Gp2psx V0.34

Ok I tried both Suikoden II and Ace Combat II and the problem is still there.

Edit Time Crisis also show split screen
ridge racer rev is still the same, i.e. half screen. i downladed the 10 megs version of ridge racer and it runs in epsxe really well. and has worked in version 33 of this emu. back to the darwing board it seems
still same, and alundra is pal as u said, but i tryied this version and still half screen :/
ridge revolution: half screen, crash at namco video , hard reboot
bust a move 2 : double half screen at loading screen, crash

no new ....

zodttd: i can send you these PAL rips if you want, they are small games ;)
(ridge : 10Mo, bustamove: 28Mo *uncompressed* )
pal has ever been doomed :o

i remember my shock when i read that pal playstations were totally able to run at 60hz, if it was planned in the game ... and there's not any pal60 game on psx :P

doomed :P
Heh. That PAL! :)

Well I think I found out what the bug was, and hopefully its fixed in this new release:

Let me know if it fixed the PAL problem. Also, if you have the chance to use NTSC games over PAL, it's best to do so. This is due to the resolution of the PAL PSX games being tested. From what it seems, and I could be wrong here, these PAL games are using a 256 pixel height instead of 240 pixels on NTSC games. If this is true, then the screen needs to be stretched to fit the 320x240 GP2X screen, in turn lowering performance.

Great feedback everyone. :)
tried Civilization 2 (PAL) again:

0.34: horizontally split screen, but except that prob, it looked really good
0.34c: ok, the image is full-screen now, but totally distorted. it looks like there are two layers, one is the game and the other is just lines with random colored pixel all over the screen
does HLE emulation work in this update?
nm i was reading the readme and i got my answer still its a great emu megaman 8 10 fps with sound no overclock :D
0-bake: Try using different frameskip settings (as in, trying 1, then if it's still a problem, try 2, and so on...) and let me know if that problem with screen distortion goes away. It might also be frameskip causing the problem, though I doubt it, so trying it without frameskip as well might be advisable. Worst comes to worst, you can get the NTSC version which works, but I'll test my Civ2 with 0.34c and see if it's still working.
back on the right way! :D
rayman crashes again at "ubisoft" logo , johnny bazookatone doesn't go over the "loading without hle" message, ridge racer revolution runs back again

compatibility back to 0.33 for me too :D

for ridge, the video and galaga seems a bit smoother , the volume buttons finally act as in the readme, but the game itself seems slower ?

edit: ah no, faster, but the frameskip is strange, frameskip 10 is slower than 0 ?
oh yeah, that solved the problem. though it is funny: at first, there was interference between the two layers and the frameskip (only good screen was visible or only bad screen, or they switched frame by frame), but suddenly, after i found the correct skipping, the screen is fine.
and it keeps fine, even if i go down to frameskip=0

damn, my batteries dried out, just after the last option in the Civ2 setup menu. but i guess the ingame-speed is as slow as the menu-speed.
i'm somehow surprised, i thought it would be much faster. really strange, the game just has classic 2D graphics and not even fast or big sprites :(

but thanks anyways to your work on this emu, it is really impressive :)
Runs like a dream now! Suikoden 2 is now getting 5-7 fps without overclocking or frameskip. In 0.33 I only got 1. Hooray for zodttd!