Hey guys, I've not got round to trying this out yet (I've been a bit slack, I know, but when your job is testing sometimes it's nice to come home and use something fully functional

) and as a result I'm probably gonna ask a load of preiously answered questions, but oh well. Community, help me out! Of course, feel free to point me in the direction of a wiki or faq or similar, if there is one
Firstly, how do I compress iso/mds/mdf to .z?
Secondly I get the impression 2D games work a lot better, is that the case or am I just overlooking the obvious?
Thirdly, will GP2PSX be able to emulate the visualisations the PSone can do when playing CDs? I guess the first question really is can GP2PSX handle CD playback, PlayStation style?
Cheers guys, and thanks a hell of a lot zottd - this reason alone has made all my PSP owning friends somewhat jealous

. They all call the GP2X a poor man's PSP. I call the PSP a sucker's GP2X