Absurdism corner


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Oh you, confusing chocolate pudding with a brownie.
Microwave pudding.  Delicious!  And eating it hot, even better!!!  I guess that company is more idiotic than I gave them credit for.  Or the people that buy those are.

Microwave brownies aren't too bad.  Sometimes they are even good.  Either way, Kid Cuisine needs to have brownies, not pudding.  I was a kid once and I know what sucks and what doesn't.
Silly dog that iron isn't even plugged in. :rolleyes:
Probably just practicing because it is hard for them to hold the handle of irons.  Their thumbs don't work like (most?) primate thumbs.  Don't want to burn the shirt.

I want that chocolate covered bacon.
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Am i the only whon who begins to think, somewhone her wants a 15 $ Gift Card????
I think he just wants you to think that so you will get him something else to surprise him because he really doesn't want a gift card.  If I was getting him something I would probably buy a gift card, then use it to buy some socks, and throw the used gift card in one of the socks.