Of bare boards and investments (2011-10-13)

Our current schedule is to finish the first 1000 in January, the next 1000 in February, etc.
Our current schedule is to finish the first 1000 in January, the next 1000 in February, etc.
Your schedule. Have you verified that schedule with GC? Absolutely certain that they will start production when they receive the parts and therefore take first delivery 4 weeks later and not just assuming that?
Our current schedule is to finish the first 1000 in January, the next 1000 in February, etc.
Your schedule. Have you verified that schedule with GC? Absolutely certain that they will start production when they receive the parts and therefore take first delivery 4 weeks later and not just assuming that?

Not my schedule. The schedule I worked out together with GC.

I'm not doing my own schedules.
Good, good. Don't want to sound like I'm doubting you, but I've had a hard lesson drilled into my head the last week at the office: always ask the obvious questions because you'd be surprised how often the obvious is overlooked. It reminded me a lot of some of the things that went down with CC and the plastics company. :P
Our current schedule is to finish the first 1000 in January, the next 1000 in February, etc.
I assume that it's going to be a while before you know how the breakdown between new orders and old orders is.

I know I don't really need to say it, but CC really screwed folks over.

EDIT: Does that mean that you're hoping to be shipping them out through the month or are they likely to end up going out towards the end. Or is it just too early to have a clue.
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Our current schedule is to finish the first 1000 in January, the next 1000 in February, etc.
I assume that it's going to be a while before you know how the breakdown between new orders and old orders is.

As it depends on the USD / EUR conversion rate, the amount of investments I get, the number of refunds, the number of upgrades, etc.... yeah, hard to tell right now.

EDIT: Does that mean that you're hoping to be shipping them out through the month or are they likely to end up going out towards the end. Or is it just too early to have a clue.

I'm planning to grab about 250 per week.
Let's hope that in January along with the first new Pandoras also a more up-to-date FIrmware is ready, new Kernel and updated stuff, for example WebKit and so on. Pandora OS is getting older and older, the Hot Fixes can't fix everything.
Pandora OS is getting older and older, the Hot Fixes can't fix everything.

I'm not sure what you mean here. I haven't been on these forums for very long (a couple months), but it looks to me that the hotfixes are updates to the OS. What are they lacking when it comes to fixing problems?

new Kernel

You aren't trying to suggest abandoning the Linux kernel and creating a brand new kernel from scratch... are you? That would be a terrible idea. Of course, if you're talking about updating the kernel (which is much more reasonable), correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Hotfix 6 come with a kernel update?
You aren't trying to suggest abandoning the Linux kernel and creating a brand new kernel from scratch... are you? That would be a terrible idea. Of course, if you're talking about updating the kernel (which is much more reasonable), correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Hotfix 6 come with a kernel update?
No, the Pandora is currently running kernel 2.6.27, has been since it rolled out last year. A lot of stuff isn't available before 2.6.32, while the latest stable is actually into the 3.x. 2.6.27 is 3 years old now and I'm pretty sure no longer being maintained. 2.6.39 has a maintenance schedule several years off still. That's what is meant when it's said the Pandora needs a new kernel.
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No, the Pandora is currently running kernel 2.6.27, has been since it rolled out last year. A lot of stuff isn't available before 2.6.32, while the latest stable is actually into the 3.x. 2.6.27 is 3 years old now and I'm pretty sure no longer being maintained. 2.6.39 has a maintenance schedule several years off still. That's what is meant when it's said the Pandora needs a new kernel.

2.6.27 was a longterm kernel and the latest relase is from late april 2011, not as bad as it looks from the "3 years old" line (it is still in the homepage on kernel.org), but yes, newer kernels have quite a bit of new interesting features.
You aren't trying to suggest abandoning the Linux kernel and creating a brand new kernel from scratch... are you? That would be a terrible idea. Of course, if you're talking about updating the kernel (which is much more reasonable), correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Hotfix 6 come with a kernel update?
Like mentioned above me, non of the Hotfixes include a updated Kernel, we still use a pretty outdated Linux Kernel on the Pandora which leads more and more to trouble with newer Software that expects newer Kernels.