Newbie here but that you're probably going to see next to my post
Stumbled on Pandora Project accidentally while looking for more info about Viliv N5.
My knowledge about the device is mostly basic at the moment but I do like the idea
As per production in China you're guys right that it needs supervision (that includes advise about the presence while manufacturing as well).
As for cables, if it took a year (or more) from the moment it started up to now ; likely explanation is timing as well as changing USD/EUR to RMB value and rising cost of legitimate labor (some new Chinese regulations were implemented 1.5-2 years ago) and materials.
BTW, what's an English level of this guys you've contacted? (I assume here that conversation was in English)
It's rather rare that factory won't explain why not but if so, it's mostly connected with loosing deposit (as I understood they said they give it back).
As for molds, according to Chinese law (if there were no changes within about last 3 years), if they were used (and there are visible traces of it) it's illegal to export them out of China.
As for production JAN 16th (Mon) it might be a problem.
If 'full production run' is to happen in China there will be only 6-7 days before Chinese New Year starts (and last day customs here may or may not work as they should).
From about 15th SMT factories start running on skeleton crew because workers are going back to their hometowns (and about 2 month before Chinese New Year there are a lot of inner China companies orders and it's always a problem to fit in).
You need to schedule courier pick up (if it goes by Fedex or something similar) latest JAN 20th but it won't give you any safety margin ; if it goes by Air Cargo you need to have it delivered to customs at least JAN 19th days before they stop working (in OCT 2011 Chinese customs in Shenzhen were checking carefully every shipment = missed shipping date).
OK, if you guys think that above is somehow valuable and/or you have some questions feel free to contact me