Considering Getting A Ds...

having played thru the original N64 Mario several times than yeah I can say on the DS it must also have the same high level of replay value. Back then though I had a lot less stuff to play than I do now, so for the DS version, one playthru was enough for me. The mini games WILL keep you coming back though I can almost guarantee almost anyone would find at least a couple of them to be very entertaining.
I was considering buying the DS myself, but came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it. It's already a dying system with lacking consumer support. The new game boy release is right around the why waste your money on this "lame duck"?

Congratualations-Stupid post of the day award!!!!

The new Game that you speak of, is the same old gameboy, but smaller? (have you just emerged from under a rock?)!

Whatever you think of the DS itself, Nintendo are committed to it, and have a very exciting release schedule planned! And read the news on IGN Gamespot and any other gaming portal site, the PSP has (IIRK) 2 games in the Japanese top 50, the DS has several in the top 20!!!!

Nope, the ds is not a lame duck, (nor is the PSP, although this is a ds thread). At the moment there is a lack of games, but in Japan (and later here...) there are plenty of biggies!!!

I just hate posts like this!!!!!
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Lubidog - I have to disagree on one point... Nintendo's commitment to the DS really is questionable. With a true succesor to the Gameboy line planned for some time in the near future (not the GBA Micro, but the REAL next GBA, forget what it was being called), a lot of people do wonder just how far Nintendo really are going to support the DS, or for how long.

That any of us worry at all is really Nintendo's own fault... they have said a lot of things about the DS, some of which conflict with each other... for a while they seemed really unclear as to what the DS's goal or target market really was. It wasn't ever supposed to be a 'new Game Boy', or to compete with the GBA's market... but obviously it is doing just that. It remains to be seen just how much and how long Ninentendo will really support it.

However it is selling well and that means 3rd parties are bound to throw lots of support it's way.... we can only hope.
Lubidog - I have to disagree on one point... Nintendo's commitment to the DS really is questionable. With a true succesor to the Gameboy line planned for some time in the near future (not the GBA Micro, but the REAL next GBA, forget what it was being called), a lot of people do wonder just how far Nintendo really are going to support the DS, or for how long.

That any of us worry at all is really Nintendo's own fault... they have said a lot of things about the DS, some of which conflict with each other... for a while they seemed really unclear as to what the DS's goal or target market really was. It wasn't ever supposed to be a 'new Game Boy', or to compete with the GBA's market... but obviously it is doing just that. It remains to be seen just how much and how long Ninentendo will really support it.

However it is selling well and that means 3rd parties are bound to throw lots of support it's way.... we can only hope.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

But the real issue is, Shouldn't you be in bed???
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well I do get naps while I'm here at work sometimes! But I'm wide awake for the time being :P
Hey "lubidog" I was not referring to the upcoming micro GBA, but the NEXT GENERATION of GBA which is estimated to be released within the next year.

Thank you bast525 for having a fully functional prefrontal cortex. You obviously understood the reasoning of my post. Unfortunately most dogs are not very intelligent, eh lubi?

...and yes I should be asleep right now...

Good night.
but all the gba 2 talk was speculation and all that led too was gba micro. there has been no new talk of a new gba since e3.
Hey "lubidog" I was not referring to the upcoming micro GBA, but the NEXT GENERATION of GBA which is estimated to be released within the next year.

Thank you bast525 for having a fully functional prefrontal cortex. You obviously understood the reasoning of my post. Unfortunately most dogs are not very intelligent, eh lubi?

...and yes I should be asleep right now...

Good night.

Okaydokey, you wise allknowing human!!!!!

First lookie here

DS news

And, after a lengthy trawl through the internet, I could not find any actual factual information about the new gameboy. I could find stacks of articles, comments and reported news items purporting to be from Ninty stating that there was at the moment NO new gameboy, and that they were committed to the hardware that they had.

There will be undoubtably a new Gameboy. But when? Next year (Unlikely-even the most anti DS would have to concede that for a new console to come out, we normally know of it's existence long in advance). But what Bast said his worry that Ninty isn't really committed to the DS is just his opinion. I reckon Bast is one knowledgable guy, he buys and plays every system before slagging it off (which we all should respect.....! BTW. I HAVE a DS and a PSP), but I disagree with him here, mainly because of the success of the DS in Japan. It just seems that Ninty is lining up some very good games, games that the Japanese want to play.

They have always looked after the home market. Nope, it's the PSP I worry for. The games are coming, and those that are on the horizon are lagging?

BUT, here is the main reason why I thought your ill-informed off the cuff comment was dumb-the DS is CHEAP. yes CHEAP!!!! It's about what a gameboy sold for. The games are cheap. So you can buy one, play a few games, wait a couple of years and then buy the new gameboy!!!!

Really, people who say-I'll wait for the next one, it might be better hold progress back!

If you don't like the sort of games made for a system, then it ain't for you. But if you have enjoyed your gameboy (like I did!), then get a ds. It's the same but better. End of story, really....
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There -will- be a new gameboy after DS, I don't need articles to show, or find evidence of it, there will be. The problem is when? it could be a year, 2 years, hell maybe 3? But I can honestly say there will be another gameboy after DS, and that is what the poster is talking about, not some sort of article announceing it.

And the DS isn't exactly as the same as a gameboy but better, 8/10 games exclusively using the touchscreen doesn't appeal to everyone :P
I think Nintendo will base the 'when' of the next GB on how well the DS continues to do. It seems to be picking up steam again, and there still is a lot of post-E3 hype for the DS games that were shown there.... I think Nintendo DID intend on releasing a new GBA sometime next year but now they may hold off for a while.
This is my point-are you gonna wait a couple of years for the new gameboy? Or start playing now...

Just a thought, gameboy/ds games are different to other games. They are more immediate, er-just have a flavour of their own. And I like that. I like the pick up and play that you get.

I don't really like, if I am honest, the console feeling of the psp. The waiting for the levels to load, the stop start nature (try FIFA, ughh. Sometimes 5 minutes between games....!). I do love my PSP, and wait for future goodies, but I love the pure gaming feel of the DS/Gameboy! And gameboy games look lovely on the ds, so much so that I'm gonna be buying gameboy games for it for the forseeable future!

Sorry to mention the PSP, but...well-you know!
the loading times on the PSP do suck... some of them are really bad... really kills the immediacy that has always been present on handheld systems. And of course not being able to really enjoy it outdoors in the sun...
To be honest I don't treat the PSP as a handheld as such. I don't take it anywhere-I wouldn't dare, as it's too expensive and delicate.

Plus, as Bast says, the non use in light and the loading times kind of detract from the handheld experience.
To be honest I don't treat the PSP as a handheld as such. I don't take it anywhere-I wouldn't dare, as it's too expensive and delicate.

Plus, as Bast says, the non use in light and the loading times kind of detract from the handheld experience.

Good point, whereas the DS is a take anywhere kind thing!
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To be honest I don't treat the PSP as a handheld as such. I don't take it anywhere-I wouldn't dare, as it's too expensive and delicate.

Plus, as Bast says, the non use in light and the loading times kind of detract from the handheld experience.
This is something I've wondered about for ages now. The loading times, the battery life, the unusable outside screen, the fact that it would get nicked instantly, it's like they don't want you to use it outside the house. So what is the point of it? They're pushing the fact that it's almost PS2 power, and it's getting lots of console ports, so why would you want to play your console games on a small screen when you have your bigscreen TV with your PS2 right in front of you, with thousands more games available and much cheaper? I just don't get it!
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I can see your point. The DS is a nintendo handheld; it feels right, the clam shell is rugged, the games have an 'old school' feel.

The psp tries so hard to be so many things, yet when I feel like playing it, I think 'oh, i've gotta go back to the home screen, change the umd, select the umd, wait while the menu screen loads, wait while the next screen loads, make my selection, load my data from the memory card, then load the game, have a few minutes playing it, then wait while it loads something else....etc.' And have graphics that just look too good for a handheld, but not good enough for a console!

And yet, I have hardly played my DS at all. I don't get any thrill from switching it on. No wow factor at all. But my PSP wows me every time. I don't change the game that often any more, just play whatever's in there. I do use the film viewer a lot. I love the psp so much more than the DS.

Of course, it's the games that will finally win out. When a Golden Sun arrives, then I will adore the DS. But for now, it'll have to be the Minnish Cap (anyone played it?), and Lumines.....!

But I would still really recommend the DS. The games will come, and it plays gameboy games! :D
when playing the PSP it did feel more like a home console in my lap

with the loading times and mostly console-ish games I cant see myself having a quick go at the bus stop or soemthing

I think both are needed

the DS is great for short 10 minute goes

but i would probably prefer a PSP on a car or plane journey
I was planning on going tomorrow to get the DS but I called GameStop and they said that they don't have the new Electric Blue DS yet. I called 3 different locations and all of them said that they haven't received any yet. Anyone know the exact day that it will be released. I saw that it's June 12th on Amazon, which is kind of far away since I was originally planning to get it a few days ago. If it is the 12th, then I'll wait until like the 14th so that there'll be more DS games available for me to get if I have cash left over (Kirby and Goldeneye are supposed to be released, right?). Right now I have $200, so I doubt I'll be able to get anything more than just the system plus 1 game.
To be honest I don't treat the PSP as a handheld as such. I don't take it anywhere-I wouldn't dare, as it's too expensive and delicate.

Plus, as Bast says, the non use in light and the loading times kind of detract from the handheld experience.

Funny thing is I do still tend to take my PSP with me places pretty often. I switch between the GP and PSP or sometimes take both if it's going to be a long day riding around in the car running errands. My favorite place to take the PSP is to the mall when my wife is doing clothes shopping, it's easy enough to see in the moderate lighting, and I often find myself with plenty of time to play while my wife is trying on fifty different things (none of which she'll end up buying!).

Another thing that makes the PSP not as good as a true portable, is that now with full analog control and more complicated games that use it, some games just require too much precision to be played very well while walking around or in a moving car. Games like Lumines do okay but games like Wipeout definately do not. My favorite 'walk around' game has GOT to be Hot Shots Golf since you can take it one round or even one swing at a time.

The PSP is great though for me to have at work, and has saved my back, seeing as now between the PSP and GP I have my entertainment covered and don't need to haul my Xbox to work in a backpack anymore :D

I haven't really played my DS much in a few months now, but now, thinking of all the PSP's little flaws... kinda making me want to start playing the DS more. Well there have been some good GBA games released in the last few months that I didn't get around to playing (minish cap looks sweet!), and I do have a 256mb flash cart dying for some new games....
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I haven't really played my DS much in a few months now, but now, thinking of all the PSP's little flaws... kinda making me want to start playing the DS more. Well there have been some good GBA games released in the last few months that I didn't get around to playing (minish cap looks sweet!), and I do have a 256mb flash cart dying for some new games....
Ah, that reminds, what's the best flash cart system for the DS? I was originally thinking about getting the supercard but I've been reading that it doesn't have the best compatibility and that it DOES have slowdowns. Which one has the best compatibility, functionality, and won't break your wallet?
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