If you arent _trying_ to adhere to the standard,
any standard doesnt matter, you are making your own. One that does more than what needs to be done. See frog.
- Its a two thumb keyboard.
Sure, did it get better or worse?
- Less distance traveled typing often used combinations
- Breaks expected functionality.
Its not fully standards compilant
- Less standard compilant
- More standard compilant
- Fully standard compilant
Making it less standard and arguing that this was part of the problem that is now made worse, doesnt make sense.
- Its not a desktop keyboard
Nor is a frog, but one of them is a keyboard all the same.
Putting a frog on the keymat is also different from a desktop keyboard,
typing on a frog does not for a good keyboard make.
Exchange frog here with any arbitrary deviation from something that works.
A whole lot of people experience this layout as _broken_, to the point where they dont use the pandora over it. If you arent one of those people, then dont appeal to prior practice because prior practice works only for you. That is excluding people, to the tone of
half the audience.
We dont know who did it on the openpandora, nor why, but in retrospect we do know that a lot of the things are worse than neccisary or ill-deviced.
- Having AltGr on shoulderbutton only means its harder to type third level modifiers than it is to type non-standard second level modifiers only.
Fantastic argument! While true, the effect can be lessened by not putting language-centric stuff on third level modifier.
The poll suggested "
No, it's OK if some modifiers are only available as shoulder buttons" that AltGr not on the keyboard is fine, and
my vote favored "
Only require shift to input natural language. (Semi standard arrangement on number row)".
With the symbols on numbers _having_ to be different, this is fixing the main issue new people have with keyboards. They dont know how to use the AltGr.
Also, consider this, for the people who do know how AltGr works, there are default combinations of AltGr+typewriter keys. This does a lot of nifty stuff, like typing đðþ€ß and whatnot, it is expected behavior, and it solves a lot of the "i need foreign things" for each region.