Absurdism corner


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Yes, I am sure it does look fine for those that have poor taste or want everything to look the same.  I like variety.
I mean everything looks exactly identical to the way it used to be.  Different logo but otherwise same layout.
The search page looks similar to how it has recently.  That wasn't all that I was complaining about.  Please don't take any of what I said seriously, I just wanted to whine.

This is what the terminal theme used to look like

Then this (not seen here is the small square avatar pic, which I do not have).

Now they have an all white or grey logo in the new font with that circle in the upper right (which seems as out of place there as it does on the search page since nothing else is round).
I agree, and they still kinda stuck with the same idea for the logo, just in a font that I am not fond of (and not just the change in general that my brain doesn't like).
The circle avatar thing (with an "r" for some of my accounts since I don't add pictures) only drew special attention because it reminds me of some Microsoft stuff (Outlook in Office 365 perhaps).  I wonder if Apple is doing things different, or following along with everyone else.
My company's insurance website has business hours.  They are down for 6 hours on weekdays, 10 hours on Saturday, and 16 hours on Sunday.
My company's insurance website has business hours.  They are down for 6 hours on weekdays, 10 hours on Saturday, and 16 hours on Sunday.

You mean things like this aren't normal?  I tried to check some paperwork on a government site the other evening and was told to try between certain times the next day (thanks for mentioning this, I had forgotten to check again, but it is too late right now).  There is a school website I use a couple times a month that is down from midnight til 3am every night, maybe longer on certain days.  I always seem to visit these sites when they are closed for the day.
No, it isn't normal.  This is the first time I've seen a website with "business hours".  It's a website, computers don't need sleep, there should be no reason to have such regular hours of operation.  It demonstrates a severe lack of understanding of technology and human behavior.
Usually this means that they are using offline backup and/or need to take down the system during warehouse aggregation. The online versions of these features is sometimes not a default feature of the DBMS, but has to be licensed separately at non trivial cost. It might also be they don't trust the security of their site or have been threatened enough to be cautious to only run it when someone is actively watching the logs.
I had someone present this as a serious argument in favor of MDY: Months have the smallest range, from 1 to 12; days have the next smallest/largest range, from 1 to 31; years have the largest range, with no real limit on either end.
I couldn't argue against that, it was 100% true and logically complete.  I just had to walk away.
I have always been fond of DMY, and since this is how I write it for my own it has caused problems and confusion when working with others.
I have always been fond of DMY, and since this is how I write it for my own it has caused problems and confusion when working with others.

28.01.2666 is the usual way here in Europe and although I prefer ISO 8601(which is the exact opposite), it's both easy to recognize for me.
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Why not avoid all possible confusion by writing today as "8th Oct 2015"?
Well as a US citizen I prefer YYYYMMDD personally, but I also have to parse through log files with dates in them so I know this can make it easier for sorting and such. 
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Well as a US citizen I prefer YYYYMMDD personally, but I also have to parse through log files with dates in them so I know this can make it easier for sorting and such. 

Funny, I think I said the same thing to somebody the other day.  It saves time for me when looking at logs, not that I have needed to do that much in the last few years.  For me it was often scrolling through.