Release Hotfix 2 For Zaxxon Released

EvilDragon: Fair enough, it's a simple reboot of the device when it acts up so I'm not too concerned ;)
Bosbeetle said:
MDave said:
For the next fix, can you make it so the power led flashes when its in sleep mode? :)
yeah or at least something so we know it is in sleep
Yeah, add some nice snoring sound too :-)
But make it as an option (both, snoring and led flashing), please.
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peca said:
Bosbeetle said:
MDave said:
For the next fix, can you make it so the power led flashes when its in sleep mode? :)
yeah or at least something so we know it is in sleep
Yeah, add some nice snoring sound too :-)
But make it as an option (both, snoring and led flashing), please.
or.. we could add a visual snore using the power led. like: [Blink][Pause][Blink][Blink][Blink][Blink][Blink][Pause][Pause][Pause][Pause][Blink][Pause][Blink][Blink][Blink][Blink][Blink][...]

I'd like that feature. ;P

-God Ginrai
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EvilDragon said:
Hooka said:
Just a small note on something I noticed... After installing hotfix 2, if I suspend the Pandora then start it up again, it seems that the left analog nub has a problem going left. Recalibrating the nub doesn't help and it's only solved by rebooting.

Must be a coincidence - as nothing has changed there. Neither scripts nor anything else around the nubs or sleep mode :)

I do not know the reason behind this but I just wanted to add that I have the exact same problem that Hooka describes.
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