Here Is What Will Be Happening.

I'd be more than willing to accept a slightly imperfect case. I'm 550~650 in line, so I might even have a chance of getting one.

But let's first watch the video and the pictures that show us the "imperfections". Maybe we can live with them, maybe not. If there's a possibility to buy a perfect case afterwards then I don't see any problem at all.
Depending on how bad and where the imperfections are, I'll just resand and repaint the damn case. Doesn't matter. I want function over fashion.
Alpha2 said:
But the Pandora team is already making a profit off of him with the first case he's getting, and he's asking for it at cost, not a discount to the Pandora team.

I think it would depend on how bad the case is, if it's functional then he needs to pay full price, if later on it's discovered that it is somehow defective I think he could get a break and pay cost(which is, once again, at cost, not at a loss to the Pandora team).

Can't wait for that video. If it is 100% functional and just a little ugly then I think I'll go for it. Like Craig said about his phone being beat up that is more or less me, I take care of things, never had a handheld break on me, but they are all scuffed up pretty bad.

I think the idea was always assuming the cases had no obviously fatal flaws Some people would opt to get one as soon as possible. But with that said If you want it early why would the team say these people would have a discount (the at-cost part of the equation)? it's not as if the people who waited can go back in time and get THEIRS early. Granted the people who got theirs early are still paying money even at cost but the issue is more about the price of replacing their early cases for a discount just because they couldn't be patient enough to wait a couple more weeks. It's kinda like rewarding a child throwing a small tantrum, Might seem a little unfair to those that choose patience.

That's all I'm saying.

No, I completely understand. I'm agreeing with most of what you say. If the case they get early is 100% functional then I would think they need to pay whatever everyone else does for parts. If it is found defective in the time they get to when the next or next next revision comes out then I think it's fair they get a new case at cost. No warranty really, just a new case that they need to pay cost for, they would be on their own putting the guts in it.

Also, these people getting the unit early will be like beta testers, I'm sure they'll point out flaws for the team which will help them make revisions.

They will also be paying for new case parts if they want the new case, whatever that cost is, so they will be paying for the privilege to get an early unit if for whatever reason they can't live with the early case.
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Lord_Pall said:
I haven't ever posted on these forums.

I am number 200-300 in the order queue. I ordered within the first few hours. I've wanted a Pandora since i saw the first concept photos.

Getting these devices into people's hands is more important than a perfect case. This is a small run, cutting edge and frankly, unique piece of hardware, sold to enthusiasts.

We can buy aftermarket cases. We can upgrade to newer cases if they become available. We can bodge, repair, improve near any aspect of this machine if the parts are available.

But in order to do that, we need the finished device.

If they function, if it's not catastrophically flawed, roll them out the door. Iterate, improve, but get them into the communities hands.

I personally will happily take a less than perfect case. This isn't about perfection. This is about showing people that a community developed piece of hardware and software can offer something unique, something that you simply can't mass-produce in the millions.

I completely agree with Lord_Pall. I can understand the team wanting perfection, but if enough customers are willing to accept the case as is with the chance of buying a "perfected" case later (and it seems there are plenty) - I say go for it. I, for one, would gladly accept a case that isn't quite as pretty as it could be so long as it functions the way it is supposed to.
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Dr.Crow said:
Lord_Pall said:
I haven't ever posted on these forums.

I am number 200-300 in the order queue. I ordered within the first few hours. I've wanted a Pandora since i saw the first concept photos.

Getting these devices into people's hands is more important than a perfect case. This is a small run, cutting edge and frankly, unique piece of hardware, sold to enthusiasts.

We can buy aftermarket cases. We can upgrade to newer cases if they become available. We can bodge, repair, improve near any aspect of this machine if the parts are available.

But in order to do that, we need the finished device.

If they function, if it's not catastrophically flawed, roll them out the door. Iterate, improve, but get them into the communities hands.

I personally will happily take a less than perfect case. This isn't about perfection. This is about showing people that a community developed piece of hardware and software can offer something unique, something that you simply can't mass-produce in the millions.

I completely agree with Lord_Pall. I can understand the team wanting perfection, but if enough customers are willing to accept the case as is with the chance of buying a "perfected" case later (and it seems there are plenty) - I say go for it. I, for one, would gladly accept a case that isn't quite as pretty as it could be so long as it functions the way it is supposed to.

I am willing to take both my pandora's with in perfections. just adds to the value for me as a collector or they can just say look this is first batch mk1 and mk2 case will be on sale for £xx.xx amount if you like to purchase one later
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I'm not quite in the 500's ( 800 or so) but I'd probably take it like it is, especially since the production finish will probably be better. I'm more interested in using the device than anything else, so long as the keyboard buttons don't get caught on the case edges, that's all that I really care about.

Now that that's out of the way, I probably would accept this 'non perfect' version of the Pandora. I've always kinda seen the Pandora as a blocky old-school gadget sort of thing. Does things. Does them well. Isn't in it for the looks. Not saying that the thing is ugly, but it's nothing to write home about. That said, I would most likely update the imperfect case at a later time if OpenPandora decides to sell the new cases for a discounted price.

I probably won't get the chance to accept this version though, seeing how I'm around 3000+ in the queue. But who knows, maybe 2500 people do want to write home about it. :P
MWeston said:
These cases are like the ugly girlfriend who does all the dirty stuff you like but someone you don't want your friends to see.

The case fits, is totally functional and sturdy but it looks like the rev2 ones. I don't know what the hell they were doing the past two months. Seriously.

I'm also trying to find out if these were made from recycled plastic or new pellets. Maybe that is why it still has rough edges and a greasy finish and a production run will be done differently.

duble fck
None of those are "real problems" except GREASY FINISH!!!
It makes you wanna smash the device after waiting so long for it.

I just wished OP mass produced the 'imperfect pandora' (rev2 cases etc) for those who volunteered for it.
Let those guys play with it while the real ones were made. When the real one's are mass produced; sent them to the rest of the order-ers.
Then offered those early birds to upgrade to the 'perfect cases' by sending in your pandy (without batteries so they dont die) to OP.
OP would professionally change it for you in a given time-frame for a fee (eg U$60 + P&H), without cancelling the warranty.

I think that would solve the problems for both pandora groups (The Impatients vs The Perfectionists)

Feel free to comment on this solution, advantages and disadvantages etc.
Love, Peace, Chicken Grease!
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I think now is the time to finally say something. (Look at the post count I've amassed in the past year)
I really don't care about minor cosmetic flaws as long as the cases fit well, the buttons work fine and it is sturdy.
Actually the very first thing I thought when I saw the early renderings of the Pandora one and a half years ago was "That must be the perfect portable gaming handheld - but it's really ugly".
By now I've gotten so used to it's look that I stopped thinking good or bad about it. Nevertheless I never really cared about the aesthetics of the device.

So I want one with such a case NOW.
Since I ordered within the first 2 hours after the start of the preordering I actually have a chance to do just that - get one of these cases.
I say give it with the current case, flaws or no flaws, but continue to upgrade the case if possible for the next batch.

Ship now, ship now, ship now! I am willing to take a few greasy marks that will wear down over time as long as the case functions, mechanically, quite well ..

Then again, I'm quite early in the order queue, so ..
If it is just cosmetic issues and not influencing functionality, stability or anything like that, then I could not care less.
I don't know where I am in the que but I just realized an open poll won't do any good. Lets face it, most the people that vote in the polls posted on these threads haven't pre-ordered anyway. The only fair way to do it is to only have the first 500 preorderies vote.
The silent one said:
SONY, JUST WHO ON THIS EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?////////////If someone wants to start a poll, then that should be their choice. moddys and craig, thats all you yes dudes want to pay homage to , think about the poor customers who still hang on, thinking they will get a pandora, and the ones who gave up hoping they would ever get one, because their faith was destroyed by the almighty opppppppppppppppppppppppppp team. Im fine with my game axe, as I know the pandora will never see the light of day. look at all the stuff they have come up with in the last day, trying to keep mass canceling of orders from happening. 500 cases yeah right. like someone said when the people spoke that wanted, they should have done so, to go ahead and have their pandora wiht a 2nd revison case. but they didnt, because there were no cases to be had anyway. its a shame, that an idea that supposedly was touted as the real deal will fail because they always thought they could just run over the customers. it could have the beginning of a good thing, but it wont make it. I forsee mass canceling of orders, as people will finally get tired of being led around on aleash, as its obvious the parties involved have set them selves up on a throne, and dont think they have to account for anything , or to anyone. I will ahve to save up some moeny this year, to get at least and Ipad, because I know it will be out , when they say it well.


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