Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

I submitted an order in june of 2009, order


I submitted an upgrade request on

Form : Upgrade Old Preorder

registered at 2012-04-16 14:26:50

I have not received any replies to my upgrade request =\ let me know what i need to do at this point to get my order upgraded, i thought i followed evil dragons procedure exactly to get the upgrade
Did U pay the upgrade fee via PayPal???

Still no further shipping mail or delivery :-(
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The email specifically said to wait for payment details:

This eMail is just for confirming that we received your wish to upgrade.

Thanks a lot :)

Once your unit is ready, we'll send you the payment details.


Michael Mrozek (aka EvilDragon)
The email specifically said to wait for payment details:

Yeah there is probably a bit of disconnect here. It feels like ED wrote the email the way he was planning on handling the upgrade but not necessarily the way Craigix is handling it. I filled out the form same as you but when I saw this post I realized there was probably either a miscommunication or no communication between ED and Craigix on this.

So bottom line. If you preordered through Craig's shop, follow the instructions from the first post in this thread to upgrade your order.
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Yeah there is probably a bit of disconnect here. It feels like ED wrote the email the way he was planning on handling the upgrade but not necessarily the way Craigix is handling it. I filled out the form same as you but when I saw this post I realized there was probably either a miscommunication or no communication between ED and Craigix on this.

So bottom line. If you preordered through Craig's shop, follow the instructions from the first post in this thread to upgrade your order.
Agreed. I put in my request a few days after ED opened the form but before Craig started this thread. I probably would have been upgrade # <30 or so if I had paid immediately, but ended up in queue position 80 something because I waited for the payment request email.
Same situation for me; I registered to upgrade with ED, but switched to Craig when he offered the option (as my order was originally through him). They're choosing to handle things differently, with ED not taking full payment until the unit is ready to ship, and Craig accepting payment immediately.

The wait looks to be about the same whether you've paid up front or not, as Craig can only ship once ED has sent him a mini-batch of Pandoras.
whoop - Its on the way :)

USP delivery scheduled for tomorrow


putting out the red carpet, may sleep downstairs by the mailbox
Same situation for me; I registered to upgrade with ED, but switched to Craig when he offered the option (as my order was originally through him). They're choosing to handle things differently, with ED not taking full payment until the unit is ready to ship, and Craig accepting payment immediately.

We *usually* take it when you email, it just removes an extra step in the process and means we can ship your unit as soon as it's ready, rather than having another back and forth to request payment.
hardly slept - just me and the cat wondering the house in the small hours. Cat was glad of company - then he sloped off for his 2nd breakfast at the neighbours.

Its left Tamworth and is on route

better learn how to use the thing now :)
I'm like a kid a Christmas -

dont say that Craig - putting note on door "ALIVE INSIDE"

ALIVE - still here


BBBBBUt - its arrived with a shed load of work documents that need to be collated and signed and posted by 5pm. Darn work ruins everything. Putting it on charge till laterz.

Three years and 2 months wait is over.

Thanks ED, Thanks Craig, Thanks Jacquiline..................................................
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I just received my Pandora.

I was the 50th on Craigs list.

As number 55 in the queue most of my time now is:


Bad news: My pandora has a group of 4 dead pixels (one's a cluster of them) within about 1 cm in the bottom left of the screen (right where RPG text bubbles come up).

I just noticed the other day that I've got dead pixels on one of my monitors, but I've had them (the monitors, not the dead pixels) for a couple of years so it's not as annoying as getting a new display with them.
I should have known it would be bad luck to comment on this. I just noticed this morning that my (less than 1 day old) pandora has 2 dead pixels.

Otherwise running great (charger was for england, but luckily I have a spare uk to aus adapter).
my upgrade confirmation said I was 64 in the queue. I'm hoping my upgrade didn't fall through the cracks. are there higher queue numbers out there who have already received their OP or at least shipment notification?
Pandora came today! New queue position 68. Got the shipping email on the 8th. I never got any tracking info though I think I just got normal shipping since it showed up via normal usps.

Now I have start loading it up! I was trying to not think about it since I had no idea when it would show up so it took me by surprise.
Got home to a "Sorry We Missed You" note from the USPS. I can't wait to see what is in the package from Open Pandora that the post office is holding for me! I didn't receive a shipping notification email, but who cares now that there's a Pandora waiting for me to pick it up?

For those still waiting out there, I originally bought into batch 1 in early 2010 and upgraded my order in March this year. I was number 64 in Craig's new queue. Perhaps that will provide some form of indication when those of you still waiting might get yours.
Got home to a "Sorry We Missed You" note from the USPS. I can't wait to see what is in the package from Open Pandora that the post office is holding for me! I didn't receive a shipping notification email, but who cares now that there's a Pandora waiting for me to pick it up?

For those still waiting out there, I originally bought into batch 1 in early 2010 and upgraded my order in March this year. I was number 64 in Craig's new queue. Perhaps that will provide some form of indication when those of you still waiting might get yours.

do you happen to know what day in march? also did you upgrade from ED or did you contact Craig directly? i requested an upgrade from ED on the 8th but still haven't heard from Craig's shop.
Got home to a "Sorry We Missed You" note from the USPS. I can't wait to see what is in the package from Open Pandora that the post office is holding for me! I didn't receive a shipping notification email, but who cares now that there's a Pandora waiting for me to pick it up?

For those still waiting out there, I originally bought into batch 1 in early 2010 and upgraded my order in March this year. I was number 64 in Craig's new queue. Perhaps that will provide some form of indication when those of you still waiting might get yours.

do you happen to know what day in march? also did you upgrade from ED or did you contact Craig directly? i requested an upgrade from ED on the 8th but still haven't heard from Craig's shop.
March 21st was the day I received the email confirming my upgrade. I've always worked with Jacquelyn from Craig's shop for both my initial order and upgrade.
queue number 74,

received my unit this week,

order upgraded from an initial order in october 2008.

well it's been a long time,

but this machine is wonderful !

the finish is rather impressive,

dpad and nubs are wonderful,

and xfce use with nubs is great .

just searching for the frequency refresh of the stylus ( for gimp ).

all in all,

there is no alternative, this machine needs to exist !