Here Is What Will Be Happening.

I'm so in for one of these cases. Too bad that I'm at 1700-1800.

Suggestion to craigix if you dont want just "push" these to the first X people (X=500?...):
1. setup a new gmail account, or a filter+label at openpandorasales
2. everybody that wants one with these cases sends an email with a standard subject with some keyword (that the filter catches) and their order id, then you can easily get the number of people who wants these and a list with order ids...
I'm nowhere near the start of The Great Line of Preorderees, but I'd be willing to consider a non-perfect case if a) it takes a month or more to get one with a fixed case, and B) a fixed replacement case can be bought later cheap.
As I already used the last revision case I can say that it is absolutely enough for me. I hope this prerun (hey, print something else than First Batch on it) gets split according to the orderratio between ED and craig. AFAIK I'm in the german first 15, so yes: Gimme!
Being able to buy another case seals the deal.
If that's really how it is, you should really make an initial batch of 1000 or more and get them delivered.

Well, it really depends on the remaining issues. Texturing should be solved by mass-production and some rough edges are exaptable for a first batch. You can still make them fix those for the second batch.
Ok I'm almost certainly within the first 500, having ordered within 40 mins of pre-orders starting. I've been vocal enough with my views on the case situation before so I wont go there again.

If the rev3 case looks like the rev 2 case, as MWeson implies, add me too the "I'll take one!" list!
urjaman said:
2. everybody that wants one with these cases sends an email with a standard subject with some keyword (that the filter catches) and their order id, then you can easily get the number of people who wants these and a list with order ids...
Haha, having the customer provide this kind of information is a bad idea.

They could send mail to the orderers in line instead.
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Hell yeah! I'd take minor imperfections.

Unless you have to use rubber gloves to handle it because they used radioactive lead to lubricate the molds then let me get my hands on one and I'll fix up a new case later ... if necessary
- Sounds fair enough to me... Although I'm not in the 1st 500 so I'll never see one of these!!

But the whole affair pretty much sums up my experience of trying to get products produced in China.
They just seem to do what ever they want and tell you that it's all ok and you'll be very happy with the end result even though it isn't what you ordered or specified. We had to send back containers of product that was basically useless/dangerous.
We learnt that the only way to do it is to have a man on the ground there that you trust to get the job done...

<tirade over>


as long as we can get replacement cases like both ed and criagix have mentioned then im fine to go ahead. just wish they hadn't botched up the processes this time. seams like the main problem here is the plastic smudges.
Spirit said:
They could send mail to the orderers in line instead.
Yes, polling would also work, but that would be just more work to handle all the randomly formatted reply's, OTOH you would propably get more "yes" replies that way...
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Reading this topic, seems like 500 wouldn't be enough for the people who will take it anyway

+1 to someone who would take it with only cosmetic issues btw
As long as the case is fully functional, both for end-users and for assembly, ship a bunch of them. Hopefully the manufacturer will tweak the moulds and process for the next bunch. I expect each purchaser would get an e-mail to confirm they are OK with an early case.

With stamp and coin collecting, items with manufacturing oddities have increased value. Top grain leather has the most visible flaws, and is the most expensive. If I was that concerned about the polish, I would buy an iphone.
htl2001 said:
Reading this topic, seems like 500 wouldn't be enough for the people who will take it anyway

+1 to someone who would take it with only cosmetic issues btw

Hell I'd take one without the case entirely. I've been considering looking into a very small linux device for Work. that could be attached to a push cart, just trow it in a small project box. have it paired with a small screen and a mini-keyboard... I'm sure there is something else out there similar, but having a nearly full fledge linux work enviroment is key.
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Despite the fact that I do not really care about cosmetic issues I would really kick some Chinese asses. I mean seriously WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY DOING THE LAST MONTHS?
craigix said:
We will then ask people if they want to go with this or wait for another revision. We know all that some of you care about is that the controls work.

We will probably look at making 500 of these to get some units in to the wild, but we understand that some of you will want to wait until the case is 100%.
craigix said:
It's lots of little issues, not quite straight edges on the ports, little things here and there, the photos will show it better.

Some people would not care, others would. It's just one of those situations.
I didn't wait that long for an imperfect case :(
MWeston said:
The case fits, is totally functional and sturdy but it looks like the rev2 ones. I don't know what the hell they were doing the past two months. Seriously.
I know the answer: they lied to you and to us the past two months, that's what they did ! :angry:
craigix said:
Yes we will sell the 'final' cases and all case parts on the website once they are 100%.
You must be kidding right ? I WON'T BUY THE SAME SHIT TWICE ! :angry:
EvilDragon said:
And as the case does work fine and we'll offer the good-looking replacements later, you should all be fine.
Will these new cases be available for free ?
You can be sure we'll continue bugging the company (maybe even send somebody over to keep watching over them) until everything is perfect and you can all get replacement cases after that if you want.
I don't want a replacement case, I want it to be perfect from day one, that's why I've waited for so long ! :angry:
I'm really disappointed by the way you handle this situation, and if you decide to mass produce these imperfect cases and send them to us, I'll have to cancel my order and ask for an immediate refund.
Bye, Magic Sam
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Yawn. The mould company said it is perfect. I don't know how Chinglish "perfect" translates to English, but I would guess it means they've reached their limit. I also suspect that maybe MWeston has delved so deep into checking for flaws in the case samples it's possible that he's simply lost his sense of proportion and needs to do a reality check on how high quality expectations are warranted in their position? If the OP team had the money, they would MAKE A BETTER CASE HAPPEN and not be pushed around by a mould company.
Id go for this one based on what ive read here. If I look at my scratched phone, broken discman (yes I still use a discman) the only things I need in perfect condition are LPs (yes I still play LPs)

So I'd say Go!!
Asmo said:
Face, meet Palm.
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