While I totally support actually having 2 shoulder buttons, has anyone mentioned the fact that if people find the shoulder buttons uncomfortable they can always map 2 of the 4 of them to the spare face buttons - after all the Pyra is likely to have 6 face buttons, so it seems like a passable compromise even if the shoulder buttons will never be optimized due to space requirements.
That said, I think Fusion's design for the shoulders looks very solid and doable, using the "DS" style where the actual shoulder buttons makes up the entire lower parts of the case's corner is a very comfortable design IMO, I really like the shoulder buttons on the DS Lite and 3DS XL for this reason, so I'd love to see something like this for the Pyra.
Also, does anyone happen to know offhand the dimensions of the D-Pad itself? While I haven't used the Pandora's dpad so I'm not sure what my overall comfort level with the Pyra's dpad will be, I tend to prefer much stronger "cross" style dpads than the rounded ones, so I might try to mod something like an SNES dpad (my favorite Dpad of all time) into a Pyra if it fits. I'll probably still buy the Pyra either way, I'm just curious whether what my options are there, since the dpad is always the area where most portable game systems disappoint.