or perhaps shifting my grip isn't the obstacle I worry it might be - after all shifting my grip to the keyboard is a much more dramatic shift, and I do that all the time in Nethack or Oolite.
Pandora's shoulder buttons are mostly a 90º angle with slightly rounded corners, so they would get in the way when trying to reach the new shoulder buttons.

Pyra's shoulder buttons could be shaped differently, maybe more rounded more or with two 45º angles instead. There's probably some optimum shape which would allow pressing both sets of shoulder buttons comfortably. IE. a shape that adapts better to the user's fingers.
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Basically every single thing you mentioned I feel the exact opposite to.  Except:  I too would like a separate tab key.  A compose key also sounds nice.  Even though I don't type in other languages, I intend to in the future.
Could you elaborate exactly what you mean by "the exact opposite" to every single thing I mentioned in post #78? Is the following an accurate summary of your opinions then?

- it needs more glare

- blind typing is not important

- you care a lot about the keyboard backlight

- you are unhappy with the Pandora keyboard

- the Pandora keymapping for symbols makes a lot of sense

- shoulder buttons for Alt and Fn/Meta are not desirable

- the Pandora keyboard sucks for thumb typing

- you hope the Pyra keyboard changes a lot (too much actually) compared to that of the Pandora

- flat keytops cannot be fine

- the keytop material should either be very rough or very slippery, but it should not have the right balance

- putting it down on a table and typing that way is something that should not be taken into consideration

- handheld thumb typing is not the main use case and the Pyra keyboard should not be optimized for that

If that is really your opinion, could you motivate it?
It seems like most of the posters agree that there should be less resistance when pressing keyboard.
I made a similar assumption that everyone types handheld on the Pandora, using their thumbs, but as I recall a few people popped up and assured me they typed with the pandora on a desk. Why they'd do this is still beyond me, but I understand it to be done.
I equate "thumb typing" with young people and their mobile phones ;)
Well, sure, but that's something I knew myself before I started with the Pyra :p
This is one of the reason, why i think, the Pyra are going to be awesome:

when i remember corektly, Evildragon use his Pandora a lot :) ,

When the Pandora was being developt, there wasnt a Device like the Pandora, so nobody dit know, how to make it better,

Now whe have the Pandora, and know, wats wrong whit it, and can make it better on the Pyra..
Well, sure, but that's something I knew myself before I started with the Pyra :p
Are they any parts you would like the community to think about?

It might be more efficient for you, but we do like discussing everything anyway.

matzesu, I don't mind your English but you could try the auto-spell checker.

I use Firefox with an English dictionary-add-on and it just checks and suggests correct words, really helps as else this post would contain loads of non-English words. (also improves my English)
matzesu, I don't mind your English but you could try the auto-spell checker
Nooooo! I was considering posting how quaint I found his take on the English language and that I didn't want him to change, but decided against it.But if someone else is going to call it then there's nothing stopping me!

matzesu, I find your take on the English language very quaint, please don't ever change :)
His English has got a lot better since he arrived here, and I rather like his phraseology too. It no longer makes his posts hard to read and just adds a little colour to the place :)