Release Hotfix 7 Beta 1 released!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Things are getting more stable now, so it's time to release: HotFix 7 Beta 1

Here are the changes compared to HotFix 6 Final:

* MiniMenu: Now reading the PNDs WAY faster, this reduces the startup speed a lot if you have many PNDs on your card!

* MiniMenu: Remembers the last selected application now.

* MiniMenu: Added WIP version of new skin (Clean). You can select that in the skin selector :)

* MiniMenu: Initial view (after booting or GUI switch) now correctly displays all icons (MiniMenu now waits for libpnd's processing)

* MiniMenu: Apps with custom assigned sub/categories now show up in the correct tabs (instead of just "Other")

* MiniMenu: A lot of apps failed to started in MiniMenu HF 7 Alpha 2 (Comix, Crimson Field, Deathtrap Remix, No Gravity, PCSX ReARMed,...). This bug was fixed.

* Charging: As some had issues with getting less time out of the battery since HF6, one patch has been reverted. So charging should hopefully work good for everyone

* Touchscreen: notaz tweaked the touchscreen and it is now WAY more responsive. The system feels way faster thanks to that :)

* notaz' SDL now included in the firmware

* modemmanager has been added - but it's not tested yet (didn't have a 3G stick handy). Please test - some 3G sticks (the ones that don't need a modeswitch) should now work using NetworkManager :)

* Some other tweaks and bugfixes.

The most notable things are of course the touchscreen fix and MiniMenu speedups.

Please test it and report back :)

Known bugs:

* Touchscreen occasionally stops registering clicks (mouse button still works through nubs in that case)

Thanks of course to notaz, skeezix and porg for these updates!

Here's the download: Zaxxon Hotfix 7 Beta 1 Flash

As this is a full flash, it will delete all your personal settings and files that are stored on the NAND! Be sure you don't have anything important there!

To install it, simply extract the archive onto the root of your SD Card.

Insert the SD Card into the left slot. Keep R (shoulder) pressed while switching on your Pandora and select "Boot from SD1"

If "Boot from SD1" doesn't appear, try to reformat the SD Card using Panasonic SD Formatter, recopy the files and retry.

You can also use the SD Installer and run HF7b1 off SD Card.

Grab the image needed for the SD Installer here

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At work so can't try it yet. In the meantime, could somebody see if this problem is fixed?
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I only just flashed H7A3! lol

This. xD

Also, the touchscreen improvements rock. Xournal works pretty much perfectly now and MyPaint is way less laggy (Although I've encountered a bug in MyPaint (HF7a3, couldn't test the beta yet EDIT: Still exists in HF7b1.): The touchscreen doesn't register if I lift the stylus so when I put down the stylus again, it just draws a straight line between the point I stopped drawing and the point I just pressed. )
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Also, the touchscreen improvements rock. Xournal works pretty much perfectly now and MyPaint is way less laggy (Although I've encountered a bug in MyPaint (HF7a3, couldn't test the beta yet EDIT: Still exists in HF7b1.): The touchscreen doesn't register if I lift the stylus so when I put down the stylus again, it just draws a straight line between the point I stopped drawing and the point I just pressed. )

Yep. That's actually a bug in MyPaint: It was using a bug in the touchscreen driver to register the lift.

That bug is now removed, so MyPaint can't use it anymore. MyPaint needs to be updated here.
Lovely (-: been using minimenu more and more so this will be great.

Only bad thing with these full flashes are that I have to input my 64 characters for wifi access all the time, perhaps it's time to save it on the SDcard :P
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It's quite a large file for me to download, so...

Is there any significant difference between Alpha3 and Beta1 ???
sticking my neck out and guessing the only difference wouldbe the more recent changes to minimenu that skeezix was talking about in the hotfix7alpha3 thread?

since i don't use minimenu that often gonna wait!
Touchscreen performance as well, but yeah, mostly minimenu, which is much much faster to startup and use now.

I think I'll also wait untill there are more xfce related changes. ;)

In all the time I've had my Pandora... I haven't been able to wrap my head around minimenu - It confuses me.

.... wait... does minimenu ever require you to push down on the right nub? Because I haven't been able to do that untill now. :huh:
minimenu doesn't use the nubs; shoulder buttons (or touchscreen) to change tabs, and d-pad arrows to maneauver the selection around; d-pad buttons to do stuff, mainly the right-button launches an app (or hit Start.) You don't really need to hit the Select menu or spacebar to bring up the various config screens, just ignore them if you like.

Its supposed to be easy and fast and 'just work', for launching stuff.

(mind you, in some of the hf7 alphas it was a little funky due to the vchanges going on, but its stable in hf7b1, and of course stable through anything before hf7.)

^ It's just that when I used it last (Hotfix 5), I couldn't figure out how to navigate to all the catagories... and it seemed like a lot of my PNDs weren't showing up... or I just couldn't find them... and I looked and looked but couldn't see how to reorganize the catagories myself.

The feeling I had then was that I was missing something very important.

Infact, let me boot into it now and see if I can make any headway.

(xfce for me makes complete sense)

EDIT: Hold the phone! HaHa! It WORKS!!!!! :D

And I know what was wrong! Before I sent my Pandora away to ED, I had gone to a lot of trouble to set the shoulder buttons as left and right mouse click. ;) :lol:
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ha, that'd do it alright :)

Well, in HF7b1 it starts up really really fast, which is handy.

Guess I'll add a basic 'list view' display soon too :)

Very important change: finaly, the last selection is remembered in Mini Menu :D It made me crazy that it always started at the first tab after every action in the Menu.
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