The Unanswered Questions Post


Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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OK, this is my completely random topic of the month, so if anyone has any questions they think need answering post em here and see if n e one else knows the answers.

I'll start with mine

What flavour is Irn Bru?

How much does a Mars bar cos tto manufacture?

How does hairgel work?

Is the science of vision bullsh** (colour reflects off objects into your eyes)

Does toats ALWAYS land butter side down?

How does helium make your voice higher?

Just thought I'd provide a little light relief from all the PSPvsDSvsGP32vsZodiacvsEVEvsRogue topics
my science teacher once told me that helium passes your vocal chords faster than air because the particles are smaller causing your voice to have an higher pitch
toast is 50/50 if you flip it like a coin, but if you push a slice of toast on a small plate off the side of a table, it'a about 10/1 in favour of getting butter on your carpet.

i dunno what flavour irn-bru is, but i do know that it really does contain iron...

can't think of any questions, myself...
Is the science of vision bullsh** (colour reflects off objects into your eyes)
Think about it. There's no other way to explain it. Yes it is correct. Hence when there's no light we see fuck all....
And how do they get malteasers evenly coated? Maybe they spin them in an antigravity enviroment and evenly spray melted chocolate over em and let em dry that way... hmmm.... otherwise when they place them down to dry they the chocolate would spread at the bottom wouldnt it?

(btw, question slightly stolen from FHM, but I've been wondering since it was published .) :huh:
of course why didn't i realise that malteasers come from trees, i mean it's so obvious now i think of it. (there was a hint of sarcasm in there..... did you spot it?)
mattmagoo posted on May 28 2004 at 02:04 PM said:
OK, this is my completely random topic of the month, so if anyone has any questions they think need answering post em here and see if n e one else knows the answers.

I'll start with mine

What flavour is Irn Bru?

How much does a Mars bar cos tto manufacture?

How does hairgel work?

Is the science of vision bullsh** (colour reflects off objects into your eyes)

Does toats ALWAYS land butter side down?

How does helium make your voice higher?

Just thought I'd provide a little light relief from all the PSPvsDSvsGP32vsZodiacvsEVEvsRogue topics
Irn Bru is several fruit flavours mixed with Ammonium ferric citrate (hence 'Iron').

Mars Bars... I dunno - but I know someone who could tell you - my mate helps design the machines that make em in Slough :P

Hairgel is a polymer in an emulsion suspension, where the molecules are kept in suspension by the water. When you put it on your hair, the polymer chains get closer together as the water evaporates, and cross link with each other to form a solid.

Hehe - better than the theory of the ancient greeks - that your eyes gave out light to light up the places around you!

A study in the UK found that the height of the table or other thing it's falling from dictates this. As you drop it, it rarely drops straight down, it usually gets a small amount of rotation applied to it. The rotation speed was on average enough to cause it to rotate approximately 180 degrees and so manky side down most of the time :P

Helium makes your voice higher cos the molecules of helium are smaller than those of oxygen. This means that soundwaves that pass from one to the other change their pitch cos the soundwaves travel closer together in Helium, hence higher frequency and so higher pitch (well thats what my physics teacher told me anyway...)

I Love a challenge!

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