Release Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, the Roguelike game, fork of Cataclysm: roguelike that have evolved quite lot!


This build has the Tiles activated (it use gl4es), and use SDL2.

History log

Build 05

  • Updated to latest git sources
  • Updated libs
Build 04

  • Updated to latest git sources (0.C version)
- Better Multilingual support
- There are some sounds now
- Better tiles
- Fullscreen mode (go in options)​

Build 03

  • Updated to latest git sources (0.B version)
  • Multilingual works now

Build 02

  • Fixed launch script (with a simlink, thanks @nobgu).
Build 01

  • Initial build
Last edited:
0.B is out now... was testing it on my laptop and it has a lot of great new features.  If you get a moment to rebuild it'd be much appreciated.

New release on the repo.

I also fixed the multilingual part that was not correctly packaged last time.

Build 03


  • Updated to latest git sources (0.B version)
  • Multilingual works now

New release on the repo. The game is still evolving, and many things changed since last release.

Build 04
  • Updated to latest git sources (0.C version)
- Better Multilingual support
- There are some sounds now
- Better tiles
- Fullscreen mode (go in options)​
Oh my! This game alone is worth buying a pandora! Now i feel like asking the no-keyboard console likers how would they play this.
This is trully awesome ptitseb!
New build on the repo.
Using gl4es "Pbuffer" mode to have GL in a window regardless of the SGX version driver.

Build 05

  • Updated to latest git sources
  • Updated libs