did not have Time @the Moment.
I do not forget that nice PND.
-Had Holiday in Würzburg and wow that is realy a nice City.
-had installed a newer Android for a Friend,
and i am nearly daily 10Hours @work + Driving Time 2H/Day
@the Moment in my tiny little free Time i fight with an older DualCore Laptop for the Father of my Wife to install:
Windows10,UbuntuLinux and AndroidX86 with Multiboot on one HDD.
And one of the Problems is my Wife.
Nearly every Free Day i have...she want to somewhere other with me....swimming....visiting Parents....Birthday there...or just shopping.
the only thing i used my Pandora last Weeks is Partitionating an ssd with Gparted.
I did not forgot your PND and your afford and i am thankfull for that..but in the Moment i do not have the Time for Minecraft.
Maybe in near Future
Thanks for creating that PND..i am curious to try it soon