What Emululators Will Be Working 100% When Pandora Ships

and id like to see super mario 64, zelda, pilot wings 64, super smash brothers 64, concer, kirby 64, harvest moon 64, paper mario, ridge racer 64, etc, because, this are the games where i have on my usb stick..

and a full speed gba emulator is wunderfull too.. :rolleyes:

but muppen64 needs a bit more of time, because ari64 has just begun not so along time ago, but all emulators where also on the wiz works, schould be ready on the pandora by the begining (or 1week left)
It wouldn't really be fun if all emulators would run fullspeed with all features and decent gui from the start. I'm pretty new to the homebrew-handheld-scene, but from my experience with the dingoo, seeing all those projects making progress and new projects start, really is part of the fun of it. We can be mighty sure that some ps1 titles will run from the start and that genesis and snes should be almost perfect. There will be some homebrew games and pc-ports that never ran on a handheld in this form, so noone must be worried he'll be bored in the beginning. The pandora's software is already evolving quite fast, even though the hardware is only available to a very small subset of the potential developers. As soon as this baby gets delivered, development will fly :)
Enverex said:
NickLoTurco said:
We still haven't seen the Amiga emulator running at full speed WITH sound!! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is a crucial video for many people.....do it please!!!

I echo this sentiment, this is one of the most important emulators for me. What level is it at? Save states? HD support? Sound? AGA/020 Support?
Save states? No.
HD support? No.
Sound? Yes!
AGA/020 Support? No.

Those answers are valid for UAE4All which should have fullspeed Amiga 500-emulation (OCS) with perfect sound.

With gnostic's PUAE or a port of PSPUAE you can add savestates and AGA support. But PSPUAE's sound emulation is broken (crackly) - so that needs to be fixed. And since there is no ARM-ASM core for the 68020 I doubt AGA-emulation will be fullspeed.
OCS will be fullspeed thanks to Cyclone, the ARM-ASM 68000 core.

@droneb Dev: Metal Gear Solid works perfectly on POPS, the PSP's PS1-emulator.
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DroneB Dev said:
the last time i tried PS1 emulation none of the MGS series worked on any emulator. (neither does work on the ps2 or ps3)
It works fine on ePSXe, my ps2, and my ps3. How doesn't it work?
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Wheels said:
NeoG said:
borgqueenx said:
pandora4pandora will work 100% and maby even more.

Thanks for answering but what does pandora4pandora emulate?
It will allow you to run all the programs that the Pandora can run, right on the Pandora!

I did giggle at this but I can't help thinking you must be part troll. Did you have a Grandad that shunned daylight and ate rocks? :)

matzesu said:
and id like to see super mario 64, zelda, pilot wings 64, super smash brothers 64, concer, kirby 64, harvest moon 64, paper mario, ridge racer 64, etc, because, this are the games where i have on my usb stick..

and a full speed gba emulator is wunderfull too.. :rolleyes:

but muppen64 needs a bit more of time, because ari64 has just begun not so along time ago, but all emulators where also on the wiz works, schould be ready on the pandora by the begining (or 1week left)

English is easy. Take the German you already know and place in a liquidiser then add a really big dollop of French and wiz for a few seconds. Hey Presto! English.

BTW, How do you make wood runs? Feed it laxative, chase it with a stick or melt it? :P

Back on topic. I was thinking about this question. You never know how up-to-date wikis are and it's good to talk.
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may88 said:
English is easy. Take the German you already know and place in a liquidiser then add a really big dollop of French and wiz for a few seconds. Hey Presto! English.

BTW, How do you make wood runs? Feed it laxative, chase it with a stick or melt it? :P

Back on topic. I was thinking about this question. You never know how up-to-date wikis are and it's good to talk.
Lol! I agree that his english is really hard to read, but aren't you a bit too sarcastic?

If I'm not terribly wrong in my "translation" from "english" to german, he's trying to say that playing this guy's
"job", before joining "the fellowship", is his hobby ;)
Sorry for my massive use of "s.

Puppydee: You will be able to play some Amiga games, but it may not be perfect for all games in the beginning. There's nothing bad about it, though, a community needs steady progress in the end ;)
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john4p said:
Enverex said:
NickLoTurco said:
We still haven't seen the Amiga emulator running at full speed WITH sound!! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is a crucial video for many people.....do it please!!!

I echo this sentiment, this is one of the most important emulators for me. What level is it at? Save states? HD support? Sound? AGA/020 Support?
Save states? No.
HD support? No.
Sound? Yes!
AGA/020 Support? No.

Those answers are valid for UAE4All which should have fullspeed Amiga 500-emulation (OCS) with perfect sound.

With gnostic's PUAE or a port of PSPUAE you can add savestates and AGA support. But PSPUAE's sound emulation is broken (crackly) - so that needs to be fixed. And since there is no ARM-ASM core for the 68020 I doubt AGA-emulation will be fullspeed.
OCS will be fullspeed thanks to Cyclone, the ARM-ASM 68000 core.

@droneb Dev: Metal Gear Solid works perfectly on POPS, the PSP's PS1-emulator.
It seems to me that having full speed, full sound, full ocs would be the level to shoot for, certainly at least initially. 95% or more of the great games for Amiga were aimed at the a500. There were certainly a few gems that need a 1200, but most were aimed at the a500. I know I'd rather have perfect or near perfect a500 then give up some a500 speed to get aga/020 support. It's inevitable that when new capabilities are added to an emulator, they get slower.


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, isn't ocs for the Amiga 1000, and ECS the chipset for A500?
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trooper said:
CD32 =aga

Will the Pandora's version of UAE include CD32 emulation? (Or at least A1200 & bootable CD-Rom - not worried about Akiko chip...) The CD32 was probably my most played console of all time and I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!
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Pleng said:
trooper said:
CD32 =aga

Will the Pandora's version of UAE include CD32 emulation? (Or at least A1200 & bootable CD-Rom - not worried about Akiko chip...) The CD32 was probably my most played console of all time and I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!

will UAE be as complicated to get going as the pc version. ive never used an amiga. but got all the kickstart files but just had too much agro getting it to work...
im hoping the amiga emu on the pandora will have a bit more info on how to get things going..
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Trevsweb said:
Pleng said:
trooper said:
CD32 =aga

Will the Pandora's version of UAE include CD32 emulation? (Or at least A1200 & bootable CD-Rom - not worried about Akiko chip...) The CD32 was probably my most played console of all time and I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!

will UAE be as complicated to get going as the pc version. ive never used an amiga. but got all the kickstart files but just had too much agro getting it to work...
im hoping the amiga emu on the pandora will have a bit more info on how to get things going..

It's only tricky if you start installing virtual hardrives and installing workbench.. loading ADF images is easy. just open UAE tell it were the Kickrom is insert the virtual floppy and away you go
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Pleng said:
I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!
Bubba 'n Stix is an OCS-title (the CD32-version isn't superior in any way) - so just play the disk-version.
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Trevsweb said:
Pleng said:
trooper said:
CD32 =aga

Will the Pandora's version of UAE include CD32 emulation? (Or at least A1200 & bootable CD-Rom - not worried about Akiko chip...) The CD32 was probably my most played console of all time and I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!

will UAE be as complicated to get going as the pc version. ive never used an amiga. but got all the kickstart files but just had too much agro getting it to work...
im hoping the amiga emu on the pandora will have a bit more info on how to get things going..

Try Amiga in a box, it sets up virtual hard disks and a bootable Amiga system with all of the gui enhancements brought by using a video card. It actually looks a great deal like windows. Also, it really isn't that difficult. I ripped my a1200 bios and then built a replica of my 1200 system as a virtual Amiga on my pc. The Amiga really was WAY ahead of it's time, but failed to anticipate the incredible growth of cpu power and relied on custom chipsets to do the work. The real irony though is that that was only a temporary situation (using the speed of cpu's) which eventually had us return to the custom chipsets! Any modern PC needs a custom graphic chip to be able to play modern games. We went full circle.

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john4p said:
Pleng said:
I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!
Bubba 'n Stix is an OCS-title (the CD32-version isn't superior in any way) - so just play the disk-version.

Sorry, but you're wrong.

like I said, I'd love to play Bubba 'n' Stix with Music AND SFX again!

The disk version of Bubba 'n' Stix forced you to select between SFX or music, presumably because the music used all 4 of Paula's channels. The CD32 version had the music stored on audio tracks so sound effects could be played over the top.

I tried the disk version, and it just didn't feel right having to make a choice. The megadrive version, or course had music and sfx but they were nothing compared to the Amiga version.

The CD32 version also had a cartoon intro which was pretty groovy.

Whaaaaaat; you've forgotten the Earthling again
Get out! And don't come back until you've got one!
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