The Unanswered Questions Post

Well the United States of America is the name of the country, adopted as the formal name in 1776. As the Americas are generally accepted as being named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, modern sensibilities might want the region to be renamed. That would be an interesting exercise.

Naming countries after European 'discoverers' doesn't go down well these days: so Northern Rhodesia became Zambia, and Southern Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. Quite what the USA would become is difficult to work out, as the indigenous inhabitants didn't have a common language* across the whole landmass currently encompassed by the USA. Perhaps the United States of Diversity, and inhabitants would be Diversions.

*There were at least 56 different language families in the land area that is now the USA before the European invasion/colonisation, made up of well over 200 different languages,
Well the United States of America is the name of the country, adopted as the formal name in 1776. As the Americas are generally accepted as being named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, modern sensibilities might want the region to be renamed. That would be an interesting exercise.

Naming countries after European 'discoverers' doesn't go down well these days: so Northern Rhodesia became Zambia, and Southern Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. Quite what the USA would become is difficult to work out, as the indigenous inhabitants didn't have a common language* across the whole landmass currently encompassed by the USA. Perhaps the United States of Diversity, and inhabitants would be Diversions.

*There were at least 56 different language families in the land area that is now the USA before the European invasion/colonisation, made up of well over 200 different languages,
I half expected to read “the United States of DisneyxD
As hydrogen is diatomic then will it make your voice deeper than if you were using helium?

How do you make peanut butter?

Why can you buy kangaroo jerky?

First you find some lactating peanuts...

Because the buyer and seller agree that money is a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value, thus enabling the transaction: otherwise you'd be looking at barter, theft, looking for someone to make a gift, or making it yourself.
Why can you buy kangaroo jerky?

It's just a matter of economics: Platypodes are very rare, so platypus jerky would be prohibitively expensive and hard to come by. Conversely, flat kangaroos are scraped of highways around the country in the thousands every day making the Jerky very cheap and readily available.

What did people think wind was before we discovered gas?
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