Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

Question on upgrading to rebirth edition. My pandora originally shipped from Craig on 8/4/10. I just suffered disaster, cracked screen, other than that my Pandy is fully functional. My understanding is that original units are being used to study how the units functioned over time cracked LCD does not affect the usage return? Hoping I don't need LCD functionality to quality for a rebirth upgrade. Either way, cost to upgrade to rebirth with cracked LCD pricing would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Am I right in saying the upgrade (non 1Ghz) queue has to be complete before the non-upgrade queue starts moving again?

If so, anyone know how many upgrades are left? Anyone have a queue number above say 150?
Technically you're getting quadruple RAM. Everyone forgets that the Pandora was originally designed with 128MB and wasn't bumped to 256 until several months after pre-orders were taken.
Technically you're getting quadruple RAM. Everyone forgets that the Pandora was originally designed with 128MB and wasn't bumped to 256 until several months after pre-orders were taken.

This is true, like the Amiga and the 256K models there are a very small number of 128MB Pandoras, all prototypes.
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OMG, I have the ticket of the post office... my pandora... is here... tomorrow I'll pick up in post office!

I'm really nervious!!!!
OMG, I have the ticket of the post office... my pandora... is here... tomorrow I'll pick up in post office!

I'm really nervious!!!!

Deep breaths.. filling up an SD card full of games may take the edge off...

Standard Rebirth edition upgraded Pandora order #102 here.

Keep faith, this is a thing of beauty.

Now, i'm off for some fun.

Big kisses

Hey Craig - just checking that address updates are being received at Emailed a couple days ago on a 10/11/09 order, but haven't received confirmation that the update was received. Please advise when you can. Thank you!