Absurdism corner


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Meanwhile in Sweden:

No, this is not satire.

A "Gay Pride" parade through a predominantly Muslim area of Stockholm, Sweden, organized by far-right and gay activists got disrupted as they were greatly outnumbered by anti-racists who said the march was "provocative" and "racist".
The organizer of the event is bisexual and married to an Indian woman.
"Anti-Nazi" protesters protesting against the gay pride march as it was "racist" towards Muslims were reportedly assaulted on their way home by Muslims.
At the end you can hear black kids screaming "BÖGAR, BÖGAR" (Faggot, Faggot") and throwing rocks at the "Faggots" while later desecrating the gay pride flags.
This shows, that when faced with the decision of gay rights or not offending Muslim values, the hypocritical left will always side with Muslims. Islam calls for the execution of all homosexuals.
Swedes in Stockholm are set to be a minority in their own city within just a few years as it has already happened with Malmö.
I mirrored this video in case it gets taken down, the credits go to the author at Gaycase.

I'm genuinely confused.

Moxie! Please explain!
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Meanwhile in Sweden:

No, this is not satire.

A "Gay Pride" parade through a predominantly Muslim area of Stockholm, Sweden, organized by far-right and gay activists got disrupted as they were greatly outnumbered by anti-racists who said the march was "provocative" and "racist".

The organizer of the event is bisexual and married to an Indian woman.

"Anti-Nazi" protesters protesting against the gay pride march as it was "racist" towards Muslims were reportedly assaulted on their way home by Muslims.

At the end you can hear black kids screaming "BÖGAR, BÖGAR" (Faggot, Faggot") and throwing rocks at the "Faggots" while later desecrating the gay pride flags.

This shows, that when faced with the decision of gay rights or not offending Muslim values, the hypocritical left will always side with Muslims. Islam calls for the execution of all homosexuals.

Swedes in Stockholm are set to be a minority in their own city within just a few years as it has already happened with Malmö.

I mirrored this video in case it gets taken down, the credits go to the author at Gaycase.

I'm genuinely confused.

Moxie! Please explain!
In this case, it was a racist party who did it only to stir up emotion in an attempt to use the LGBT movement to push their own agenda. They don't actually care about LGBT right and the likes, they just want to annoy people.
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I'm genuinely confused.
Moxie! Please explain!
In this case, it was a racist party who did it only to stir up emotion in an attempt to use the LGBT movement to push their own agenda. They don't actually care about LGBT right and the likes, they just want to annoy people.
Hmm, if they use a gay-rights-march this way, it sounds to me, like they are anti-Islam and not really racists, since Islam is really strongly opposed to homosexuality (like in "koran demands a death sentence") and by the way imho a far right religion.

This makes them rather leftist, but I'm still confused with how all those labels are used against each other since it's all really contradictory anyway.
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Actually, they're more like a right-wing nationalistic party. They especially oppose immigration from countries with "lots of muslims or dark-skinned people, from what I gather. They more or less aim to turn the culture clock back 200 years and surpress anything that wasn't around here then. This includes a conservative christian view, although the christian democrats in the goverment don't even want to touch them.

Party high-ups have made numerous hilarious claims, including the recent "Jews have to drop their jewish identity for it to be possible for them to be swedish." The debate can be highly polarized at times, and when it comes to actually backing up claims, both sides tend to exist in their own world, making neither of the sides particularly trustworthy. SD has made it a habit though to get news coverage via controversies. Most of the ones I've heard of includes party members being linked to voilence or economic crimes, but now and again they try to do something intentionally.

Without going into much detail, as I don't know much, SD is not considered to be a very HBTQ-friendly party by the HBTQ community, and this is a big part of the controversy in this case.