Bad Screen Size On Tv-out


Mar 8, 2006
Wroclaw, Poland
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I'm sorry if this topic was brought up already, but the search doesn't return me anything really usefull.

My broblem is like this:
Recently I am building my BoB. Yeasterday I've soldered the TV-out and I wanted to test it. TV-out seems to work, but the screen size is too big and some things get cropped. It's something around 3-5% of the gp2x screen that gets cut. Is it something that I'm missing in software/settings or may it be something with hardware?

thx for an answer

I forgot to mention, that I'm using 2.0 firmware
I have the same problem, I tried to mention it on gamepark holdings official site but some idiot jumped on and said it is my TVs fault... I have heaps of consoles and none of them do this.
Its called overscan, most crt tv's have it some degree or another, so yes its your tv's fault.
Gph would need to add a adjustable black boarder arround the screen, wich would be pretty hard the way they are doing it righ now.
BUT the cx tvout chip may support adding a boarder by itself.
Vimacs is right, it is your TV's fault. I get the same problem when I hook mine up to my TV, however it seems to be less when I use Pal rather than NTSC. When I hook it up to my projector I have no problems at all as it has much better scaling control/options...