Absurdism corner


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Also that looks horrific.
Making something taboo or bad has an affect on certain people that makes them want to do it. Take a look at trends of how people romanticize crime and such,  even the  "thug life" or "gangsta" trends that over glorify that element of rather weak organized crime.  So in many cases drugs, alcohol, guns and other such things when vilified to such a horrific extent will cause people to levitate towards them. Same could be said with other socially taboo things like tattoos and piercings and with sexual taboos
Woot? It's hard to find a female here that hasn't got piercings and tattoos (girls without body modifications have become quite rare) and I don't know of any sexual taboos apart from necrophilia and zoophilia that are still acround here but a lot of bdsm even in quite young people (around 18) and quite many openly promiscuous women. I can definitely say, that the moment those things weren't taboo anymore, they spread like wildfire because ex-taboos obviously tend to become trends, so your theory isn't realistic at all.

I'm pretty sure that the moment gun control would be abolished around here, everyone who never even thought about and never had interest in it would get a gun just because "now they can".
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