Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

Oh you boys will all be whizzing around the neighbourhood with your 512mb and I'll be in my front garden, shaking my 256mb fist at you for flattening my tulips

Back in my day, we had to mod our HP 200lx just to get 32MB!


.. are there any TI calculator owners here? ;)
You called?

Well, you guys have it better than us TI-84+ owners. TI used to load those calculators with 128KB RAM, but all of their batches since April 2007 only have 48KB RAM. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE
About upgrades:

If you apply for the upgrade at the official website using the form, I forward it to Craigs shop if the person originally preordered there and am handling my own customer myself.

About the Rebirth Pandoras:

If there's a rebirth sticker on it, then you have a 512MB Pandora from Germany.

I'm not shipping out anything else.

And in that case Wifi should be 100% working, as it is part of the test.

If Wifi doesn't work and didn't work for you before with a different unit, maybe it's an issue the Pandora has wth your router?

You DID enable Wifi, right?

Thanks ED!
so if we signed up to upgrade with ED are we not actually upgraded until we pay Craig? I signed up with ED but I haven't paid Craig yet, I figured I would just pay him when they said it was ready to ship. But now all of these people are posting their positions and I still haven't heard anything. Anybody have any clarification on this?

basically... you can pay Craig now in the way mentioned or keep hold of your money until EvilDragon sends you an email to tell you to pay in the exact same way mentioned.

so up to you to pay now and wait or wait and hold onto your money.

Are you sure? I think that if you're in Craig's queue but pay Ed nothing will happen as Craig will still treat you as a batch 1/2 pre order.

You must realise the money doesn't go into the same pot anymore and Ed and Craig's queue aren't in sync with each other. So Craig simply has nothing to gain by you paying Ed more so he won't act on it.

One thing I'm still wondering about, if you upgrade now as an original batch 1/2 pre orderer, do you get put in front of the new pre order queue?

Ed will contact you with the information I've posted above.

Note that you don't have to make this payment *right now*, you can do it anytime before we receive the units.

I'm just putting the information here early so it's well known and you can make arrangements, and also so that

we can manage it rather than having a flood.

Maybe there should be a wiki or post where things like this get put. Probably not in red though, comes over very immature.

Last thing I saw about this is Craig getting very upset about somebody wanting to get it through ED and saying that it would cost more and would only take longer and the only way it could happen is if you cancel with him and then re order as a new pre order. (it's out there somewhere, might have paraphrased it slightly different then what was said, can't be arsed to find it and quote it in red understriped and in italics, this is how I remember it) So which one is policy?

Anyone is entitled to change their mind of course but I really don't have the time to carefully read all the hundreds of replies to the newsposts and process all the tidbits of info that are scattered here and there.

So how about a sticky post with no option to reply to where current scenarios are laid out.


if you are a new pre order you get in queue x with an estimated time of y

if you are an original pre order from ED and you upgrade with ED you go before/behind queue x with an estimated time of z

if you are an original pre order from Craig and you upgrade with Craig you go before/behind queue x with an estimated time of z

if you are an original pre order from ED and you don't upgrade you have to wait until x units of new pre orders from ED are sold and there is no estimation

if you are an original pre order from Craig and you don't upgrade you have to wait until x units of new pre orders from ED are sold and then your unit gets sent to Craig after which you have to wait until x units of new pre orders from Craig are sold and there is no estimation

If you change anything, you change it in that post which everyone always can refer to and understand the current way things are distributed. This way ED and Craig can just point to this post and if something isn't clear they can clarify it in that post instead of having to answer the same question in every thread numerous times.

And no the status page doesn't state these scenarios.

I've for instance asked twice in this thread already if original pre orders that upgrade get put before or behind new pre orders and either I've missed the answer or I didn't get one. Both options are entirely possible. If there was such a post I could just check it there and not bother with all the newsposts.
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I think you misunderstand.. Ed just sends you an email to tell you to pay Craig (in the way mentioned in this topic)

Which is why I said you can pay now and wait or wait and pay Craig when Ed tells you, you can pay.
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Finally bit the bullet and upgraded my old batch 2 order. Can't wait to get my shiny Pandora in my hands :D
Will these "faster deliverys" be faster than my 2 year old order? :blink:

We're all second class citizens unless we pay more money, original orderers.


And I even payed extra, "development funds"...

So we got in line, waited a bunch and then we have to get in a new line or be left in "the bin of whenever"?

Yeeeah, yeeaah.. Guess I can wait, concidered the money lost for a while anywhooo so..

So I guess getting the number of my place in the que is impossible if I don't fork up some more dough??

Any garantee agains having to pay even more later to get on yet another orderlist??
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Will these "faster deliverys" be faster than my 2 year old order? :blink:

We're all second class citizens unless we pay more money, original orderers.


And I even payed extra, "development funds"...

So we got in line, waited a bunch and then we have to get in a new line or be left in "the bin of whenever"?

Yeeeah, yeeaah.. Guess I can wait, concidered the money lost for a while anywhooo so..

So I guess getting the number of my place in the que is impossible if I don't fork up some more dough??

Any garantee agains having to pay even more later to get on yet another orderlist??
It came to that or get nothing at all.. Old pre-orders are still being fullfilled.. if I'm not mistaken from what I read one person upgrading their order will allow 2 older pre-orders to be shipped.
Hmmm.. Okeydokey, then.... I took a bite of the sour apple (as we say) and sent the extortion money...


Feels good to help out 2 of the people that where waiting with me in the old que too ;)
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There must be something I'm missing somewhere... or maybe it is some other people that do. It seems that many original pre-orderers who are paying for the upgrade feel forced to buy it, otherwise they wouldn't ever get it. The delays that have happened with Craig's company (OpenPandora Ltd.), such as the 7-day premium upgrade, are not the same as EvilDragon's company (OpenPandora GmbH); thus, seeing that many things have improved since EvilDragon started the production in Germany, I don't understand how everyone is still afraid of not getting their Pandora. Yes, the production speed is currently slower than what some could expect, but that is normal, because the production processes have to be perfected so that no or very few errors happen in the future. I think it is possible that the speed will increase eventually, I don't know when. And please don't say Two Months™, because that also is something that used to happen with the production in Texas. Though who knows, maybe by the beginning of the summer, the production rate will increase and fulfill more and more orders. The problem is still to get more preorders once that speed is reached.

I haven't pre-ordered yet, because I am minor and must rely on my parents to make the payment, and they aren't all that sure about it yet. Once the speed is reached, I will probably manage to convince my parents, and will place an order. I don't know about the others, but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, waiting that the production flows better (directly or indirectly) to place their order. If anything, if the amount of Pandora orders drops later, the very popular idea of a second-generation Pandora could be approached, who knows.

What I mean by this is that I am confident that the production will get better soon. You may have your opinion, but what I think is that things are going smooth and the past is still haunting many people. I don't think we must forget the past at all, but we must consider that the past is the past and that it makes sense to promote the project at this step of its progression.
Well, if they need new orders to complete the old orders (who already have payed), there is a problem..

If 50 people are in the original que, and they only get 10 new orders, that means that only 30 units will be produced. (numbers are higher, I know.)

Or does the last 20 (or whatever the number will be) have to pay more than the buyers of the 30 units did / do? (the opposite of normal product/price developement)

The fact that they seem to have lost the pre-pre-orders, makes me even more sceptical... i.e. will it help to "upgrade" if they don't know what you ordered? Will I get the accessories I payed for in 2008?

Two companies? wow... any difference in the build-quality or hardware specs?

i.e. did I order from the right chap?

Smart move by your parents to wait and see if there actually will be a product to buy...

Us "investors" will just have to pray that our cash hasn't completely vanished, and that we at least get a sticker in the mail or something..

Yeah yeah, I might be a pessimist, but can you really blame me?

Last I heard before coming on here, was that they had started a factory(england?), and that it wouldn't be long..

Now I hear that there's a new German factory... when does the factory-making end and production start?

Just have to wait and see I guess.... <--- just like in the past.. JUST LIKE THE PAAASST....

(Don't take this post too seriously, I'm just a frustrated pre-pre-orderer who's getting tired of the rollercoaster...)
Two companies? wow... any difference in the build-quality or hardware specs?

i.e. did I order from the right chap?

Craigx's company in England handled things originally, and now EvilDragon organizes production and sends them over.

(pretty much opposite of the way it was originally)

You will get the same device no matter who you ordered from :)

(of course there have been minor improvements of the course of the last few years)

The only differences depend on when your Pandora was made, not by whom
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Two companies? wow... any difference in the build-quality or hardware specs?

i.e. did I order from the right chap?

Last I heard before coming on here, was that they had started a factory(england?), and that it wouldn't be long..

Now I hear that there's a new German factory... when does the factory-making end and production start?

All we have done is move the production from Texas to Germany.

Ed is in Germany so it makes sense for him to oversee it.

We tested this with the iControlpad. We did it all in the UK and Germany ONLY using companies we were both within

driving distance of. The production went like clockwork.

We learnt a lot from the Texas situation. Things improve drastically when you are within driving distance of

the people making your product.

Right now there is a lot to recover from, but pretty much every 'issue' is solved now, things will improve and

speed up.
True, things are working properly now.

The only real issue right now is that I'm only one person...

Website, production, shipping, repairs, eMails, new manual, etc.

There's so much still left to do, and so little time.

Craig helps out with some stuff, but there are things he cannot handle without having to hire someone (i.e. replacing nubs, etc.) and buy proper tools to do that (the soldering station I use to do that costs 400 EUR alone...)
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I find that to be the rule for a lot of technical stuff - It also applies to IT departments. Everything works better when you have the responsible parties within slapping distance... :D
There must be something I'm missing somewhere... or maybe it is some other people that do. It seems that many original pre-orderers who are paying for the upgrade feel forced to buy it, otherwise they wouldn't ever get it. The delays that have happened with Craig's company (OpenPandora Ltd.), such as the 7-day premium upgrade, are not the same as EvilDragon's company (OpenPandora GmbH); thus, seeing that many things have improved since EvilDragon started the production in Germany, I don't understand how everyone is still afraid of not getting their Pandora. Yes, the production speed is currently slower than what some could expect, but that is normal, because the production processes have to be perfected so that no or very few errors happen in the future. I think it is possible that the speed will increase eventually, I don't know when. And please don't say Two Months™, because that also is something that used to happen with the production in Texas. Though who knows, maybe by the beginning of the summer, the production rate will increase and fulfill more and more orders. The problem is still to get more preorders once that speed is reached.

I haven't pre-ordered yet, because I am minor and must rely on my parents to make the payment, and they aren't all that sure about it yet. Once the speed is reached, I will probably manage to convince my parents, and will place an order. I don't know about the others, but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, waiting that the production flows better (directly or indirectly) to place their order. If anything, if the amount of Pandora orders drops later, the very popular idea of a second-generation Pandora could be approached, who knows.

What I mean by this is that I am confident that the production will get better soon. You may have your opinion, but what I think is that things are going smooth and the past is still haunting many people. I don't think we must forget the past at all, but we must consider that the past is the past and that it makes sense to promote the project at this step of its progression.

Count on never getting your Pandora if you don't upgrade. I'm not upgrading, and I'm not counting on getting mine.
E.D., Craigix:

Feel bad for ripping on you now.. It can't be easy, organizing all this...

Keep up the good work..

(still a bit odd that none of you denied what I said about the possibillity that some might not get theirs..)

So I should upgrade and then count on getting yours? :P

That's what I did, sorta.. Couldn't bare the thought of someone skipping in the line, so I upgraded my order..

Just gotta see what happends next...
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