1Ghz units, more available, little update.

Which Linux communities are unfriendly to less experienced people? Can't recall that I ever came around such a forum... Of course you cannot await to be handled nicely when you act like an idiot, but that's a huge difference to being a noob.

you know ther's a big,thick line when comparing noobs to idiot.on most linux forums ,users there just don't want to help anyone that is starting linux..their only reply is "read the guide."and underlien THE guide,like if there's only one..and keep in mind its a question that could be answered in seconds,but no,they have to behave like snobby rich billionaire that aren't willign to help the poor.its a fact,no reason to hide behind the "cannot await to be handled nicely when you act like an idiot,"...for the typical veteran Linux user,on said fourms,ANYONE is an idiot...unless your'e a direct clone of that person,that is
Mint recommendation from he as well, even though i keep crashing the FS :{

i'm another ubuntu user that went away the instant they implemented unity as default
My first thought was "Oh a new shell, it must be more efficient or something." I forget the order of the next few thoughts, but they included "Why do I need to click on a different folder thingy to see different categories of programs?" and "GParted isn't in any of these folder thingies. Neither are the other programs I always use."

Unity was a great reason to finally try out plain old Debian though.
Has anyone that actually -uses- their computer figured out any way to make the current Ubuntu Unity interface -work-?
I use unity on my parents living room computer that runs through a 42" TV and it works great, but I wouldn't use it on my own desktop computer. It feels very cramped and claustrophobic to me, even on a 26" screen. Although tweaking can improve it, other desktops just seem to do a better job without all the hassle :)
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I've been using it nicely since they launch it. Had been having a longer break from ubuntu and gnome, and when I came back to it they had it switched for Unity, which I didn't find that hard to adapt to.

I mostly just use the windows key and type in the first 3 letters of whatever I want to do, and hit enter, even if I might have the program pinned on my left dock. Sure it sucks slightly not know what programs you actually have installed by default, but for running your most used programs and features, it's fast once you get the hang to it.
On my main workstation I use Ubuntu Studio 12.04 with gnome shell. It still works just fine, you have to just put Unity aside.

But on my Pandaboard ES .. Ubuntu with Unity is awesome. If you have a Tablet, Unity works really, really nicely ..
Has anyone that actually -uses- their computer figured out any way to make the current Ubuntu Unity interface -work-?
I use unity on my parents living room computer that runs through a 42" TV and it works great, but I wouldn't use it on my own desktop computer. It feels very cramped and claustrophobic to me, even on a 26" screen. Although tweaking can improve it, other desktops just seem to do a better job without all the hassle :)

And Gnome-Shell seems to do what unity does... but better.
after some bsd style experiments i started "serious" linuxing with suse 6.4 and liked it a lot.

after suse 8.0 i switched to gentoo and used it for very long. even on my xbox. i still like it for its clear architecture and package management.

right now im using OSX 10.8 every day and arch linux on occasion. in my eyes arch functions as a "descendant" of gentoo. pacman is a very handy and mighty tool.

Ubuntu IS total piss. It seemed like a good distro back when I said goodbye to windows, then it went downhill.

I actually thought at the time that Ubuntu was like heaven compared to the hellish experience of Windows, and I had practically zero experience of any *nix environment.

I'm looking for a better distro to migrate to if anyone has tips.
if a distro is of any use to you depends on how you want to deal with it.

in terms of ease of use i guess ubuntu should serve you well.

if youd like to understand whats actually goin on under the hood (which is an exhausting, but also rewarding endeavor) id recommend arch!
I think the 1Ghz model with 512MB RAM is quite interesting, but I'm not spending 350 euro on it to upgrade my original Pandora. I simply can't afford that, and even if I had the money I would be buying something else for the money. However, the silver casing does look very nice and I may buy it in the near future to swap it with my black case.
I'm looking for a better distro to migrate to if anyone has tips.
When I started voicing my discontent at the direction Ubuntu has been going, I was directed to give Xubuntu a try. I haven't had time to do the full install, but my playing with the live CD has left me with a positive experience.

edit: wrong quote.
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I switched to Xubuntu once Ubuntu dropped Gnome 2 but now that Mint has come up with some good alternatives I'm considering trying it.
And Gnome-Shell seems to do what unity does... but better.
I've just switched to XFCE from Gnome-Shell on my main comp as shell has a couple of very annoying things that bugged me too much. Unfortunately they were things that you couldn't really change. I'm hoping that they get sorted out as the software matures though and I'll defo give shell another try in a year or two's time :)

EDIT: One of the things I like about Unity is the ability to add commands to the right click menu on a shortcut.

Example: I have Zsnes shortcut on the side-bar and can start the program like normal by left clicking on it, or I can right click on a game in the list and it will automatically start the game.

Shame you need to install a tweak program to do it though :(
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Oh man do I cancel my 600MHz order and have money for a laptop or pay extra for this and be skint for a year

Decisions, decisions....
How much logic is there to the GH queue? I feel like the only pre-orderer in the UK who didn't order from Craig :P . Is it simply a case that by middle of this week the entire first 150 run will have been shipped?

Obviously I'd be ecstatic at that news! How many of the 150 have received theirs or have been shipped?
Linux Distros

- FWIW, I've used Debian and Arch and both are excellent distros....

1GHz Pandora

- I'm number 55 in the queue and would be interested to know up to what number has been shipped or been told yours is shipping....

Look forward to getting my 1GHz unit soon!

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I'm worried I may have left Jacquelyn/Craigix with the wrong shipping address. I wasn't very clear about my address change when I provided a different one durring Paypal upgrade payment. I hope they read my "Wait wait!-" email before shipping mine, which could happen any day now.
The new website will be live this week, and the 1Ghz units will have a press release, and can be ordered from the site.

If you already have a 1Ghz order your unit will be shipping most likely on Friday this week, or Monday depending on UPS.

For those of you who were asking, the 1Ghz units have so far paid for 135 original orders to be either shipped or refunded.

What is the new web address?

It is Monday - did/will a pile of 1Ghz units go out the door today?

I'm thrilled to hear that we're helping get that backlog cleared. This whole project will have a huge weight lifted off it's shoulders when it moves to just servicing new orders.

Thank you!