Gp2psx V0.34

would you mind sending me the source code? I don't plan on actually improving it, but I would like to have a look at it. My e-mail adress is deadlychicken22[at]


EDIT: final fantasy tactics runs anywhere from 0-8 or so frames per second without any overclocking. Definitely not playable, but besides the speed problems I noticed no graphics or sound problems.
hey, yeah - colour me impressed.

my fave puzzler of all time is running at around 5-7 fps with no sound or music. Super Puzzle Fighter 2!

have uploaded a little video to yousendit. This is running with 0 frameskip too. Add skips doesnt really seem to help much.

in 3gp format - quicktime can play i think

sorry its pretty boring but i do crush one crystal toward the end of the clip.
at some points megaman X4 was at 5-8 fps
EDIT even at this speed it is still fun :D i love this game soo much
Sooo... What 3d stuff can run well with sound at the moment? I just bought bugs bunny lost in time again... when my gp2x arrives I'll test that.
Managed to get GTA and GTA 2 running - pretty slow, but smooth on 0 frameskip. However, HLE seems to be disabled on this new version.
ridge racer type4 34c no overclock frameskip 0 ran around 10ish fps looked bloody sexy thought nice and smooth with no glitches

Kula World 34c no overclock frameskip 0 roughly 12-15 fps still oking sexy psone games on gp2x screen look beautiful
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Somewhat offtopic:
For those who have a Sharp Zaurus Cxxxx handheld, I've updated ZPSX to the GP2PSX codebase, and it's running games at 60 FPS with frameskip 1. It averages 25 FPS with sound using frameskip 0 with a Sharp Zaurus C1000 @ 624MHz (older ARM processor, don't freak :P). Just about every game I've tested has been playable. It's a pretty cool handheld that runs a full X11 Linux distro called pdaxrom. It has a 640x480 screen and a keyboard. Catch is, it costs $400 shipped from So it's a bit pricey for some.
Check out ZPSX at:
Forum link:

Time to get back to work on GP2PSX... :)

That's actually a pretty good price for a VGA Palmtop. Where's a good site to get the specs listed (and an unbiased review) in english?


even less than that, €303 shipped to Europe. Tis pretty sexy looking...

I've too many handhelds now though ;_;

I want that $100 (probably $175 min when released in the first world) laptop too, 500mhz AMD CPU, wireless, hand crank power....
I'm just thinking about something ... There is some emus and homebrew for the psx, right ? So, we may be able to run these emus using this psx emu on our gp2x ? Weird :D

Btw, I do not know the psx scene, but I can only guess there is one, and if there is a scene, there must be some emus that runs on psx around here ;)
Deed posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:29 AM said:
I'm just thinking about something ... There is some emus and homebrew for the psx, right ? So, we may be able to run these emus using this psx emu on our gp2x ? Weird :D

you can use a homebrew emu too :D
to play nes thru the psx emu :P

so you have all the inconvenients of psx emu plus all the inconvenients of the nes emu :D

yay :D
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nik166 posted on Feb 1 2006 at 12:34 PM said:
you can use a homebrew emu too :D
to play nes thru the psx emu :P
That's what I wanted to mean (my damn poor english :D )
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Well I tested just about all of my games with GP2PSX v0.34c...Here's the results, as posted on the wiki:
Games I found to be playable:
- One Piece Mansion
- Tactics Ogre
- Buster Bros Collection
- Civ 2 (Civilisation 2)
- Nectaris: Militarty Madness
- Final Fantasy 7 (20 FPS with 0 frameskip and sound off! That's 40 FPS with frameskip 1!)

Most imrpessive speed gain in this release, is Final Fantasy 7. With so many requests to get this game working, I'm glad to see the results I got with this game! Try it out, and read the notes below on how to get it running smooth!

All tests were done with the GP2X OC'd @ 275MHz, using frameskip set at 0 (zero).
Here's the results:

Game Title FrameSkip FPS with Sound ON FPS with Sound OFF Notes

Einhander 0 7 10 Getting near playable using a small frameskip

Front Mission 3 0 4 6 Since it's turn based it's playable but slow enough to be tedious

One Piece Mansion 0 13 13 Playable! It's a fun unique 3D Modeled Puzzle Game. Try it out!

R-Types 0 18 18 Get's 25 FPS in the menu, and 18 in the demo play, but not able to play since I can't figure out how to insert a credit. Odd. This will be playable when I figure it out.

Wipeout XL 0 3 5 Too slow to play but looks great. With a frameskip of 1 or 2 you can play the course, but it'll take awhile.

Tactics Ogre 0 12 15 The unskippable intro to the game is slow and tedious, but once you're in-game it's playable.

Alundra 0 7 9 Slow enough to make you not want to play the game.

Bust A Move 4 (NTSC) 0 9 10 If not playable, it sure is close! It's on the borderline of good speed.

Buster Bros Collection 0 12 13 Game is pretty playable. It can be made "fullspeed" as previously reported, but won't be smooth animation. With frameskip 1 you get about 30 FPS (even though the framerate reported says otherwise) while still keeping things smooth.

Breath Of Fire 4 0 NA NA Couldn't get the game to go in-game, even though it loaded up.

Civ2 (NTSC) 0 14 18 The game setup screens get a flickering glitch that can be "fixed" by using frameskip to skip over the glitched frames. Once in-game the glitch goes away and you have a very playable Civilisation 2!

Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 6 0 NA NA Couldn't create a new player to be able to play.

Castlevania SOTN 0 14 14 Too slow for this game even though the framerate is fairly good. Getting better in performance though!

Nectaris: Militarty Madness 0 7 10 A very playable hexagonal strategy game! Very fun!

Gekioh: Shooting King 0 7 7 Sort-of slow even with frameskip of 1 to 3 and sound turned off.

Gran Turismo 0 1 3 Surprised this one works, but it does now! There's a graphical glitch in the intro of the game but the rest is fine. Looks great, but extremely slow!

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete 0 5 7 Too slow for my taste. The sound is choppy and should be turned off since it's annoying. Without the sound you might lose out from some speech scenes.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 0 4 5 This game is awesome! Speech in the game sounds crisp! With frameskip 1 or 2 the game feels in reach of being playable with some more performance optimizations!

Suikoden 1 0 7 8 Sound works great! Slow but playable if you don't mind some sluggishness. Small glitch in graphics where the first horizonal line at the top of the screen flickers. Can be "fixed" by using frameskip.

Vagrant Story 0 3 4 Strange, but it seems almost playable with frameskip 1 or 2, even though the framerate is supposedly 4 FPS.

Valkyrie Profile 0 4 7 Works! AMAZING! This is a really hard game to get working usually, but seems to work fine on GP2PSX. There's sometimes a low sounded buzzing noise during the intro. The intro is extremely long and it's not skippable. The intro goes at 4 FPS with full sound/music, and 7 FPS without any sound/music, same as in-game. Too slow to play without it being really tedious.

Final Fantasy 7 0 12 20 Takes about 20 seconds to boot up. Sounds in intro scene is a bit choppy. The game is playable, though can dip to 6 FPS with sound on during battles. Seems playable to me, even at frameskip 0. Frameskip 1 with sound off is recommended. Using that, the 3D intro train scene is smooth! With frameskip 1, even though the screwed up framerate counter says otherwise, gives a framerate of 40 FPS (2 * 20). Pretty nice!