Congrats to all those who got theirs!
But, being one of those who ordered back in 2008 and avoided a refund only to help out (I am almost certain my daughter who was born on the day I ordered it would play with it more these days...
), I can't help but feel like all of the devices Craig got from ED went to upgraders, is that true?
Assuming it is, and seeing as Craig is now taking new orders on his site again, and also assuming those will get shipped before old-non-upgraded-orders, does this mean I will never see my Pandora?
I was very patient thus far and it would truly sadden me if I had to tell my wife she was right and got for a refund, heck, I'm not even sure I would even ask for one... I've already written off that expense 2 years ago...
Craig, any words of comfort?