Is The Pandora Vaporware?

First of all I'd like to be the first to welcome the red baron back (until proven otherwise).

Secondly, absolutely it is the most devious scam in history. In fact they are going one step beyond any other scam in the history of human kind: by actually producing and shipping the promised unit to it's customers, Openpandora are going to be in the Bahamas before we even know what hit us.
Yarkle said:
Sigh, any opinion other than praise for this device is delcared trolling and being an asshole i guess.

please have a look at the search-function. there are a lot of threads about obsolete hardware,...
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don't waste your breath guys.

Personally, if it was my forum, I'd trace the ip. If it's chinese maybe someone at the factory got into trouble over recent events and is working out a grudge. Maybe check against real members too.
Yarkle said:
Wootson said:

His/her first post and it's one about the project being a scam... Seriously, you made an account for posting this?

If OpenPandora wanted to run off with our money they had the chance many, many times before. We have seen boards, cases, various other parts, complete prototypes, dozens of videos that display the OS and various applications and games, etcetera. If this is a scam, then it's a REALLY bad one. They could have taken the million+ coins and run of with them a long time ago.

Also, who says the hardware is obsolete? What is this for ridiculous talk? Because the hardware cannot be used for space travel it is obsolete? Because it is not on par with the latest over-expensive (€500 to €1000) crap phone from company X it is obsolete? LOL! Seems like some people want a portable PlayStation 3 in their pocket, and that would still not be enough. It is never enough, not even when they have a PlayStation 4 with phone capabilities in their pocket. The PSP and the DS are also not very fast and up to par with various other electronic devices, and they still sell like hotcakes. The maximum capacities of the Pandora will also probably never be used. Not even the GP2X F-100 is being used to the max as I'm writing this. Hardware capacities don't guaranty quality. And many devices with hardware limitations have brought forth very cool stuff. If you have certain limitations that is also a thing that can be used as an advantage.

So, all in all this is yet another worthless topic about the potential failure of the project, and a rant towards how long it has taken already. OpenPandora never gave us a hard date when the device will come out, just assumptions and possibilities. People who stepped in and placed an order knew that beforehand. So, I don't really see a problem here. If you want to wait, place an order. If you already placed one and can wait, then wait. If you don't wanna wait anymore, grab your money and spend it on a massage or whatever you like.
The iphone/ipod doesn't run a full desktop like this will. Did you forget that's a feature? Stop giving me walls of text t;dr

Dude, go read my post a bit more careful. I never mentioned any iPhone or iPod. A "phone" is not something Apple invented.

Show me hard proof of a device that looks similar to the Pandora, with the same or better hardware capabilities, with all the openness of the software and the community around it, and I'll let you have my Pandora for free.
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Wootson said:
Because the hardware cannot be used for space travel it is obsolete?

interestingly The NY Times a few years back suggests that obsolecense or at the very least robust and known hardware is the thing to use for space travel.
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I understand you probably don't have the level of inner knowledge about things most here do. Not going to post a big deconstruction post on this again - the easiest indication I can give you that it's not a scam is that people have been successfully getting their money back when canceling. eBay scammers don't do that.

It's just a project that has been met with endless complications, usually by third parties dragging their feet with things. The manufacturer making the case is the most egregious example. There's tremendous evidence that all of the component parts have been purchased so the remaining costs are just going to assembly (being done by volunteers) and S&H. So lack of cash flow isn't a possible problem.

Yay, more of the usual troll labeling in this thread.. he asked what we thought, at least give him the opportunity to accept correction. WizardStan, you're usually on my side with the whole troll labeling thing but "sociopath" is pretty much the same idea but much more severe, not to mention all your "advice", or are you trying to sarcastically make some kind of point?
Yarkle said:
Jeez what a bunch of raged and defensive members. I didn't sign up to troll you, i wanted to ask the question that obviously no one else here asked. You then give me a wall of text on how i'm a sociopath? Nice community you have here.
It is a question that has been asked before. Many times. It has been discussed, analyzed, and responded to no less than a half dozen times. And every time that I can recall, it has basically ended with "hahah, stupids, I don't care, I was just trolling you!" (to paraphrase). If you are not attempting to troll, if you are truly and genuinely interested in people, then you've gone about it in a way that resembles a troll attack, unfortunately. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me a half dozen times, shame on me.
And your definition of "rage" seems to not match the dictionary, because everyone here (present company included) has taken your failed attempts at (presumed) trolling in light step.
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Pickle said:
All i got to say is that i love my 'vaporware' ;-)

you're not real... you're from the interwebz!!
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Yarkle said:
Sigh, any opinion other than praise for this device is delcared trolling and being an asshole i guess.
Oh not at all! Read some of the recent threads, there's lots of examples of dissension. Even some of our more prominent members (again, present company included) have voiced concerns over how OPT handled certain aspects of the project. The difference is that we go in with actual complaints, and definitions that match reality. Your first post made the assertion that the Pandora is vaporware: it doesn't match any definition of vaporware. It may be a long running project, but periodic updates are being made. You may as well say that StarCraft 2 is vaporware at this point, since it hasn't shipped either.
You suggested it was a scam, but if you had actually thought about it, as we have many, many times over the last year, you'd realize that it is a terrible way to run a scam. Such a low turnover that needs to be shared among at least 4 guys and probably more in the back, not to mention all the work and investment required to get things setup to look like they're actually doing something.
If you want to complain, there are a lot of valid things to complain about. Do some research on the project, it's internal workings, the history of how and why it is, and especially the technology being used to produce it, and then return with your complaints, but I can guarantee we've heard them all before, thought of them ourselves, and we don't care. Right now, you're complaining about non-issues, or easily refuted issues.
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Yarkle said:
Nice community you have here.

I think you must be mistaken. As web forums go, this is a pretty shitty community tbh, and getting worse as the delays drag on.

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While I wouldn't agree that the OP is a scam, it most certainly meets the definition of vaporware. Remember, the Duke Nukem Forever team showed demos, too.

Wikipedia defines it as: "Vaporware is a word used to describe products, usually computer hardware or software, not released on the date announced by their developer, or announced months or years before their release." See Project Xanadu for an extreme example.
Dunny said:
Yarkle said:
Nice community you have here.

I think you must be mistaken. As web forums go, this is a pretty shitty community tbh, and getting worse as the delays drag on.


I've been around numerous communities on the net since back in '91 and i dont think i have ever seen a community manage to hold together for so long without splitting or dying given whats going on.
I can't say it hasn't been any better or worse than any other specialised community because they all have their foibles, but the device cant arrive soon enough for its own reason but to stop this community from eating itself like a rat eating it's own babies.
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WizardStan said:
It is a question that has been asked before. Many times. It has been discussed, analyzed, and responded to no less than a half dozen times. And every time that I can recall, it has basically ended with "hahah, stupids, I don't care, I was just trolling you!" (to paraphrase). If you are not attempting to troll, if you are truly and genuinely interested in people, then you've gone about it in a way that resembles a troll attack, unfortunately. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me a half dozen times, shame on me.
And your definition of "rage" seems to not match the dictionary, because everyone here (present company included) has taken your failed attempts at (presumed) trolling in light step.
I have gotta jump in. I do not know whether or not the OP is sincere in her original post, but it is a real question that some will ask when they are considering pre-ordering. I asked myself the same question when I was considering pre-ordering. Obviously I did not know any of those involved in the project personally, I didn't know much about the project except they have been taking pre-orders for a very long time. I was convinced with some quick research, but I do not think it is fair to presume everyone who asks this question is trolling.

Edit: asked the same == asked myself the same
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Dunny said:
I think you must be mistaken. As web forums go, this is a pretty shitty community tbh, and getting worse as the delays drag on.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure I'm not helping the situation any. I'm trying, it just keeps doesn't seem to be working. :(
One day we'll all be posting from our Pandoras, and then it'll be good again. :)
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