Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

Damn. So close I can feel it.
You said earlier you were number 30 in the upgraded queue. I'm number 32 and have no shipping notice. So close.

how do you know your position please? :ph34r:
Damn. So close I can feel it. You said earlier you were number 30 in the upgraded queue. I'm number 32 and have no shipping notice. So close.
how do you know your position please? :ph34r:

A few days after I paid the upgrade, Jacquelyn sent an email advising of my position in the upgraded queue. I never sent an email asking for my position either, it was just sent to me after the upgrade.
so if we ask without having upgrade, we won't have answer?

Doesn't appear so. That's what upset me in the first place (hence my original post in here). I don't think Mr Rothwell cares about any of his original customer pre-orders. Neither do I think Mr Rothwell understands that not everyone is as well off as he appears to be. If I could afford the extra money, I would pay it. Is it really too much to ask for one simple email telling me 'roughly' how much longer I should expect to be waiting, or would he rather risk losing me as customer on the hope that someone else will pay what I can't afford ? IMO He should come down to where I live and meet some 'real' people, some of whom have to work two or more jobs and still live below the breadline. As an avid follower of the Pandora I understand that it's production has been frought with problems, but as a customer of his should it be my problem and should I really care ?
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We're all second class citizens unless we pay more money, original orderers. Don't get any hopes up with the recent developments. We're still months out.
We're all second class citizens unless we pay more money, original orderers. Don't get any hopes up with the recent developments. We're still months out.

Well, the more pandoras are sold, the faster you'll get your unit, so I don't know if making such comments on the forum is a good idea...
so if we signed up to upgrade with ED are we not actually upgraded until we pay Craig? I signed up with ED but I haven't paid Craig yet, I figured I would just pay him when they said it was ready to ship. But now all of these people are posting their positions and I still haven't heard anything. Anybody have any clarification on this?
so if we signed up to upgrade with ED are we not actually upgraded until we pay Craig? I signed up with ED but I haven't paid Craig yet, I figured I would just pay him when they said it was ready to ship. But now all of these people are posting their positions and I still haven't heard anything. Anybody have any clarification on this?

basically... you can pay Craig now in the way mentioned or keep hold of your money until EvilDragon sends you an email to tell you to pay in the exact same way mentioned.

so up to you to pay now and wait or wait and hold onto your money.
so if we signed up to upgrade with ED are we not actually upgraded until we pay Craig? I signed up with ED but I haven't paid Craig yet, I figured I would just pay him when they said it was ready to ship. But now all of these people are posting their positions and I still haven't heard anything. Anybody have any clarification on this?

basically... you can pay Craig now in the way mentioned or keep hold of your money until EvilDragon sends you an email to tell you to pay in the exact same way mentioned.

so up to you to pay now and wait or wait and hold onto your money.

Are you sure? I think that if you're in Craig's queue but pay Ed nothing will happen as Craig will still treat you as a batch 1/2 pre order.

You must realise the money doesn't go into the same pot anymore and Ed and Craig's queue aren't in sync with each other. So Craig simply has nothing to gain by you paying Ed more so he won't act on it.

One thing I'm still wondering about, if you upgrade now as an original batch 1/2 pre orderer, do you get put in front of the new pre order queue?
I got my pandora.... the one i bought in the 1/10/2008

Yes... it was my second RMA... cause the first one was with the wifi not working, (i send back the next day i got)

the second with the second SD slot not working, a joystick working in a horrible way and case a bit broken(just a bit, not a big problem) (i send back months after, cause the production was stop and i was traveling for months, but it was waiting in a box)

The third... seems wifi is not working again.

And yes! is a super rebirth version as the sticker says, but it is only with 256mb, so is an old one... (i dont have a problem with it, but i dont understand why i cant have a pandora first edition with a first edition sticker.... cause it is in the case...)

The case comes with an huge line (u can see and feel, like done with a knife). And as it was coming with the bubles thing, so i think u packet like this.

So... if i am not able to fix the wifi.... i will send back..

Really? I start to really believe that u hate me since i got angry for something i saw as unfair, as offer Pandoras plus without send a message to all the queue so the ones that paid before can take this option before someone else.....

But of course, it was better to keep the money of the people that already paid, while taking new money.

Sorry... but i will continue caring about it, until i have a pandora working. Something that i see completly fair....

Was nice the time i was thinking about make my final work of the uni with something for the pandora.... but i finish it long ago... and i cant neither participate for any competition.... psss

If you have a Rebirth Edition sticker, you have a 512MB RAM unit, the old kernel 2.6.2 shows the RAM as 256MB. If you hold the right shoulder button while turning the unit on with the power switch, then boot into Experimental Kernel 3.2.1, you will see you have 512MB. As for the non working wi-fi, these Rebrith Edition are tested, so try it on another router perhaps, or another channel.

Hope you find your RAM and get the wifi working!
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For me is fine if i am able to fix the wifi. So nice to know they checked the wifi.

The problem is that i live in a city, and my computer detect like 60 networks, thx good most of the people use the channel by default (of the company), and i can set one quite free.

I will try other channels cause I really wanna try to do things with the wifi. I have lot of ideas to develop as soon as i can put the Qt to work in the pandora.
so if we signed up to upgrade with ED are we not actually upgraded until we pay Craig? I signed up with ED but I haven't paid Craig yet, I figured I would just pay him when they said it was ready to ship. But now all of these people are posting their positions and I still haven't heard anything. Anybody have any clarification on this?

basically... you can pay Craig now in the way mentioned or keep hold of your money until EvilDragon sends you an email to tell you to pay in the exact same way mentioned.

so up to you to pay now and wait or wait and hold onto your money.

Are you sure? I think that if you're in Craig's queue but pay Ed nothing will happen as Craig will still treat you as a batch 1/2 pre order.

You must realise the money doesn't go into the same pot anymore and Ed and Craig's queue aren't in sync with each other. So Craig simply has nothing to gain by you paying Ed more so he won't act on it.

One thing I'm still wondering about, if you upgrade now as an original batch 1/2 pre orderer, do you get put in front of the new pre order queue?

Ed will contact you with the information I've posted above.

Note that you don't have to make this payment *right now*, you can do it anytime before we receive the units.

I'm just putting the information here early so it's well known and you can make arrangements, and also so that

we can manage it rather than having a flood.
Oh you boys will all be whizzing around the neighbourhood with your 512mb and I'll be in my front garden, shaking my 256mb fist at you for flattening my tulips
Oh you boys will all be whizzing around the neighbourhood with your 512mb and I'll be in my front garden, shaking my 256mb fist at you for flattening my tulips

Back in my day, we had to mod our HP 200lx just to get 32MB!


.. are there any TI calculator owners here? ;)
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About upgrades:

If you apply for the upgrade at the official website using the form, I forward it to Craigs shop if the person originally preordered there and am handling my own customer myself.

About the Rebirth Pandoras:

If there's a rebirth sticker on it, then you have a 512MB Pandora from Germany.

I'm not shipping out anything else.

And in that case Wifi should be 100% working, as it is part of the test.

If Wifi doesn't work and didn't work for you before with a different unit, maybe it's an issue the Pandora has wth your router?

You DID enable Wifi, right?
Ok, sorry but after all these time i jumped too fast... It was horrible to get 2 times in a row 2 pandoras with board problems since the first day.

Wifi is working perfectly, when it was not working in my first pandora, it was not detecting any network. This time after a while it started to detect networks, and after a while more detected mine (between a looooong list) i could connect without problems. I really dont know why the first time didnt detect any (it was on)

I tryed the experimental kernel too, and yes, there it is showing 512mb, so is not an old board with problems from factory as i started to think.

Seems the 2 i had before, the joystick were working in horrible way, and i started to think it was like this and the people were just with too much hype.

But in this case, the sticks are working really perfect! i couldnt imagine it was like people says :) I was just too unlucky.

And the line that seems done with a knife/screwdriver is huge... but of course not disturbing to use, and after all i am not going to be this pussy :P i guess i will order an extra case, so i can change it one day. (And it is only in the battery cover, so it is easy to change)

The only thing... all my friends have the first batch one... and i wanted to be part of the group, the feeling of having one of the first pandoras.. :( but after all this time... it is true that the most important is that finally i can have my pandora :) Now i just hope to have enough free time to use it :)

So yes... Seems EvilDragon did a nice management.

Congratulations to everybody :)
The only thing... all my friends have the first batch one... and i wanted to be part of the group, the feeling of having one of the first pandoras.. :(

That totally looks l like you are complaining that you have more RAM. More RAM means you are cooler than that group.