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    Release Date

    I dont think we've had news they are actually going to be relised.
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    Mainstream Rap/hip=hop

    Grandmaster Flash!!!
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    University Choices

    Manchesters got the better Bars and Clubs :D
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    Freezes On Green Loading Screen – Menu Won't Load

    Have you tried it with no sd in somtimes my unit will only let me boot with no sd in other than that I couldnt suggest anthing other than having a search in some of the unbricking threads.
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    And I Thought Wii Was A Dumb Name For Something

    Same here I had a Razor and broke it within the firt week of having it now i'm back to my indistructible nokia brick It cant take pictures and it hasent got a colour screen but it's a good burgler repelant. EDIT: sorry for the spelling.
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    My Gp2x Cap Broke!

    Was it the one for batteries with a picture of a handheld and a thumb with a blister saying "New Heavy duty duracell may last longer than you think"? I liked that advert :ph34r:
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    Squidgeness Help Please

    That happend to me with Squidgesnes with version 0.4 (or was it 1.4) and the reesy hacked version I cannt remember the reson why it happened but basicaly I had to use an older relise of it.
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    Cant Get Mario Rpg To Work On Nksnes

    Have you got any other roms to work? What version of NKsnes are you using? What file extension is your rom? is it zipped unzipped? We need a little more info in order to help you..
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    Where's Daphne?

    LOL errm yeah what they said.
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    What Should I Do

    You need This works great makes me twitch.
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    Dis Thing Looks Ok

    I'm 13 and I think I make an ok GP2X user.
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    Dental Damn!

    Errrm yeh.
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    Spider-plant Man!

    I saw i on the comic relife thingy last year realy enjoyed it. :)
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    Mplayer 1.0 Pre 8 Alpha1 Released

    Lookin pretty good. :)
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    Best Games For Gp2x Emulator?

    Drmd- Streets of Rage 2 That neogeo emu- Metal slug
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    Herd Any Good Jokes Recently?

    Only the one about the ugly blonde. ;)
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    Herd Any Good Jokes Recently?

    I removed my joke cos It sucked so much It was starting to get imbarassing.
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    Help Need Sound With Neogeo Gngeo2x

    I had to turn sound on in the config file that came somewhere with the emu all you do is open it with notepad or somthing similar and change the "sound faulse" to "sound true".
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    Herd Any Good Jokes Recently?

    You lot all seem to have a good sense of humor lets hear a few jokes. :rolleyes: EDIT: Bugger I spelt heard wrong.