The Unanswered Questions Post

Yep, I eat other babies for fun and then continually raise and lower my eyebrows in a bid to scare the police off

THis is me when i dont have my [ I'm STUPID spammer ]


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Does P=NP?

Of course not! The right hand side of the equation is N times bigger than the left. Duh!
Why do minor cuts often start bleeding like 20 seconds after the accident?

Why do I get a static shock from touching ground after removing a fleece jacket I've been wearing for a while, but not if I'm still wearing it, or if I just put it on and take it off again?
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Why do minor cuts often start bleeding like 20 seconds after the accident?

Why do I get a static shock from touching ground after removing a fleece jacket I've been wearing for a while, but not if I'm still wearing it, or if I just put it on and take it off again?
I guess the fleece itself is slightly conductive, so when your wearing it it normalises any charge on your skin, which is normally about ground level, just sometimes distributed unevenly. When you take it off you apply a charge to your skin, via a process I don't quite understand but we've been using it for years to apply charge to balloons and then sticking them on the wall by rubbing them on a jumper, same effect, and I suspect its down to the way you wipe them off your arms as you take it off.

As for the bleeding, I guess your body is trying to work out what's happening to begin with. Once it's figured out you've been cut and exactly where, vasoconstrictive surfaces will open up letting blood to the cut. Blood contains lots of good stuff, an in particular in this instance I think it's the platelets you want, because those coalesce and form a scab over the injury.
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Why do minor cuts often start bleeding like 20 seconds after the accident?
The cut area is notified of trauma; brain can decide to pull away quickly or to tense up (freeze). Muscle gets a painkiller, then an inflammator and becomes flaccid again. Once in a relaxed state, inflamation kicks in, which makes the bloodvessels narrower and (localized) bloodpressure goes up. In this state, the blood finds weak spots, like skin not totally cut, and ruptures out, while using tiny red bricks to close the rupture as fast as it can, all the while bleeding out any toxins or parasites that might have come in while being punctured. This of course could take just 3 seconds tops. The first 17 seconds is spend getting manager approval (usually not the brain, that one is confused and not of much use, but the gut; we call it "instinct". Just like a braindead person "feels" being touched in the arm) for bleeding and making an budget on how many bloodcells will be needed to fix the problem (how many BPM does the heart need to go, or... do we have to lower BPM, i.e. faint) and we finally get the result of the brain for a root cause analysis (did the person fuck up again, or was it someone else's fault?).
If someone else's fault, blood is better diverted to legs and arms/fists or to the head to rage. This moment when the brain kicks in again to "fix" the problem is when, for example, you make jerky movements that are weird and make things worse (ever tried to catch something that slipped out of your hands, and you made it worse by moving?)

Why do I get a static shock from touching ground after removing a fleece jacket I've been wearing for a while, but not if I'm still wearing it, or if I just put it on and take it off again?
Because your fleece is made out of nylon, which is made out of oil, which passed through greedy corporations that endue that greedy essence into the very fabric of nylon and that nylon now steals away your electrons, and it makes you a positive person for a little moment. But because the world hates positive people and zaps you with electrons because it hates positives things.

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What is the difference between a duck?
The absence of the echo in a duck's quack.
What is the difference between a duck?
One of its legs is both the same.

(That is the canonical answer I was told)

Bonus question: Why does a mouse when it spins?

Because the more it spins the much!
After an injury, it does make sense that the body's systems are spending those seconds assessing whether we're under attack, to determine what the blood should be doing.

I knew that certain combinations of materials transfer electrons from one to the other when rubbed together, and if your body is charged you get shocked when you touch the metal plumbing. The puzzle is why that particular sequence of events. I'm going to guess that as the electrons transfer from the body to the polyester, the highly-insulating polyester stays charged, while the charge on the body gets dissipated by a slightly-conductive environment. And removing charged clothing charges the body suddenly in a way that removing uncharged clothing doesn't?

... Oh yeah I have an idea. While wearing the negatively-charged clothing, the skin next to the clothing is positively charged, because electrons in the skin are repelled by extra electrons in the clothing nearby; but if in a slightly-conductive environment, the charge in the rest of the body has dissipated. When you remove the clothing, the charges in the body redistribute, so the whole body becomes slightly positively charged in that instant. Probably ;)
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the friction of removing the jacket creates the charge.
As I said, putting on the jacket and then taking it straight off again doesn't seem to do this. Hence my slightly-more-complex theory above. I could do some experiments to test it.
Why dos every President confuse America whit the USA?? Trump whit his „Make America Great Again „ (mache Amerika großartig wieder ) (which is grammatically quite incorrect (Make America again Great) (mache Amerika wieder großartig)
Now Biden who wants to give every American clean water etc …

Whasnt America the whole continent, whit North and South?
so Mexico, Paraquay, Nicaragua, Chile, Brasil, Uruquay , and other countries I can’t remember where also America..
Whasnt America the whole continent, whit North and South?
so Mexico, Paraquay, Nicaragua, Chile, Brasil, Uruquay , and other countries I can’t remember where also America..
I believe they are technically referred to as “the Americas” (i.e. plural)
Why dos every President confuse America whit the USA??
Not every President, just every USA President. Other countries have presidents too. I guess we have to forgive them. Those poor souls don't even have a toponym for their country so have to use the one for their continent. Saying "America" is confusing, but saying "the States" would be too, and I'm not sure whether "the Union" would be politically loaded (and ambiguous as well). saying "the United States of America" every single time it's a mouthful. I don't think it's the only country like that. I don't knhwich term they really use, but people speaking of the UAE in English will often say "the Emirates". And I bet there are other emirates outside UAE. Not to speak of people saying Holland when they mean Netherlands, or Europe when they mean the UE, etc.
I believe they are technically referred to as “the Americas” (i.e. plural)
I thought that was because there's North America and South America (and Central America, if you care). But the USA isn't any of those Americas, it's part of North America (plus Hawaii or something)